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Everything posted by DarthPenguin

  1. Completely agree here! I would also go further and ask how you would know your arteries were clogged anyway without having consulted a doctor? If it is purely from a preventative point of view then there is plenty of best practice advice out there as Zaine mentioned, but if it is a genuine issue then asking the same doctor who diagnosed it would likely be best
  2. Wednesday 4th January Karate Session Good turn out tonight for the first class of 2023 Warm ups Usual warm ups and stretches carried out Kihon Performed slightly less different techniques that usual for kihon but more reps of each. More reps of the basic kicks from freestyle kamae too. I do need to work more on my side kick! The chambering is fine, both out and on return but my foot position isn't great. Have a tendency to sometimes have my foot totally flat rather than bladed. On positive side i do it better for ushiro geri for some unknown reason! Kata ran through Heian Godan multiple times. Have it all memorised fine now and working on details / rhythm. I prefer the stance transitions in this one to last couple of katas, for some reason they feel more natural to me (could just be getting more used to stance transitions in kata). Then paired off with one other person with the second instructor to the side to run through all the Heian katas in sequence. This was useful as i know that when i manage to get to brown belt i have to perform them again at gradings so it is worth giving them more focus again (we often don't focus as much on prior grade katas in class - they are left for home). Managed to get in multiple more runs of Heian Godan too Class time ran out after the kata but it was a good session
  3. @Zaine, Is the kata total a monthly one then? Are you just picking a single kata for the month and then planning to rotate them monthly or are you breaking down the '10000 reps to mastery' approach?
  4. Ghost of Tsushima is amazing, the expansion is good too. Still to try the online bit but the rest is fantastic. Not heard of Hogwarts Legacy - what type of game is it?
  5. Tuesday 3rd January Lifting Session Slightly more lifting sessions that usual this week as due to all the strikes here it is hard for me to get to my bjj class this week so using the time as gym sessions instead! Squat 20kg x 5 40kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 67.5kg x 5 77.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 Pushups 10 12 7 7 15 One arm KB row 20kg x 20 (L+R reps) 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 20kg x 20 Biceps cable curl 20kg x 11 20kg x 11 20kg x 11 Grippers T x 9 T x 9 T x 9 These are beginning to get harder now so may need to increase rest periods or change the sets/reps to keep progressing total poundage lifted : 5461 time taken : 43min workout density : 127 kg/min the poundage above is solely based on any weights used with pushups counting as a weight of 1 x reps (so i don't need to fiddle about with my spreadsheet overmuch). this also means i don't need to recalculate as bodyweight fluctuates / changes
  6. Thanks! All i can control is the effort and dedication i put in and then the results will be based on that - so hopefully it will be
  7. Happy new year everyone. Hopefully everyone and their families have an excellent 2023 and everyone attains all their training goals too!
  8. Sunday 1st January Weights session First session of 2023!! Seated overhead shoulder press 20kg x 5 25kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 32.5kg x 5 35kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 27.5kg x 5 Kg swing 16KG X 11 16KG X 11 16KG X 11 16KG x 11 16KG x 11 kB clean 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 kB side bend 20kg x 16 20kg x 16 20kg x 16 Grippers T x 8 T x 8 T x 8
  9. That’s true. If I was to ever use it practically it would be at waist or knee level anyway. I’ve just always liked the idea of having a range of motion much more than needed so you are never pushing it to its max in a stressful situation You’re really right though!
  10. Friday 30 December Weights Session Trap Bar deadlift 70kg x 5 75kg x 5 80kg x 5 92.5kg x 5 105kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 80kg x 5 E-Z bar curls 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Triceps straight bar pushdown 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Single arm kb standing press 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 16kg x 14 reps are total reps L + R KB gorilla row 24kg x 10 24kg x 10 24kg x 10 24kg x 10 24kg x 10 Grippers T x 7 T x 7 T x 7
  11. Yes, for sure it is harder this way. It's part of the reason we do it that way in basics. In order to get the side kick done correctly, with the body and leg in proper alignment, you have to focus on a), making sure to keep the body side-on (the cross-over will cause newer students to over-step and bring their back hip too far forward), and b), emphasizes getting the chamber into the proper position by getting the body back into that side-on position. When I first started doing it that way, it was weird, but the more I did it, the more I understood why, and the more it's helped with my side kick technique. But as an instructor, I've got to really harp on students when doing the kick to make sure they are really breaking it down and not skipping steps. That makes sense - have a feeling it is likely my current lack of flexibility and embarrassment at not kicking too high that is causing the issue in my head! Usually get told my side kick is decent but it is really at waist height at the moment - i remember it being an easy head height so get annoyed. Probably another example of ego having a negative effect on martial arts training!
  12. You also run the risk of some karate schools doing a little groundwork and thinking it is enough. As an example i remember years ago joining a new karate school that also did some newaza in every lesson. I'd been at BJJ for a few years at that point (though still not any good!) and they asked me to roll with one of the karate bb's who was about to start fighting mma soon and let me know what i thought about his ground game - they wanted a semi independent viewpoint but you could tell they thought that he was good. It was actually embarrassing as after multiple rolls i ended up telling them that under no circumstances should he ever allow a fight to the ground as his ground game was a 2wk of training white belt at best. Turned out they had been doing newaza a lot but mainly focusing on drilling a technique, never really sparring against resistance. So totally agree - a karateka who wants to compete in mma should cross train in another grappling style or take up mma full time. Can't just try it at their karate class
  13. i've just started on the 2018 god of war. Is available as a free download for PS5 and it's superb so far (i'm late to the party i know!). If you haven't played it then it's well worth a go
  14. Tuesday 27 December As i have been ill a decent amount this month i decided that it made sense to just start with the week 1 day 1 numbers again for my most recent lifting plan and use them again. Lifting session Bench Press 20kg x 5 30kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 50kg x 5 57.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 42.5kg x 5 Split squats (not Bulgarian variation). Reps given are per leg 8kg x 8 8kg x 8 8kg x 8 8kg x 8 8kg x 8 These felt a lot smoother than the last time i did them. Am working them up gradually until i get used to the motion. I think these will really help my stances KB Swings 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 16kg x 10 These felt light but good for getting back into it Triceps straight bar pushdowns 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 biceps cable curl 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 20kg x 10 Grippers (reps are per hand. equal done for both) T x 6 T x 6 T x 6 decided i would go up in strength for this since i was banging out lots of reps easily before. A lot tougher than the S but managed fine. Will try the same progression as before total poundage : 4702.5kg time : 36min density : 130.6 kg/min
  15. yeah, i have just always found it easier to get into that chamber position with stepping behind or front a freestyle stance. Not sure why but my hip feels restricted when i step in front
  16. Thanks both! I was thinking the other day that i have never been a fan of those belt display boards but i might just do one when i (eventually) grade back up to black belt - a board of the belts up to black, then starting at white again might look quite smart (and unusual!). Am finding i enjoy the katas more as they progress which is a good thing. The best part of the grading is that i get to practice my side kicks from a freestyle stance now rather than kiba-dachi! They make us cross step with the stepping foot in front and i find that restricts my kick a lot more than stepping behind, so i am pleased i don't need to do it often anymore!
  17. that sounds like the best result for a scan possible!
  18. Wednesday 21 December Karate Session First session since grading with shiny new purple belt Small class, just myself, 3rd Dan, 1st Dan and my 6yr old! Warm ups done as per usual Technique work This was done a bit differently. Sensei worked on teaching us a quite involved black belt combination which was fun. Worked on it for about 30min, had 25 moves to it. Worked up to the full sequence and then did it starting from the other side. Was fun Kata Worked through Heian Godan multiple times. Sensei said i have learnt the techniques fine already (was pleased at this) and started working on the rhythm and details (i had my hands horizontal for the crossed wrist block rather than upright etc) Quite like the kata already tbh so will be good to work on it.
  19. Sorry for the belated update - sat grading and passed fine (though someone might have tripped over one of my lungs!). Covid away fine but left me with an annoying chest infection while has curtailed my exercise routing annoyingly. On the plus side thats me got my 5th Kyu (purple belt) again, so my working back through the grades is progressing smoothly still. Got some nice comments from the grading examiner. The course beforehand was really good too : there is one comment he always makes and he never made it clear what he meant but he covered it in the course so now i know! Learnt Heian Godan already so now just need to work on it being less poor and work towards passable!
  20. How you getting on with the PS5 so far then? I really liked mine when i got it - everything just seemed to work a little more smoothly. I also thought that the headphones are superb - i'm not much into music or audio type stuff but even i could tell the headphones were really good. Having young children in the house they are a must have for being able to play when they are in bed!
  21. Thanks for the good wishes! Haven't posted many updates here in last week or two as the whole family came down with covid unfortunately so not been able to do much! Checked with my instructor and he still wants me to grade on Saturday so will give it my best! Hopefully manage to power through any fatigue!
  22. The GM point may make everything else moot so that might be worth exploring first as no sense wasting mental energy on something that couldn't come to pass regardless. The other points are tough ones. Most people would agree that ego has no place in the martial arts, but in the real world, with real people, it can raise it's head sometimes and it can make a difference. In styles where you need to reach a certain level to 'unlock' competition levels etc and then rank becomes irrelevant (eg Judo where once you are at black belt level it doesn't matter what dan you are for competition, same with bjj) it's common to have more skilled people at a lower rank and no one really cares. In other styles there is always a perception of the more skilled person being the senior rank (whether true or not) and i always find it looks a little odd when you see more junior people at a lower rank without an obvious reason like age - though you are a 4th dan so no one can really think of that as junior! From the way you have phrased the messages it does seem that not grading may affect your mindset a little going forwards, and as a result have an impact on your training. You have obviously dedicated years to your style so that would be a shame. Am sure you will make the right decision for you though
  23. I know, Bob. It strikes me this way, too. I don't know why, but I feel that if the new owner/instructor gets higher ranked than me...I don't know. All the ceremonious bowing to one with a "higher rank," but lacking so much in experience, turns my stomach a bit. He is currently a 4th dan, same "rank" as I am. Like I mention, it's a weird spot I find myself in, and I don't like it. My other major concern is the sheer cost of the next test, which is ridiculous. In order to stave some of the cost, I had the previous CI start an escrow account for me, basically adding $5 or $10 (I don't remember which) extra out of my monthly dues to put towards the next testing. With that in mind, I should probably go ahead and follow through with it. Like I said, it is a weird position for me, and I'm not necessarily proud of the way I'm approaching it. I've got to get my mind right and test for me, and not anyone else. I would generally agree that chasing rank for ranks sake is unnecessary but i would also wonder what would be the impact on you if you do/don't go for a promotion. If you don't go for it and the CI does, will this affect your training (other than having to acknowledge their higher status) or not? If it would on a personal level make you uncomfortable and feel the need to leave the school then you should also factor this into the decision. Looking at it from a totally different perspective, that of the other students at the school, who is the better teacher out of yourself and the CI? Would the other students actually gain more from your being the senior (or at least equal) grade? If you already have the money saved up for the exam then that could be a totally valid reason to go for it tbh - to benefit the school itself
  24. I have noticed that (from my personal experience) the more skilled the martial artist the less they seem to care about the 'trappings' of rank and they more endure them : simple example, when my old bjj school first got affiliated with Rickson Gracie (i think most people would accept he can be classed as a master!) he made a point of shaking everyones hands, was very friendly, went out of his way to help students : if he could tell they were being too shy to ask him a question he would gently work it out of them etc. I compare that to another 'Master" level instructor i had that once almost banned me for the crime of studying all day and then coming to class and having a small crease appear in my sleeve from my uni books! I lost a lot of respect for him straight away tbh. Back to the main topic of the thread, sounds like you have made a brave (and from the information presented correct) decision Zaine. I would also second the idea of some remote link up with more infrequent face to face training. Most of the more senior martial artists i have met have had to do this at some point as the people they could learn from were such a small group. Indeed, when i first got into bjj there must have been only 1-2 BB in all of Scotland so most of the senior guys had to do the same and it hasn't hurt them longer term. Your Shodan should equip you with enough skill to be able to remotely work on what your longer distance instructor has suggested and you could always use the online options when needed too. Another consideration for me would be the intent behind your new school. Is it a means to give back to your art and develop yourself or is it an intended new career / business venture? IF the former then the higher ranking doesn't really matter, if the latter then unfortunately it may do. For a business i would assume that student numbers are important and a lot of people may just look for whichever instructor nearby has the highest dan, without reading more into it
  25. I hope your tournament went well! Please update us! 12/8/2022 Strength Training Safety Squats: 60x5x2, 110x5, 165x3, 200x1. And then I had to stop. Health issues are really starting to cause my problems. My head wasn't feeling quite right (Meniere's disease acting up) and as I was doing my warmup sets, I had to stop and rest after each set. The Valsalva maneuver was causing me to get lightheaded, and at one point, the room started spinning. I just couldn't continue, and it's so frustrating. Hopefully you manage to get the health issues sorted! The valsalva can be funny for some people - i'm sure i have read about it causing blood pressure issues (though i may be misremembering). Anyway hope you are feeling better soon! Can quasi-relate, our entire house (myself, partner and the two kids) are all laid up with Covid at the moment which is affecting my training ability too. I know i am going to be tired for the grading on Sat but i will give it my best effort.
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