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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hey Willsy. Welcome. Patrick
  2. The Dolphins won an ugly game hampered by the weather. I know this sounds funny, but the Dolphins punter Brandon Fields had an amazing game. He had 10 punts with an average of 49.6 yards. He made one punt... we were backed up in our own end zone and it was POURING rain. Field position was big in this game with every point being huge. Fields takes the snap and kicks it 69 yards, from his own end zone, in the pouring rain. It was an amazing punt, maybe the best I've ever seen. Patrick
  3. Hello, Thank you for visiting KarateForums.com. After a month and a half of nominating and voting, the KarateForums.com Awards 2010 have come to their conclusion. It is now time for us to announce the winners. Before I do so, I wanted to once again congratulate everyone who was nominated. Being nominated, in and of itself, is a beautiful thing and should be recognized. If you did not win or were not nominated, please do not take it personally. These awards do have meaning, but they are also for fun and not everyone can win or be nominated. Please join me in congratulating our winners. I would also like to pass along a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the process by nominating and voting. You are vital to this event. You, the community, selected the nominees and decided the winners. Without further ado, here they are: 1. Member of the Year: sensei8 2. New Member of the Year: evergrey 3. Community Spirit Award: bushido_man96 4. Staff Member of the Year: tallgeese 5. Funniest Member of the Year: (tie) DWx and evergrey 6. Article of the Year: Proof is On the Floor! by sensei8 Congratulations to Bob (sensei8), evergrey, Brian (bushido_man96), Alex (tallgeese) and Danielle (DWx)! For past winners, please check out: http://www.karateforums.com/awards.php Thank you for reading and for supporting the KarateForums.com Awards. Sincerely, Patrick
  4. I picked the Chiefs and didn't realize that. But, a Chiefs win would help whatever minuscule playoff hopes we have.
  5. Hey Brian, Thanks for starting this thread! Great idea. I have Mario Kart, haven't played in a while but would be willing to turn it on to play with some others. My friend code is: 3609-5517-8295 Thanks, Patrick
  6. Welcome to KF, Godzilla-San! Glad to have you. Patrick
  7. While it is still possible for them to make it (even if we win out, I still think it's unlikely), we really don't deserve to make the playoffs now. Not that Cleveland is a pushover or anything - they seem to be going in the right direction - but that is a game that you have to win if you are going to sneak into the playoffs. And we didn't. We'll see how Henne finishes out the year before making any judgments, but right now it's feeling like we still need to address the quarterback position. Patrick
  8. Thanks for starting this thread, Godzilla-San and welcome. Patrick
  9. Obviously, I am glad to see Jeter and Rivera remain with the Yankees. It would be hard to picture anything else. I don't know why the public comments by the Yankee organization were necessary. I thought that wasn't handled as well as it should have been. This was a unique free agency. The Yankees have never, ever, had to deal with signing a player with such a storied history and rapport with fans and symbolism with the organization in the history of the franchise. Have to keep in mind that when most of the Yankee legends of the past were at this part of their career, free agency didn't exist. So, this was really the first time that the organization as a whole (let alone the current group running the show) has seen this. While I don't feel they did a great job, they did get a deal signed and Jeter will be sticking around. Patrick
  10. Re: recording laws, check out: http://www.citmedialaw.org/legal-guide/recording-phone-calls-and-conversations Most states are one party consent states, which means that if you are a party to the conversation, you can record it without anyone's consent. In two party states, you must have permission from all parties. With students, etc., it's simple enough to just all have them sign a consent form. Thanks, Patrick
  11. Voting has now been closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. Results will be announced soon! Thanks, Patrick
  12. Welcome back, Iron Arahat. If you look at Iron's profile, you'll see his member number is 121 - he's actually the 121st person to ever register here! Patrick
  13. We are a little over a day until the voting deadline, which is December 3, 2010 at 8 PM ET (GMT -5)! Get those votes in! Thanks, Patrick
  14. If you haven't voted just yet, please take a moment to do so! It doesn't take very long and your input is appreciated! Thanks, Patrick
  15. Congrats. Welcome to our community. Patrick
  16. Holy mackerel, Iron Arahat. Good to see you. Hope all is well. Patrick
  17. Haha. No, you've received nominations in real categories. Congrats. Patrick
  18. Hehe, isshinryu5toforever. Well, I don't think fancy dress party is a particularly new term. It's so funny that you mention black tie, too, because I just mentioned this thread and the fancy dress thing, etc. to her yesterday (before I saw your reply here) and she mentioned black tie and how it is confusing, too, as some people think it means wearing a black tie, etc. But, it's actually a complex set of stuff: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_tie Always best to ask for elaboration on what people want you to wear, to be safe. Patrick
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