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Everything posted by granmasterchen
yep yep that can result in some pain, well there is another training for, taking pain the medicine balls also help your grip if you are just tossing them and catching them yet if you want to work up the stomach by taking the impact...then get hit with it,.....you tense your muscles in anticipation of the strike, so if you get it down...technically you can just imagine yourself getting hit, but then there is the chance that you are cheating yourself so might as well just go for the medicine balls and take the hit also one of the things that i am doing for an upcoming demo is standing in a nice ready stance or front leaning type stance and having several individuals break 2x4s and wooden poles over my body, chest, back legs and so forth, i;ll stick out my arm and have them break it over my forearm and stick out my leg holding a kicking position in the air while they break the boards and poles over my legs....just a little something that kind of goes on the lines of breaking and tensing muscles....
Wish me luck!...Testing this weekend.
granmasterchen replied to TangSooGuy's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
do some meditation to relax and ready your mind you will do fine, we all believe in you you made it this far and you have trained hard over the years the only thing that will get in your way is your own mind, and you just need to calm it down and focus on the task at hand, tell us all about the great job you did when you come back -
there are ways out of every hold, you just have to be prepaired for some real pain and act through the pain and you also have to do violent things back, i am talking from no holds barred fights that i did back in the day....not talking about tournament style fights with rules, if you take rules out , then anything can be countered, just not nicely
To Study One Art or Multiple Arts?
granmasterchen replied to RJRKihap's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i would suggest practicing one art for a very long time, at least five years or so before exposing yourself heavily to another style, if you are just adding a little bit from here and there it is ok, but if you are looking at understanding the basics and being competant at the basics of two very different styles then i would suggest that you have a good background to begin with so that you understand body movements at least. After studying several arts and getting into the higher areas of each art you can see how arts can all work together in a higher form and meaning. Talking in means of.,....hmmmmm in a way everything you learn....yet in some aspect the parts you never talk about from each art....kind of hard to explain this connection....but for those that have been doing martial arts for around 20 plus years and worked with several styles, you'll understand me.....but speaking in terms to the newer practitioners....i would just leave it at simple study one style hard core, with some aspects of different arts added in, but nothing complex like forms, katas and such, keep it simple, talking technique wise....take a low kick from muay thai, open hand strikes of kung fu, some grappling arts, combine boxing strikes, with manipulation from aikido and a little bit of this and that....add little things in here and there....but never over do it...just do this for your own understanding and growth in the arts, now after you have studied one art heavily for a good deal of time and start to understand the mental disciplines behind it then move on and start a new style...work with it and see the similarities and differences...and keep going on and on and on....time will fly by and you will have learned much, you'll know what is effective for your body type...what is ineffective and so forth....so i encourage studying multiple styles but only after you have a good background in the basics of at least on style...and yes i consider black belt just the basics, from there is where you really start to learn..... -
Non white uniforms
granmasterchen replied to MichiganTKD's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
why dont we start with black belts and work our way up to a white belt and then have all the dans and degrees in white belt....wouldn't that make more sense? -
just wear it, when you work out and get sweaty, maybe rub the sweat from your hands into it, over time the belt will get more relaxed....just give it time
forte training, you and another student smack forearms against each other , act like you are doing blocks, this will make each of your blocks really powerful, it will hurt when you first start but hey the long term goal is power finger tip push ups for the grip strenght medicine balls for the stomach, throw medicine balls at each others stomachs
you never stop learning, there is always some thing higher and greater to obtain through your training in the arts, that is why it is an art in the first place, or at least one reason why it is..... the ideal is to practice enough so that it is more of a reflex and reaction, an instinct to move into a technique rather than to have to think about what you are doing, but then that is still a reaction and not mastery.....i dont think such a thing exists. mastery as we look at is to perfect a technique and perfection just cant be obtained, it can always be better in some way or form, just look at Billy Banks, the taebo guy, he does fantastic forms, and he always tries to do something better and better each time, where others see perfection he sees something where he still needs to improve....so think about that...
and dont kick with your toes anymore
Non white uniforms
granmasterchen replied to MichiganTKD's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
i like black because that is my favorite color, i dont wear it to stand out or to be a rebel or inidividual above and apart from the rest, i simply like the color black, and wear it more than any other color in all aspects of my life to include training. If this makes me a barbarian so be it, i look forward to learning techniques not fashion sense. does that mean that the black belt that i wear is barbaric too.....i'll try to convince every black belt and tournament director that us black belts will now be competing with the white belts to show our purity..... oh well, i let my students chose which uniform they want, all want black, white gets dirts to easily, then when the white gets dirty....yep you got it,,,....barbarians.....oh well all jokes and remarks aside, if someone is learning an art for techniques and such does it matter what color their uniform is? can they not wear sweats or a tshirt or shorts or what not? Does it honestly matter? -
granmasterchen replied to Sho-ju's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
calm down everyone...... some aspects of kung fu have been incorporated into some mixed martial arts i like some of the open hand techniques, and finger attacks from mantis and tiger styles, there are some things, just not as much as other arts -
pictures, written composition of what he has taught you and how you have grown in the arts because of him, certificates, plaques (not the stuff off your teeth either), accupuncture for his pain would be cool, pictures of the group you practice with , signed papers by all the students with contact information, a nice little ceremony, a bokken with his name engraved into it, or something similar....get him a pet praying mantis....
techniques alone would get you into the hundreds easily in my art....along with most arts.....not to include other things like forms and self defenses, weapons, pressure points and so forth it takes a life time to learn an art, if your lucky. But if you are looking at just the basics.....i would say the level of black belt is usually where you have learned the basics of an art.
try to get some one on one time with your instructors and just worry about yourself, make sure your techniques are up to par with what you would like them to be. If your instructor has nothing to give you in advice then you may have perfect techniques(not likely) or your instructor is not up to par.....and maybe you should look elsewhere for instruction.....
Whats the best smell in the world?
granmasterchen replied to wrestlingkaratechamp's topic in General Chat
the smell of trees starting to blossom in the spring time, cherry blossoms and apple blossoms....the smell of a forest after a nice rain, the spell of rain right before it starts, certain woods freshly cut in a forest, the smell of (halloween) growing up in a climate that has a real fall season where you have the corn getting dry, pumpkins and all those smells mixing with the wonderful smell of a real natural camp fire or bon fire.....fresh air...when you get away from a big city.... then there are alot of chemically made smells like perfumes, lotions, shampoos, and such....along with food.....yep....lots -
turn it into a military school.....i always wanted to do that.....maybe that is why i enjoy teaching martial arts, if the student goofs off i can send them to do laps of duck walk or lots and lots of push ups or something....or just kick them out mwhahahahahahahaha (evil laughter)
i would go with your first choice
maybe change the approach to how you teach things, keep it new, exciting and interesting....sometimes people get tired of the same drills, so toss a few things around and make it seem like a new activity, yet continue to throw in your normal techniques and such into the mix.... maybe have your students perform for the rest of the class, this may encourage them to work harder to impress others. You may also look at exposing them to different styles via demos or tournaments, this will expose them to other information that you can help them with , they ask you what a certain technique is and you reply that you can show them and help them and what the possible applications are.... just some thoughts
You know your a martial artist when you go around the house closing doors, cabinets, and turning light switches on and off with your feet instead of hands......
very amusing!
i am a martial arts instructor and supervisor at the base movie theater here at misawa air base in japan
man that site is very expensive!