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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Was hard to watch that part with Edgar last night. Why don't they have gas masks in CTU? I don't know much about gas masks, maybe it wouldn't have mattered. Maybe they didn't have time....
  2. The soundtrack is for sale on Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00000B8UB/sr=8-1/qid=1141701109/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-7661607-0403110?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Thanks.
  3. Hello, KarateForums.com recognizes one member every month as the Member of the Month for their positive contributions to this community. The March 2006 selection is... MartialArthur. Congratulations!
  4. Hello, As we already have a thread on this, I am going to close this one and redirect you over there. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=25652 Thanks.
  5. 24, House, The War at Home, The Simpsons and Family Guy.
  6. Hello, We removed a post in error. It is below. I apologize for the confusion. Thanks. This is a funny post...you have obviously given it alot of thought. Ethier that or you play alot of video games. How do you know what someone will do until they do it?
  7. There is a lot of them. You have to pay attention close attention!
  8. I watched the last half or so. That was when I started to watch the series. I'll probably watch the other ones in the future on DVD or something.
  9. Hello, We removed the 3 posts below in error. These posts go right before the last one. I apologize for the confusion. Thanks. Why draw the line at second or third? I'm sure there are some that would argue a child has no business earning a yellow belt. Personally, I am proud to tie the belt on a DESERVING young person who has worked for years and overcome immense obstacles to earn his/her black belt. It is good for the child, sets an excellent example for other children and their parents, and is a positive for the martial arts community. That child is not only likely to be an excellent martial artist for years to come, but he/she will also be an outstanding citizen. In my opinion, earning a black belt is a greater achievement than becoming an Eagle Scout. It is certainly more difficult. Of course there are children who do not deserve their black belts, just as there are adults who don't deserve theirs. That is no reason to trash the whole idea. As a martial arts instructor, I can think of no more positive thing I can do for my community and my art than to teach children. Yes, but that's not my argument. It's the scenario of awarding higher ranks than chodan to children that I take issue with. Why would any child need a second dan after attaining the coveted first black belt? To me at least, being a kodanja is a real responsibility. As the stripes come on, the black belt assumes more and more the roles of teacher, role model, coach. And I'm not sure that's fair for anyone involved, either the child to be promoted, or other students who are being asking to follow the lead of the child. In my opinion, chodan should be the maximum rank awarded to anyone, until they are at least in their twenties. Why chodan as the arbritrary cut-off rank? Well, it's the first black belt rank. Belt-chasers can don their coveted black obis and then rethink about their goals in the martial arts. Yes, but that's not my argument. It's the scenario of awarding higher ranks than chodan to children that I take issue with. Why would any child need a second dan after attaining the coveted first black belt? To me at least, being a kodanja is a real responsibility. As the stripes come on, the black belt assumes more and more the roles of teacher, role model, coach. And I'm not sure that's fair for anyone involved, either the child to be promoted, or other students who are being asking to follow the lead of the child. Actually, it's quite fair. I have issues with putting a Black Belt on a young child, but once they get up to age 10-12 or so, they are old enough to understand the life skills that are part and parcel of being a Black Belt. And yes, I do want them to be a leader. That's my job as an instructor. I should be turning out confident Black Belts who lead by example, and with kids, that is really important. If you look at any classroom, there's going to be a kid in that room who is the leader of the group. I'd much rather it be one of my Black Belt juniors who will lead in a positive way than have it be some 12 year old pothead. Well, we don't wear black obis. However, your contention that no one should go past First Degree until they are 20 is not realistic. Let's say that you have a 13 year old who makes First Degree. Let's also assume that he learns his curriculum for that rank in a year. You're now telling him that he has to, in effect, stagnate for the next 6 years. What's his incentive going to be to continue training? Yes, I know we teach perseverance and dedication and all that, but the realism is that you have just told him that he spent the last 4-5 years to get where he is and that he has to now wait longer than that to move on. I'm not sure I would have hung around in that situation.
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