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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hello, We removed a post from this thread in error. It is below. I apologize for the confusion. Thanks. Ah, okay then. So in dismissing everything i wrote, agreeing with me but stating it is irrelevant to the discussion, you argue now that the issue is about the title of "Lords of War." Well, my assertion is that it is a stupid title and describes absolutely nothing except what an individual poses on said title. It is relative in it's context to the assigner's perception of what a lord is, what war is, and what a person in such a position would constitute. Therefore, in my context of such a title, there are no lords of war, only men of delusions.
  2. Hello. Welcome to the fourth annual KarateForums.com Awards. These awards are intended to recognize just a few of the outstanding (and humorous) contributions made by KarateForums.com users. These awards will take into consideration all forum activity between October 19, 2004 and October 18, 2005. For instance, users must be nominated based on their activity in this period and articles nominated must have been published in this same period of time. Please make your nominations by sending a PM to http://www.karateforums.com/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=2715 - you do not have to nominate for every category. You can nominate for as many or as few as you would like - please go for as many as you feel comfortable with. From the most popular nominations, the actual nominees for each award will be chosen and by using the poll system available on these forums, you will be able to vote for the winners! So, without further ado, here are this years categories: 1. Member of the Year This award is intended to acknowledge the non staff member who you view as most valuable to the community as a whole. Current staff members (Sempais, Senseis and Administrator) are not able to be nominated in this award. 2. Community Spirit Award This award should go to a person whom you feel posts interesting and insightful comments that exemplify the spirit of KarateForums.com - kind, helpful and encouraging. This award is open to anyone, regardless of their skill level. Regular members and staff members (except for the Administrator) can win this award. 3. Staff Member of the Year Basically, the same as Member of the Year, except that this award is for current staff members (Sempais and Senseis, not Administrator) only. If you are unsure of who is on staff, please visit http://www.karateforums.com/staff.php for a complete listing. 4. Funniest Member of the Year Humor is an important aspect of the forums and this award recognizes the member who has brought a smile to your face many times. This person should have a good clean sense of humor and can be either a staff member (except for Administrator) or regular member. 5. Article of the Year This award distinguishes your favorite article that was published in the KarateForums.com Articles section in the past year (it must have been published in the past year). Whether the article enlightened or inspired you, this is the place to recognize it. Visit our articles section at http://www.karateforums.com/viewforum.php?f=44 for a complete list of articles. There are just two nomination rules: 1. Only one user/thread/article can be nominated for EACH award. Only one choice per award, in other words. 2. You can not nominate yourself or an article that you wrote for any of the awards. So, that's all there is to it. Please nominate. We need as many nominations as possible. Once again, you can nominate by sending a PM to http://www.karateforums.com/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=2715 - nominations will be closed on the evening of October 26, 2005. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to PM me or reply to this thread. Please do not post your nominations in this thread. Thank you.
  3. As the nominations thread will probably be out this evening, I am going to go ahead and close this thread. Thank you for the feedback.
  4. Hello, AndrewGreen had suggested a Frapper Group for KarateForums.com, so here we go: http://www.frappr.com/karateforumscom Basically, you enter your name, zip code and add a shoutout (hello is fine) and it places you on the map and you can see where you are relative to other KarateForums.com users. As your "Name" put your KarateForums.com username. Enjoy.
  5. Is there such a thing as greatest fighter? So many people have fought... seems like a crazy thing. Then again, I can't even pick a favorite movie because there are so many!
  6. I'm sorry, I didn't mean bottom 2. I meant Funniest Thread and Thread of the Year. Article of the Year is definitely staying. Thanks for the reply.
  7. I was actually thinking of eliminating the bottom 2, just because they are so hard to nominate for. Usually I get very few nominations for them, compared to the other ones.
  8. Of course, those aren't handed out as much as black belts.
  9. Hello, It is nearly time again for the KarateForums.com Awards. For those who don't know, the KarateForums.com Awards are like the Emmys or the Grammys or whatever, except that they are for this community. This will be our fourth time doing them and you can view the past winners at the links below: http://www.karateforums.com/awards.php Last year, we had 7 award categories. They were: So, now, as we're a little more than a week away from nominations beginning, I just wanted to put a call out to see if anyone had any suggestions for new categories or anything for the awards in general. Please let me know. Thanks for reading.
  10. That's a good way to be. And how do you treat a big headed adult BB who does the same thing?
  11. "Right"... hmm. That's interesting. So, then, is the 35 year old 1 year adult able to provide pointers to the 15 year old 4 year just because he is 35? If so, he hasn't done anything to earn the right except turn 18, I imagine? It would seem that knowledge gained within your school under the age of 18 doesn't receive much respect. Let's say the 35 year old asks the 15 year old for feedback, is the 15 year old forbidden from doing so?
  12. As the definition of a lay person, I think that what belts mean varies with the person. For Mr. Mike, it's a symbolic item that he derives personal pride from because of the dedication that it took to get there. So, it means something to him. It's a sign of accomplishment. Your diploma for graduating school, the first car that you own, the first house that you own, the first dollar you earn from your business... all symbolic items with meaning that varies to some. Some see them and take pride in their accomplishment, of what it took to get there. And some have a different personality. You feel that sense of accomplish without the belt (and I suspect that he might as well), without the symbolic item. Neither is bad, it works both ways. You have to take from it what you want because it's yours, even if you don't have one.
  13. Perhaps, but you said under 18. Would it be the same if it was a 16 year old giving sparring pointers to a 35 year old man? What if it is a 15 year old who has been training with the school for 4 years gives sparring pointers to a 35 year old who has been there for a year?
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