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SBN Doug

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Everything posted by SBN Doug

  1. Colored belts can sign up for either the Friday evening or Saturday noon tests. All testing for black belt and there after are on a specific Saturday morning and afternoon.
  2. Do the same thing we all do. Grovel at her feet with flowers and presents.
  3. I've migrated over the years from starting out with a Chemistry degree and working in the Quality Control lab, up to a Quality Manager, then started puting in computer systems for the lab and company, so now I'm a Project Manager in the IT department for our SAP Enterprise computer system. Quite a migration. Oh yeah, and I want in on the computer game tester gig too. But I want the same money I'm making now.
  4. I guess a pure striking counter might be to grab the choking wrist with the left and come accross with a plam strike to the choking elbow...hyper-extending or even snapping the elbow.
  5. Oh, like the circle drill in football practice. The guys in the middle just has to quickly turn and take a should to should hit by whomever's number is called. Okay, that makes more sense for an intermediate student.
  6. Same here.
  7. Sounds like a good drill for intermediate and up, but I wouldn't necessarily put a beginner in that situation. I've sparred as many as 5 before, and yeah it'll take the wind out of you. I find it much easier to strategially move to keep one of them between me and the rest.
  8. Technically I'm not a grappler, but we do have a lot of standing grappling. Sooo.... If his left is on my throat and he's preparing to punch with the right; I'd reach my left hand over to place my palm on the back of his hand (pointing my elbow up toward the incoming punch for covering my face), get my fingers under the pinky side of his palm while bracing the wrist with my right, peel his hand off and rotate the elbow and shoulder to my left to lock the joint, roll my body to that direction to pin his arm under me, then either sinch the lock or break the elbow (or dislocate the shoulder).
  9. Way to bring home the gold, Brian!! Congratulations to all!!
  10. Ahh, double. No doubt, there are many weapons I'd prefer to have over the nunchaku. I just wanted to be sure we were depicting its capabilities accurately.
  11. And the movie with Dolph Lundgren was awsome!!! :spitlaugh: :spitlaugh: :spitlaugh:
  12. Perhaps not in Michigan, but some places in California will. But even then, jumping from $100 to $130 a month at green belt does seem a bit drastic.
  13. I am by no means a master of this weapon, but why are you trying to make a hard block only grasping one end? I've pracitced blocking a strike with the chain while grasping both ends, then releasing one end for the counter strike. Your points about distance are well taken, but I don't necessarily agree with your blocking strategy.
  14. I recently ordered the demo CD, and it seems pretty good. But some of the languages are better than others. For instance, the Polish and Korean are only at version 2 and only have the basic level available. While Spanish and German are at version 3 and have 3 levels available. You can go to the website and try out the online demo for each to see how well you pick up some of the basics. I'm still trying to decide which language to go with.
  15. That's funny. "Jerk" was my first (we snuck in at 13). Conan was okay with James Earl Jones and the naughty scenes. The second I got tired of the comic relief sidekick. Red Sonya wasn't too bad, though the kid emperor was annoying.
  16. I'll also add that all our black belt promotions consist of a series of exams, one every quarter for about 2 years. So the description I gave is the generic one. Each test content varies depending on which Master is leading the test.
  17. I can't answer your poll, because I like a combination of both. Another thread talked about sources of on-line instruction for ground techniques. I've been increasing my knowledge with those and trying them out when rolling with others.
  18. Are you referring to the modified billy clubs that aren't really tonfa, but resemble them? If not, I'll just add that piece in as well.
  19. That's correct. 2 British pounds would be about $50/mo for 3 days/wk. So your average of 4 pounds would be a little over $100/mo. But I think the quesion wasn't so much about how much it was, rather that it increased as their belt level increased. We have the same situation in Kuk Sool Won. It doesn't increase much, but it does increase. However, we are now getting instruction directly from our Senior Master, rather than 1st-3rd degrees with an occational instruction from the Master. So, I feel like the increase in price is compensated by the level of instruction as well.
  20. Welcome. Since I don't practice it, are those forms purely meditative, or does yours work in the combative form of Tai Chi as well?
  21. I don't really train in improvised weapons. But I have on occation just worked around with an item similar to a weapon I do train in (broom, golf club, scissors, etc.), and gotten a feel for the compensation in balance, etc. it would take if I were to use it in place of an actual weapon.
  22. I think the question was least practical, right? I'd vote for the zanbatou being discussed in another thread. Great for an anime series, but too dang heavy and awkward for real situations.
  23. My original statement about being ignorant holds true. I actually didn't realize the spelling changed between Philippines and Filipino.
  24. This may sound ignorant, but are you talking about Phillipino Martial Arts when you say FMA?
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