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Everything posted by CloudDragon

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. What has happened is called "lactic acidosis". Basically, you have used all of the glycogen stores in your muscles and have begun depleting the muscles of potassium that keep the muscles from cramping. My advice is to keep well hydrated, a sports drink before or during class will help. Also, stretching before and after class will help. It isn't a problem unless it doesn't stop within an hour or so after working out.
  3. Welcome aboard!
  4. You need to contact your instructor about this.
  5. What do you have to offer to make a sponsor want to give you money?
  6. Oh, and the answer to your question is: Yes.
  7. You can contact the Kukkiwon directly and they will give you instructions specific to your situation.
  8. Because of the numerous muscles involved, it will take a while to become better with pushups. I would take a few days off, and vary the tempo and depth within your sets to work different muscles more and less until they become easier.
  9. It is faster in that you are more likely to do more punches than push ups in a training session. As far as safety goes, well it all depends on how hard you are hitting, just dont do it to the point of extreme pain. I have never tried to do the iron palm techniques as the makiwara has been all that I have needed.
  10. I do push ups on my stairs in my house, when they get boring, I put my feet up on the wall and do push ups, I do the same for dips.
  11. Never been to a straight blast gym, but KM is a very EFFICIENT system, no * there, that is why it may seem brutal. because it is, that is what it was designed for, but if you are in it for other reasons, it might not be it for you.
  12. tufrthanu, have you tried Otomix shoes? If so, what do you think of them?
  13. not necessicarily, knuckle pushups seem to be popular, but, striking a makiwara or having condintioning outside of class will help.
  14. Go see your doctor and get it taken care of, it is no big deal to fix
  15. Cool site, I give it a thumbs up!
  16. Best thing I can say has been echoed here several times, go and see for yourself what you feel comfortable with and go for it.
  17. Maybe I missed it, but who are these well known masters in these courses?
  18. I would never want to mess with someone who can in one punch, bust a 1/4" "shatterproof" lexan fire alarm cover and then pull the alarm with the same hand and walk away like nothing happened with a small scratch on his fist. Been there and seen it. BTW it was domed out about 3 inches.
  19. I would look real hard at the KM school as it is difficult to find instruction in the US, but as always, caveat emptor (buyer beware)!
  20. Keep up with the multi-vit. I use ginseing for energy (careful though, it can cause caffeine like jitters), and a childrens asprin to reduce risk of stroke and heart attack. I have heard it from enough Dr.'s so I will say it here: TAKE AN ASPIRIN EVERYDAY!!! It is proven to help reduce those risks. All you have to do is get a bottle of 81mg aspirin, it can be childrens or low-dose adult.
  21. I use a candle and focus on it, as I watch the flame gently dance in the imperceptible breeze, I am able to focus on the oneness of the flame and all other thoughts go away.
  22. Bruce Lee was from China, and he had a base of Chinese MA, the JKD crest has Chinese characters. I would say that the base of JKD is Chinese, I belive whether it is a style or concept is not the question, but from where the roots of JKD grow. IMHO it begins from a Chinese base and branches out into all styles, and is a living breathing thing, always open to change and individual interpretation.
  23. Welcome aboard!
  24. Welcome aboard!
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