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Everything posted by CloudDragon

  1. After doing some research on the web, I found that you can be awarded just about any rank that you want for just knowing the right person, or worse yet, paying the right person. The question is: Is this person legitimate? For those seasoned in the MA, it is no big deal to determine this, but as what has been said before, the new and uninitiated to the MA are what concern me the most.
  2. Well, the good news is that the kid is still teachable, from my experience as a psychiatric nurse, if it isn't corrected now the child will be, at the least, diagnosed as antisocial. While great for getting a check from the government it will prove useless in the "real world". Martial arts is a good suggestion, in a good program that emphasizes the morals and tenents that pertain to martial arts. Caution must be used so that the child doesn't turn into a well armed heathen. Therapy is an option, not knowing the childs' history I will not venture a guess on this, but , boundaries set and CONSISTENTLY enforced by the parents will prove to be the best for the child, the key is that the parents hang in there when the child is throwing a tantrum and not doing what they want, nobody said it wold be easy, but it will work. Best of luck to your family.
  3. I agree with sunrunner, if martial arts are to survive, those who have advanced kowledge must pass that on to others. Does this mean that you must have a thriving school, no, you just need to keep the spirit and tradition alive for others to learn and appreciate.
  4. It has been 3 months since you started this thread. If you are serious, you need to have seen your doctor by now and have had a consult with a dietician by now, quit harassing the board with your lack of motivation.
  5. There are a couple of great threads on this topic already. Check them for more discussion on your topic. Cross is right though, a mc dojo is a subjective thing. Everyone sees things differently.
  6. Nice, cool picts, congrats on your trophy.
  7. radok, sorry, but he wasn't the first non-korean in the western hemisphers to be an 8th degree. Masters Robert Allemier and William G. Clark were there in 1990. http://www.ataonline.com/about/leadership/masterscouncil.asp
  8. Use a light wrap or thin gloves to prevent abrading and you will be able to tolerate longer sessions.
  9. I agree with TSDguy, if you have knowledege, it is your resopnsibility to share it with others.
  10. Martial arts to me: Stress Relief, Self-defense, Physical fitness, Strength training, Escape from daily problems, the way to center myself.
  11. We will never truly know why he was in that woman's apartment. To be honest with you, who cares? The man revolutionized martial arts and helped us break free from rigidity that would have killed traditional and non-traditional training as we know it. Why besmirch his contributions and memory bringing up individual opinions about Bruce's personal life? As far as obsessive, as a person speaking from years of experience working with mental health patients, Bruce was far from obsessive, he was driven, big difference, when you are obsessive, life stops in regards to the obsession, nothing else matters. Driven, however, shows a person with a goal and a reasonable way to reach it. Bruce Lee was definitely the latter.
  12. What is the difference?
  13. I would suggest getting with a sponsored team and trying to break out from there.
  14. BTW, what is the very good karate school near you?
  15. I think that the nunchaku would be a great choice for you, in that you can use them legally. I wouldn't try to find a video source, because the traps and locks that can be done really need to be done in a school setting. What I find interesting is that you could use nunchaku over a PR-24, it seems that the baton would provide better control of force used, but over a choice between the two, the nunchaku would win.
  16. Nice pair of dragon sai, they are getting to be hard to find. IMO, I would find a nice place to display them and get another pair, just because they can be hard to find.
  17. You left well enough alone. Just don't forget that while you may have intimidated one person alone, what happens when he tells his friends? As far as another attack, who cares? Fighting a person belonging to a pack is useless because it will never end, let it go.
  18. IMHO a stumbling block is what you as a person see as an obstacle in your relationship with God, so anything, including church, can be a stumbling block, many people see church as a way to show their devotion to god, when in reality it has little meaning. Attending church is just a way to assemble with like minded people, it has nothing to do with your personal relationship with God. Therefore, if you dont place martial arts above God, there is no reason to belive that christians shouldn't practice martial arts.
  19. Never heard it by that name, can you describe it?
  20. Croy, before you spend time and money in learning nunchaku, you need to decide what is your goal with them. If you want to use them to improve your coordination and other aspects that will improve your MA training, then, go for it. If for personal defense, I would recommend learning the esccrima stick or how to use a collapsable baton.
  21. As far as concealibility, I would go with my .357 snubby over a pair of nunchaku, if it was life or death, it wouldn't matter. As far as flexible weapons, there are alot of options out there: Rope, rope dart, chain, manriki-gusari, shoge, and the list goes on...
  22. Karate Kid on the Nintendo rocked!
  23. I personally would look for an out in the contract, and if not available, well, I would just move on. If your school sucks, why waste your time going there? If you do learn anything worthwhile you will always view it in a negative light. (trust me, the voice of experience speaks here!). Just look at it as a learning experience and move on, life is too short to waste time.
  24. No, and in my personal opinion XMA is a passing fad, stick to what you know and leave the XMA behind.
  25. Session length varies from school to school, there are no kata in jujitsu and belt progression also varies, but is usually similar to karate.
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