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Everything posted by tufrthanu

  1. Well, it IS possible to knock a person off a horse with a kick assuming of course they arent using a saddle with a high back. I mean we've seen people jump onto horses. Personally though I think the jump and flying kicks were meant more to overcome obstacles on the ground like perhaps an icy patch of ground...or perhaps if something like one of those whip chains were thrown at your legs as you were running towards another infantryman...you could jump over it. Realistically if you look at what cavalry was generally used for...mobility and charges...you see how ridiculous the concept of regularly kicking someone off it would be. If you tried doing a jump kick at a charging horse you'd end up as hoof paste. Not to mention the inertia of a rider coming at you full force would probably rip your leg off even if you did connect properly.
  2. I'm saying it happens more easily than most of the people on this topic are willing to admit, therefore, it's a bad choice unless there is a risk of death or grave bodily harm..i.e. not a drunkard trying to punch you at the nudy bar.
  3. Well I saw an interview with John Paul Dejoria aka paul mitchell...on one of those "Events" and I think the problem is summed up in what he had to say about the tournament. He said and I'm paraphrasing, "We wanted to show the beauty of martial arts and show that they weren't just about fighting." Um, John Paul? It is! If you take the martial out of martial arts...you are left with performing arts. I agree with Monkeygirl on the screaming...and I don't personally like all the flipping. When a form presentation starts to look like a gymnastics routine you have gone too far in the wrong direction IMHO. Perhaps they need to come up with a new category for these people...such as Creative Performance Kata or something to that effect.
  4. I think in any traditional school you go into you will find that they do alot of stuff using hand strikes as well as kicks. As to what Jase said I agree. It seems to me that the MMA/Reality MA are just the latest wave of popular arts in America. It started with Judo then Karate then Kung Fu then TKD. Also to the joint lock thing...you will find that in alot of arts you just have to know where to look. For instance some TKD schools teach Ho Shin Sool. Some korean places also offer HKD in addition. At Karate schools...real karate schools not like the tkd schools that list themselves as karate...you will find judo or jujistu sometimes. And at kung fu schools sometimes you can find grappling arts...I can't recall what the chinese grappling styles are right now.
  5. I would say it depends on the TKD school stray. Some are very interested in the trophy count...others are more interested in the SD aspect. Ways that you can tell are that they spend some time going over presentation for tournaments and so forth. Btw it should be stated that the mcdojang problem is not limited solely to tkd...tsd and karate also suffer from it. I'm sure there are Kung Fu schools aslo that go more for show than substance.
  6. Soo Bak Do is basically the old term for Tang Soo Do if I remember correctly. So it would be like traditional TKD with Ho Shin Sool added in maybe?
  7. Wow, are you out of touch with reality. Perhaps you should try reading some legal articles on self defense before you open your mouth. The truth is you are only allowed to meet force with force. You punch me I punch you, not you punch me I choke you to death. Now you may claim theres no thinking involved in the fight but how about thinking about it beforehand. I can gaurantee you if you use excessive force during an SD situation your jury will not take into account that you weren't thinking straight.
  8. That's exactly how you end up in prison...not thinking!
  9. I don't know of any. However there is a book by Kang Uk Lee called Tang Soo Do that has alot of the forms listed with the descriptive picture and a brief summary of the form and history.
  10. Kong San Goon is an eagle or a hawk something to that effect.
  11. I thought I was fairly clear in my first post about conflicts of interest...if someone you know writes articles for a magazine you are going to say you like it and cease to be an objective observer. As to whether I was upset or not I wasn't. Frankly I've never seen the magazine on store shelves so it could be the greatest periodical out there for all I know. To JeetKuneDo, I've read several issues of Inside Kung Fu. I don't know if they are 100 percent geared towards kung fu but I think that is their bread and butter. Also I believe Inside Kung Fu is published by the same company that does Black Belt. I could be wrong about that though. To CloudDragon, the reason the last 3rd of the magazine is now MMA is due to a failed attempt at a sister publication. Steven Qadros used to write a column for black belt called Fight Sport. I believe. There was so much MMA stuff going on that they decided to start up a new magazine called Fight Sport. Unfortunately the sales were not high, which led to them consolidating back into Black Belt. From what I have noticed the last 3rd hasn't been turned into MMA. BB used to be like 120 pages or so. Now its like 162. So they haven't removed any content to add the MMA stuff.
  12. Yeah wow 70 euros is like 90 USD. I have heard good things about Journal of Asian Martial Arts. Downside is its only asian MA, its quarterly, and from what I have seen by reading the contents of some of the issues online 1 issue can contain alot of articles on the same art. Awhile back for instance they had an issue with articles mostly on Aikido. But the quality is high.
  13. I am looking at my current copy of BB...where exactly are these ads for breast enhancement? The reason I read BB is that it covers alot of different arts...as well as little known arts. I've noticed one or two of you bashing BB while espousing a magazine that your instructor writes for...to me this is a conflict of interest. I have noticed articles in black belt that propose an art to be better than another or about a really great instructor but when I read the byline its usually by a student of said art or instructor. I take it with a grain of salt and edify myself at the same time. Some of the reality stuff in BB is annoying especially by people like Jim Wagner and Tony Blauer. But I enjoy their traditional articles alot. I also read TKD Times. Mostly because I practice a korean style. I don't particular like the pro korean pro brotherhood style of writing some of their articles feature but once again its edifying when taken with a grain of salt.
  14. Does anyone know where I can find written descriptions of the Chang Bong/Song Moo Kwan forms online?
  15. An hour away?...So that means a 2 hour transit time...in addition to at least an hour long class? You are going to be dead tired not to mention the cost of the gas you are going to spend. Theres nothing similar in the area you will be located huh?
  16. While it's true that using the ball of your foot for a hook kick give you more reach...it's basically like getting slapped hard. If you want your kick to do actual damage you must use the heel. Hook kicks using the heel have been known to break and dislocate bones of the face which would not occur with ball of the foot kick unless you happened to catch someone with their mouth open.
  17. Once again I have to correct you Isshinryu. I agree in olympic tkd you would have to knock someone out with a body punch to use them effectively...and that wouldnt happen due to the hogu. But in traditional tkd with point fighting you still get counted for making hand strikes to the head. My old dojang did a round robin tournament one night and using the 5 point win system I beat about 4 of the 6 competitors using almost solely hand strikes...with just an occasional kick thrown in to keep them off balance.
  18. Well the side kick is best just to side step. The sweep will only work if you are off balance or on one leg. If you can make sure you keep your balance...and never launch a kick that you havent set up. As for the round kick just placing your arms between yourself and the kicking leg should work.
  19. No, alot of TKD school spar the old way...and they use just hand and foot pads and a mouthguard...some use head gear. Personally I would go for the macho. Even if the gear is made the same way I have just found macho to be a higher quality company than century.
  20. As far as I can tell the Chang Hon forms were always done "karate" style until about 1983 when choi instituted the Sine wave. I know at my school we do them the old way.
  21. If you have any taekwondo dojangs around you can ask at those and see if they also teach hapkido...some do.
  22. That is what you wrote jkd. The point I'm making is its not just a prefrence i.e. round kick with the ball or instep of foot. It's entirely different kicks. And you are right Isshinryu. Alot of us decribe the same kick different ways or have similar terms for vastly different things.
  23. I usually shop at AKMAS http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=main they have name brand stuff cheap. I also shop at MACHO...i like their uniforms belts and sparring gear.
  24. I don't know guys maybe its something with your internet settings I was able to take the quiz. I clicked on the link then on Start The Quiz. Then you just pick what art you do and it starts. I am the TKD guy on there that scored 18. Not real good and I thought I knew alot about MA. But the tkd questions they ask are all olympic so I actually went and looked those up.
  25. No, JKD those are two almost completely different kicks...It's not just a matter of preference.
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