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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hey all, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. Today, this community is 17 years old. It seems like good discourse is continually under attack online. The ability to have a productive conversation, without being derailed, where people can disagree without being personally attacked, is something that a lot of people online are missing, and striving for. Even if the topic is not a hot button issue like politics or religion, this seems to have become harder and harder over the last 17 years. But it's something that we have here at KarateForums.com, thanks to a mix of amazing members and solid community guidelines consistently applied by a dedicated, thoughtful team. Those standards set the playing field, and veteran members light the way for newer members, giving them an example to follow. As my friend Chris once said, whatever a community is, it becomes more of. If we allow X, then we become X. That we have been able to create such an environment for so long is a testament to long term commitment from our community. Thank you to all of our members who help to maintain this atmosphere. If you're reading this, that's probably you! Thank you to my current staff - Brian/bushido_man96, Danielle/DWx, Alex/tallgeese, Noah/Wastelander, Bob/sensei8, Devin/Lupin1, Liam/Nidan Melbourne, JR/JR 137 and Mo/mazzybear - for their steadfast support of the community, and for the serious, considerate way that they approach this community, and the role of being a guide and moderator. Thank you to the former staff members who made a difference. The reality is that our community is in pretty rare air when it comes to longevity. There aren't a ton of closely managed, active online communities that are 17 years or older. I'm interested to see what the future holds for us, and I'm grateful for all of the members who make KarateForums.com a part of their day. Thank you. Sincerely, Patrick
  2. Nice to hear from you, Karate4Life. Thanks for the update. Patrick
  3. SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT Hey all, With that out of the way, who has seen the movie? Is everyone in agreement that the reason Doctor Strange gave up the Time Stone was because Tony Stark *had* to live, or was it motivated by something else? I loved Ebony Maw as a villain. In some ways, I thought he was more intimidating than Thanos. And then in a second, he was gone. Is he really dead? Other thoughts? Patrick
  4. Happy birthday to Mo! Hope you have had an amazing day. Thank you for all of the amazing contributions that you have made to our community. Patrick
  5. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. We recognize one member every month as the KarateForums.com Member of the Month for their positive contributions to this community. Our honoree for April is... DaveB. Congratulations! Thank you for all of the thoughtful contributions that you have made to our forums! Sincerely, Patrick
  6. Hello, We removed a post from this thread in error, which was made prior to singularity6's post above. I apologize for the trouble. Thanks, Patrick A rear leg chambered side/back kick under 1 second is phenomenal. What gives you that impression? Is that info from your 1% kicking school? I mean no disrespect by that. I just mean that in our club, we have white belts and orange belts that can pull off a full back leg yup chaki in under a second. They might wobble a bit but they can do it. By the time you get to the higher grades you can generally match the count without compromising form. We rarely kick that fast in basics to be fair except when it's pad work, but we do it occasionally in line drill as part of our endurance training. I can do it. I'm mid forties ex smoker overweight and with arthritic feet, so if I can do it, it is certainly not phenomenal.
  7. Love this thread idea, Spartacus! Thanks for starting it.
  8. Happy birthday to Noah (Wastelander)! Thank you for all of the amazing contributions that you have made to our community over the years. We're fortunate to have you in our community. Thanks, Patrick
  9. Hey all, So, who saw it? I had read the book, and liked it, and was looking forward to the movie. I put "spoilers" in the title of this thread so people know not to look at it unless they want it spoiled. It was fun. Definitely meaningful changes to the story. What stood out to you? Patrick
  10. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. We recognize one member every month as the KarateForums.com Member of the Month for their positive contributions to this community. Our honoree for March is... OneKickWonder. Congratulations! You've made a great mark on this community in a very short time. Thank you for all of your contributions thus far. Sincerely, Patrick
  11. Welcome to KF, Washo. Thanks for being a part of our community. Patrick
  12. Welcome to KF, Paloma. Glad to have you. Patrick
  13. Thanks all. Please see: https://www.karateforums.com/april-fools-about-taichiforums-com-vt51521.html Patrick
  14. Hey all, I hope that you had a great day on April 1. As you might have guessed from my tongue-in-cheek retirement community marketing language in the announcement, we aren't actually changing our name to TaiChiForums.com. Given that our community is soon turning 17, an advanced age for online communities, and tai chi has been called the "perfect exercise for the elderly, we thought it made sense. Of course, our community has always been about the martial arts in general, and not just karate. We have had numerous tai chi discussions, and practitioners in our community. They span age groups. Thank you to the staff for all of their feedback, especially to JR for the idea, and thank you for your patience and good humor. Patrick
  15. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. On May 21, our community will turn 17 years old. It is amazing to sit and think back on where I was when I had the idea for this community, and where I am now. And we have a great number of long term members who I know feel similarly. We’re getting older. We can’t do all of the things that we once did. This community has always been about more than karate, but this is true now more so than ever before. It’s time to graduate, to reflect the age and maturity of our community. We’re graduating to tai chi, and I feel like it’s the perfect choice. On May 21, KarateForums.com will become TaiChiForums.com. http://www.taichiforums.com We hope you’ll be a part of this new focus on active adult martial artists. Stay tuned. Thanks, Patrick
  16. Congrats to MatsuiShinshii on reaching 1,000 posts earlier this month! Thank you for all of the incredible contributions that you have made to our community. Patrick
  17. I don't know how they plan to release this, e.g. all at once or over a period of time, but if all at once, you could just sign up for one month (or the free trial if you've never had it), watch it all in a month and then cancel. Or if it's over time, you could wait until they are all out, or close, and then sign up for a month. Not that you haven't already considered that idea!
  18. Hey all, I am going to push discussion over to this more recent thread, just because I think the title will lead to more people finding it: https://www.karateforums.com/cobra-kai-series-vt51502.html Thanks. Patrick
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