I won't be in line, but just because me and my brother both have copies pre-ordered on Amazon.com that will arrive the day it is released. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Of course, it'll also be sad as it will bring the series to an end. I think Sirius is dead, unfortunately, but maybe they'll get to talk, somehow, through that mirror that Sirius gave him (when Harry threw it and broke it, I was wondering what he was thinking...). I think Voldemort will die (although, locating the Horcruxes is going to be rather difficult and that's an understatement). Will Harry have to die for Voldemort to die? Maybe... but, I don't really want to see that or think it'll happen. I'd be surprised if Hogwarts doesn't re-open at some point. The only way I can see it not re-opening is if Voldemort wins. But, even he liked Hogwarts as Dumbledore said that he was most comfortable there.