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Everything posted by mikS

  1. I take BJJ and most of the positions/techniques are illegal in wrestling.....funny to slap an armbar on a wrestler who thinks its over once you're on your back: "Dude, what are you doing? you're pinned...hey.....OW WTF!~
  2. Maybe i'm a bit biased as i'm a BJJ practicioner, but yeah i feel the same way.
  3. A headbutt ffrom the gaurd? good luck with that
  4. here 's what i'd do: Either throw punches from the guard, but more likely i'd pass their guard (how hard could it be if an untrained guy got u into guard) then i'd do the good old GNP.
  5. I'm sorry, but kata and basics dont' have much to do with sparring. I know WAY too many people with good kata and basics that SUCK at sparring.
  6. Gee, um, hmm, maybe he's just better than you.
  7. You would consider shotokan a power generating style? I wouldn't. As a matter of fact, I consider shotokan to be weak, compared to other karate styles. Shotokan is too rigid.
  8. And he landed a spinning kick to your head? Fighting higher belts isn't a big deal, it helps with your sparring, because they help you learn. I remember when i was intimidated by brown and blackbelts. lol. Then i realized that half of them suck. hahaha, it also helps that im a 2nd degree brown belt now and can pretty much beat anyone i spar against
  9. No, this woudln't work.
  10. 90% hands, 10% hands
  11. Yes i've heard of it and i practice it. And yes it can strengthen the wrists/forearms.
  12. You're wrong. Tai chi is NOT only for old people. What you're looking for is taichichuanfa (martial tai chi). If you can find a Tai Chi teacher who teaches it as a MARTIAL art, then pick tai chi. if not then judo is also good.
  13. mikS

    Tensho Kata

    Yeah, i practice shito ryu and i have learned this kata. Which part of the open handed blocking sequence are you talking about? The part in the middle or at the end?
  14. They're used for strengthening the legs.
  15. I'd say just observe who the hardest working and most skilled students (of all levels) in your classes are. Put em on the demo team!
  16. Don't use ankle weights, they damage your joints.
  17. Sometimes things CAN just be left alone.......
  18. Well, it never hurt anyone to be flexible.
  19. I can imagine, apparently english is suposed to be a very difficult language to learn because of all the grammar rules and exceptions.
  20. I like the tokaido heavy weight gi (250 bux or so). Really nice uniform though.
  21. Option 1: The policeman has been grabbed and needs to grapple. Option 2: The policeman is not grabbed and needs to subdue (grapple). Because these functionally never result in a subdual. Take a look at more than a minute of more than a dozen police with sticks hitting Rodney King over and over and over... notice that for over a minute he continued to get back up. Wonder what one officer with no stick could have done from a striking perspective to keep him down. Then relize the use of force issue you just mentioned, and remember that grappling arts (which, I might add, have a proven record of success over striking arts; and which are obviouly more useful in wrestling for control) inflict less injury when trying to subde. Levering someone into place to cuff hem is preferrable to breaking their collar bone then inflicting enough brain-stem trauma to incapacitate them so you cancuff them. IIRC this is the "complex question fallacy"; like "anyone who loves Jesus will agree that tacos taste bad". We all want them going home at night; we don't all agree with what best accomplishes that goal. If you say sooo.
  22. I was actually told by my instructor that it was rather disrespectful to look at your opponent (in the dojo) while bowing. He said it showed that you didn't trust them.
  23. Considering there are thousand of styles of kung fu........the answer is thousands.
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