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SBN Doug

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Everything posted by SBN Doug

  1. Kuk Sool Won is also a very comprehensive system. Striking with hands, feet, elbows, knees, head, etc. Joint locks, breaks, throws (grappling) Pressure points Falling, acrobatics Weapons - staff (long, middle, short, rope), sword (middle, double-short, double-long) cane, rope, etc., etc. The only area it's light in is ground work. We've begun working on it more in teh upper belt level, but there's so much material to learn in the beginning, they may be trying to balance it all.
  2. Twice the content of my 1st dan test, but only 50% more time to perform it. We also went from about 50 people testing for first to 5 people testing for second. We got a lot of dedicated attention.
  3. As soon as I saw you added Shotokan I had a feeling you'd like it. My brother was big into weights and boxing, etc. And he really like Shotokan. Probably had to do with the philosophy of "one hit kill", and maximum power into each puch that he liked.
  4. I don't see anything wrong with that. I've done it on occation as well, but didn't limit it to just grappling. It's more a part of knowing the environment you're in at the moment, and being prepared for anything. (even a ninja granny at golden coral )
  5. Congradulations on getting started, and welcome to KF.
  6. Wow, how did I miss this thread? Yes, cane is a mandatory part of the Kuk Sool Won curriculim. Between it and rope, thay are probably the two most practical weapons we study. Lots of hooking, locking, and choking techniques using the cane (even a couple that are a little more painful). Definately something I enjoy have practice in, as I may too some day need something as well (but not for a loooong time ).
  7. Do you mean experience running a school, or by "experience" do you mean attending different schools?
  8. Oh yeah, soak it up! I have a unique situation where our school master is the highest ranking non-asian in Kuk Sool Won, and has studied personally under the Grandmaster for decades. We got little glimpses into the depth of his knowledge when we were under-belts. But now that I learn directly from him, it's like drinking water from a firehose sometimes.
  9. Same here for some stiches in my arm.
  10. Welcome to KF.
  11. Well, is this new guy teaching a different style of KF, or is he also Mantis? If it's a different style, then I agree with dete. However, just because he offered through your mother doesn't mean you will like his style of teaching. Have a conversation with your current instructor about your thoughts after black. He may already have a new curriculum he planned to teach after you reach black.
  12. I've always been interested. But so much propaganda is out there it's hard to filter between accurate data, and data meant to make someone's art look the most ancient. All my reading was way back when I was deciding which art to take, and that was from those big vacant things...we called them libraries.
  13. I was also amazed at all the resources on Wikipedia. I looked up the name of the hold or submission, and there'd be links to videos, links to associated moves with videos for them... It helped a lot for me in my attempts to get a little more proficient in ground grappling. Then I tried it out in class when we did a little rolling once in a while.
  14. You haven't known true disappointment until you've lived in Houston.
  15. I guess either of the two are okay. Except when you skip it becomes a skip-hook kick, rather than a standing hook kick.
  16. Cool. Thanks for sharing. DII, or DI school? No...it's COLD!!! Welcome Scott.
  17. My school Master was telling us a little about his last test. (He and his wife are 8th degree and Grandmaster is 10th.) He was commenting on how strange it feels when the Grandmaster is there with just the 2 of them, they go through all their material, and he is disecting every little move.
  18. Well our dobaks are black. So one year I turned it inside-out, and bought one of those "faceless" black masks where you can see through the black mesh. The little kids were too scared to take the candy. I think I'll stay in street cloths this year.
  19. A Black Lab and a Jack Russel. They remind me of those two on Looney Toons where the little terrier makes all the noise trying to impress the Bull Dog.
  20. I had considered Korean, given my MA. But more practical choices for use in my career would be Spanish, German, or Polish.
  21. Agreed. And anything above is even better... I'll be starting that in about another year.
  22. Uuuhhh, yeah. Me too. "Run Forest, run!"
  23. Remember to come back and tell us where you've decided to go and why.
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