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Everything posted by Sutton_uk

  1. Yes i agree, I recently bought "the art of experrsing the human body" i containts most of how lee worked his body to the max.
  2. I'm 13 in novemeber i will be 14
  3. Does any one know a workout for the chest (pectorals) without using the gym. Thanx [ This Message was edited by: Sutton_uk on 2001-10-19 01:31 ]
  4. I was looking for siste with some great sparring footage... Nice one
  5. Reasons for more kicks is that more power can be genarated in a kick than in a punch. Streching daily will help coz some of the kicks they do are realy quite imperssve if you can pull it off.
  6. lighting fast stuff, you should use fast punching in a way of keeping the oppent at bay. And well away!
  7. think: allways think what could happen and how to get ot of it. Let them make the first move then block counter. thats allways been a faveorite of mine.
  8. Wow man nice advice
  9. Hate to sound like a gaming nerd but... In tekken 3 lei (cop guy) is very much like jackie chan, Forest law (Bruce lee lookalike) is very like bruce lee. 3...2......1......Fight!
  10. ?werid? :uhoh:
  11. sticks with rope on if you hit ur self theone then hit WAYNE heheheheheheh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Judos cool but i dont want to do i might try a bit someday. my friend does it a might leran i few moves
  13. Hey you got style man howang moves like that side grab wher he does that realy cool combo thing COOL. Another cool move staring off stance then press Square, Triangle, Circle. eddy has some realy Anoying move like slippery thingy anoying!!
  14. Hey there WELCOME :nod:
  15. Has any one played on teken 3 witha charcter called howanng he does tae kwon-do cool moves. pretty impossible! :kaioken:
  16. yeah, have you ever played teken 3 hrwoang doe tae kwon-do he has some cool moves! :karate:
  17. 2 in a second and am slowly buliding up quicker punches :nod:
  18. Hey im back im on the skool pc doin stuff and i have bought some taekwondo books and i am now learning about this marital art. holiday was great but i just bur in the sun Sutton_uk
  19. 10-15 is the time to start young. Any younger their attebtion and maturerate is nothing and some time at 17-18 you dont want to start
  20. Some people all they want is the belt they thing that if youve got a black belt u the master.......GGGRRRR anoying
  21. Welcome DADRAGON
  22. Deadly Beauty!!!!!!
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