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Everything posted by Sutton_uk

  1. dustbin lid..... i dunno why i just though of it its a great defences weapon, not tradionaly i know but.
  2. theone20009 was telling me about this yesterday, interesing stuff
  3. Right ill talk to you guys in a week am off on holiday, and hopefully picking up a few books to read about kickboxing/marital arts. :up: :up: c ya
  4. Allstyles kickboxing is what i do, basicly it means do what ever attacks aslong as the borad agree with them. there are many types of kickboxing sport chinese american and in them there are many other styles Cunfunlderling :dead:
  5. For such a small age, after doing kickboxing i can certinaly hit hard OWWW _________________ Morden AllStyle Kickboxing! Sutton_uk [ This Message was edited by: Sutton_uk on 2001-10-01 09:26 ]
  6. Right the biggest question... why do you do it?
  7. Weight training not yet as were still young and muslces are still devolping, just do stuff, football, rugby, etc
  8. The main question was "is Kickboxing for everyone" and yes everyone can do it but i was saying that people are different.
  9. :idea: :idea: My girlfriend has just had a birthday and she got a massive trampoline and that gives you loadz of exercise.
  10. I do morden allstyle kickboxing which means mostly most things, even if you were taken by a gang run away!!! fight to survie do what you things best
  11. Alright man
  12. Every one in the world has there own taste, style, personality...... there is possible way in which this argument will be solved. We all like different things.
  13. WOW... I think its summit i would call Spaz Attack Your sssoooooo wound up you realy dont care as look as you win, but the eyes part i dunno why that happens?? :kaioken:
  14. Kickboxing is the one i do because i like full contact and lots sparring, even though me and my friends spar without saftey equpiment, so i have to cut down on powerful kicks. (or attempt to) My style is a mixture of mainly kickboxing and anything else.
  15. have you seen that big sweaty guy that hits the bong he was holding up to corecte handles and this chinese guys was kicking his back a nd chest but he never moved if i was him id be a bit P***ed off! :kaioken: and also theres that anyong chinese guy that talks about nothing during the fight :karate:?????werid
  16. Full contact i like it but i hate fighting older people because they hit harder sounds good to me
  17. Do what you can do if you, axe kicks cool love!
  18. In the UK the BBC have a program called Masters of Combat in which different teams of marital artists do challenges and tasks and at the end they spar conts. untiil some one gets all the steps to "enlightenment" any one else watch it
  19. Right alex maybe older but i can still win hes had the most trainig out of us and its had to beat him Well tonite al :kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken: :kaioken:
  20. Sharp stick hehehehe
  21. Thaxz man am leranin and by the way hows your finger :lol: nice one 20009
  22. Hi there you know me i know u hehe time to die man
  23. HI mike i do kickboxing and im 13 welcome
  24. Hey welcome man im only looking and doing a bit of kickboxing at moment its fun and a healthy, enjoyable way to keep fit. Welcome Kodek
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