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KarateForums.com Administrators
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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hello, KarateForums.com recognizes one member every month as the Member of the Month for their positive contributions to this community. The May 2006 selection is... bushido_man96. Congratulations!
  2. I like to look at every post as 3 days training. So, you must train here for over 8 years before you get a black belt. It's just for fun, of course. Congrats.
  3. Hello, I removed a post from this thread in error. It is quoted below. Sorry for the confusion. Thank you. maybe you didn't read all the posts ,nobody wanna mix the katas, mixing the systems has done before by many karate masters , although you are a student of Chibana system but he was not the only master, or best of them in any given day. if Mabuni mixes the two systems then it means it is possible. your interpretation of Osae is yours ,it's not a fact, Motobu was one of the best fighters in all okinawa ,he was basicly from shuri-te yet you see his blocks are way deeper than others, He was never talked about osae like chibana did but you can see it in his posture, katas like sanchin,tensho or saifa can be transfered to any shuri-te school without problem, if you mix two style ,you don't have to block the first punch like shuri-te and second punch like naha-te. you don't have to take one step Goju , one step kobayashi. you pick up your basic like Mabuni did or shimabukoro did, you wanna knock out somebody you are not afraid of dying ,you just walk to him and punch him, the second you drop your weight behind the punch you are in Osae either you believe it or not. if you spar like a shotokan guy in a tournoment with your head 5" behind your body then of course there is no Osae you want it or not. make the story short , we only wanna pickup 5 katas from each styles.
  4. Well, I'd be glad to meet anyone, of course. But, I would especially like to meet past and present members of my staff here. Pat, Doug, Tammy, Heidi, Greg, Laurie and others. And I suspect, one day, I will.
  5. MySpace, like this community, is just a medium. No less or more personal, really. You choose what you share and you should set reasonable limits that fit in with what you yourself desire to accomplish. Now, let's not get sidetracked. This thread is for people who have a MySpace to post their URL. Thanks.
  6. http://www.myspace.com/patrickokeefe
  7. Hello, It looks like we're going to start getting into politics, which I suppose may be an eventual conclusion for a thread like this. But, since it appears to be headed down that road, I am going to go ahead and close it. Thank you.
  8. Hello, I removed a post from this thread in error. It is quoted below. I apologize for the confusion. Thanks. you think this way because you don't train bjj. if he tests now and competes, he will be wasting his money competing, and he won't be getting as much experience as he can. Why? because the blue belts will kill him. he needs more experience before he's ready for them, but grappling white belts won't get him that experience. This is how bjj is different from karate and other traditional styles. In karate, if you have fulfilled all of the requirements for the next level, you can test; that doesn't mean you are good, it only means you know enough for the next level. With bjj, you are not ready for your next rank until you can keep up with all of the guys in the belt higher than you and beat them at least some of the time. This is what keeps them competitive and establish integrity within the style. In kung fu, when I was a yellow, I had beaten green, blue and red sashes in my class. matter of factly, when I was testing for green sash, I broke the nose of one of red sashes with a hook kick. In bjj, this will NOT happen. you will NEVER see a white belt beat a purple belt or above. and for several months, you won't see them beat a blue belt either. That is the nature of sport arts. competition makes them that way. Why don't you see journeyman boxers with only 2 fights fighting champions with 20 + fights? because it's a no contest. experience is a powerful thing. you fight other journeyman boxers and work your way up the ranks.
  9. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' Vanity asks the question, 'Is it popular?' But, conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one's conscience tells one that it is right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
  10. Thanks folks. Feel free to pass me. I'd prefer it that way. I'm an easy target.
  11. Hi folks, I'm not really one for these sort of posts, as you can see, but I thought this one was kinda special because this is my 10,000th post here at KarateForums.com. So, I just wanted to take a moment to mention that and thank everyone who has helped us to get this far. That includes all of my staff members (Tammy, Doug, Laurie, Pat, Heidi, Greg, Scott, Sam, Pamela, Aubrey, Christopher, among others), all of our loyal users and everyone who has supported us. Thank you.
  12. Hey Pat. Good to see you.
  13. Hello, I believe that this thread has run it's course, so I am going to go ahead and close it. If anyone knows of a place where you can get what matbla is looking for, please feel free to PM him. Thank you.
  14. No need to be sorry. Every roots for different teams. Respect it and move on, I say.
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