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Everything posted by granmasterchen

  1. yep we would clean the dojo before and after every use.
  2. i agree...with chibi...my school has 6 white and yellow...beginners purple and green....intermediate brown......advanced..... black i like how that works....but then i saw a ninpo budo taijutsu class....it went white, green, black....so maybe 5 or 6 belts...
  3. great response, thanks a lot that was very helpful!!! feel free to fill my head with more knowledge of the art. I will never get bored of hearing new info about a martial art.
  4. Hello all! I am looking for information on wing chun....real information, that is why i am asking you instead of searching the web. I am curious for those that have studied the art, I would like to know everything you can tell me about it. This is one of the few styles that I have never been exposed to. What type of forms....even give me descriptions of the forms what types of strikes, hard or soft style, weapons, breaking, throws, joint locks, pressure points, grappling , give me as much info as you can please. thank you in advance
  5. i have another story.,....that was kinda embarrassing...but hey i grew and got better.... when i was first joining the martial arts we had some drill where we were to yell a loud kia and kick the pad as hard as we could...it was suppossed to be a fun little event...well at the time (just starting) i was about 16 and a good 300 lbs...yep i was a BIG kid...(thankfully i lost that weight thru rigorous training) anyway....i went up and screamed this huge and loud KIIIIIIAAAAAA and managed to kick the elderly man holding the pad right in the face..!!!!!! he had a strap on goggles to protect his glasses and both went flying across the room....i felt sooooo bad for quite awhile....like i said i am glad that i eventually got some skill and learned how to control and all that....but still an embarassing yet humorous story....nobody got permanently injured ...yet that man proceeded to beat into me for several months during sparring matches.....lol
  6. hehehehehe you will have fun once you start hitting things with your nunchuku! the back lash is rather amusing when you start. also i agree with the others, study an art form first before you move on to a weapon....you shouldnt just jump into something without the proper training....why you ask???? have you ever heard the phrase: a weapon is just an extension of the body????? there is your answer there, you must learn the body before you can properly learn a weapon....sure you can do some tricks....but if you really want to learn and master the weapon you must learn and master your body first.
  7. the more you practice the better you will get with skill and speed and therefore power, also on that note the more you practice the easier it will be for the leg to move in that specific direction therefore you will be able to gradually increase the height of you kick. It's all about the practice....train hard
  8. make sure that you get the right idea of chi...when you start talking about power levels it sounds like you have been watching too much dragonballz maybe you should be more clear in what you are asking for....that way you can get the proper answers that you are looking for.
  9. maintain focus....dont look around. and work on the form of all your techniques in your particular kata/form or whatnot....make sure that your stances are good, punches, thumbs aren't hanging out, fists are tight, make sure that each movement is clear, and the judges are able to see what you are doing, also intensity, imagine it is a real fight, and you are being attacked and countering attacks...like in a real fight...also make sure you spend the same amount of time on each technique...dont run through some punches and go slower on others...and make loud kias! kihap or what ever noise you prefer...as long as it is non offensive.....lol
  10. just secure a good relationship with your instructor and some students....it will be fine, if you train hard others will respect that, regardless of how old you are or what rank you are. People admire determination and hard work.
  11. congrats. Keep up the good work and train hard. Thank you for spending the time to send out a thank you, that means alot to us here!
  12. thanks for the posts guys and i hope this thread stays alive to help people get a gist of exactly what some styles may involve. Thanks again everyone!
  13. it just creates a new and different generation of martial artists....personally i am glad i dont fall into that generation...but that is just my opinion, i am more interested in the true art form and enlightenment through mental, spiritual and physical conditioning....i like all the old school methods of things,,,,but again,....just my opinion
  14. we dont do much either....our form of internal enlightenment comes from years of repetition of grueling physical tasks, once the individual realizes the applications and inner means on their own is when they start growin in that aspect....
  15. spear hand through the stomach and tear out their spine..... rip their groin off tear out their throat, rip off an ear, gouge out their eyes.....break the knees....there are a lot of nasty things you can do to someone....is this what you are asking for?
  16. i think it sounds fun ! i will have to play that game.
  17. oops, i forgot hapkido...thanks, believe it or not, there are some tkd schools that are very hardcore....its just sad that the majority are very weak and lame
  18. there are a lot of joke instructors in monterey or at least there was back in the late 90s and 2000 when i was stationed there. yeah, so be careful in your search.
  19. i would advise against wearing your belt in a public place. That was something my instructor forbid. Unless it was for a martial arts event....but at school i would say no....the gi should be ok though....
  20. psychological fighting, i teach seminars on it, there are a lot of nice little tricks to be seen there.
  21. as long as you practice and work at it everyday you can increase it, its when you stop and take breaks that you lose your endurance.
  22. taekwondo, tangsoodo, kuksoolwon, taekgyeon,subak......any of those ring bells?
  23. there are lots of nice little tricks, but why would i ever have to use them, since i am more skilled , faster and more powerful than my opponent...... ?
  24. ebay
  25. i think i just hit hard.......must be the iron palm...or the chi/ki......or all the years of breaking bricks and such...skill, speed, or a combination of it all
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