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Alan Armstrong

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Everything posted by Alan Armstrong

  1. The answer you seek is contained in body language.
  2. A big yes!Not much different than a person that can drive a car or not, it takes time and practice to do it correctly. I would also say that a person's karate or kung fu can be found to be; excellent, good, bad or poor, in skill regarding; strength, accuracy, capabilities and functionality...
  3. Another interesting survival tip to know, this time out in the wide open desert. Due to unforeseen reasons people can become stranded or lost in the desert. While venturing out on foot for their survival, surrounded by sand, it has been discovered that, they, to their surprise, end up back in the same spot that they started from. The reason for this is that when in the desert, with no bearings to focus on such as a building or structures, that one leg being more dominant than the other, causes people to walk in a full circle. This can and needs to be counteracted by being aware of this and to make an adjustment by turning away to the right for every 100 steps if the person naturally leans to the left. Combined with the knowledge of the movements of the sun can also be of help, by understanding the shadows, can give a person an idea of the time of day. Before setting off on foot, it is an idea to make an arrow pointing in the direction you have chosen to go in, with the word S O S spelled out with anything at hand. Consider making arrows on the ground still pointing in the direction you are headed in while on your journey back to civilization. Writing down your name, date and details about yourself is always a good idea, including the state of your health and if medication is needed, also contact details of someone that knows you, would be advisable, on your person and also from your present starting off on foot location. Heat during the day and being cold at night is an issue. Covering your head with a hat or something to give shade while walking is going to slow down becoming dehydrated (also at night when the temperature drops) body heat can be conserved when the head is covered. Having a pebble in your mouth, is a good way to keep it moist from drying out too fast; which will help to conserve water. At night in the desert can become very cold, one survivor, continually walked around a rock all night long, to stay warm, if not, he would have surely died from hypothermia. Therefore consider sleeping between times of extreme heat and cold if possible. Having someone that knows your travel plans in advance, is also a successful way of survival, because if you don't show up when you should, then a rescue response can be set in motion to find you.
  4. Here is the (audio) in an interview about his book by Gavin de Becker: The Gift of Fear pt1 & 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DXU7GZhh7sY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sq31tVY9Dw4 Have listened to both videos, Gavin seems like he has an important message to teach and tell about the importance of being intuitive.
  5. Thanks LLLEARNER, I'll look in to this book or two.
  6. Having no game or gamesmanship is your game, there is no escape, with reasonable explanations, as they will never be sufficient enough to get out of its gravitational pull.
  7. No matter where you are, survival tactics are at hand, probably more than one can fathem as routine takes place over this constant concern. But what if you found yourself lost in the woods, alone? Going to wish you knew a thing or two in a hurry. Suppose you have found a way out of the woods and there is a road, do you turn left or right, you choose. So there you are walking along the road for four hours, then eventually you come to a fork in the road, which one do you pick, left or right, you choose? So you continue walking along one of the forks (that you have picked) on the road and remember this story. As one simple piece of information would have saved your life. That is, if you are lost in the wilderness and you come across a road and you follow it and you come to a fork in the road, turn around and walk back the way you just came. For the simple rule in the wilderness is, all roads move away from civilization, as forks in the road adhere to this code. This is how and why the expression came about that, all roads lead to Rome, also because the Romans invented them; whereas the modern expression leads us to think the contrary, of ending up in the same place, no matter what we do. Survival tactics and skills are essential elements that can make or break anyone, basic information can save your life. Do you have the skills to survive in unfamiliar territory? Your ancestors had the skills to survive, otherwise you wouldn't be here but do you yourself have the deep down instinct to survive? Marital arts and knowing which roads to take and not take in the city are also a part of survival skills, just that it is urban, this doesn't make it any less dangerous than the wilderness. Perhaps the term, urban jungle, is just pointing out the similarities. Want to know more or do you have something to add?
  8. Would be inconceivable, not so long ago, in my lifetime, that exchanging viewpoints around the world, such as this forum; would be considered witchcraft. Hallucinogenic drugs such as mushrooms and LSD fungus growing of food, have helped to perpetuate superstitious attitudes. As Bruce Lee's father smoked a heroine pipe that was a part of the Chinese theatre culture at the time, was used for purposes to enhance the voice for singing. For beginners luck and the other side of counting their chickens before they hatch, with everything in between. All cultures around the world practice luck management systems, like it or belive in it or not, it is there. Ancestor worship, to help us down here from those that have passed on up there, its remnants are in many peoples homes, as with photos next to the fireplace, whitch was once upon a time an alter. Of courses they didn't have photos but effigies and carvings worked just as well. In the now, we can watch reruns on TV of dead people (classic Hollywood) just as if they are in the same room. Those that don't feel as if they have much going for them, seem to turn to mysticism for better luck. As those that think that they are getting less than their fair share, hedge their bets, and prefer communism. While those that think they can win, much more often than not, put their faith alot higher and go for capitalism.
  9. Coincidence. You also have to consider culture. What some cultures consider to be taboo or bad luck, others don't. It could be that Lee didn't grow up believing breaking mirrors was bad luck.Could be coincidence for Bruce Lee, as every moment is also.Could also be coincidence that far too many famous people die due to drug related activities, as Bruce Lee died to a reaction to drugs, as it is the same thing for many others, but for them with less dignity it is called an overdose. It is also ironic that a man considered to be the strongest and fitist martial artist for his time, died so easily, followed by his son, another coincidence following in his father's footsteps too closely.
  10. Which one do you relate to more, calmness or being hyper? Calmness does induce clearer thinking, which reduces unnecessary panic and confusion. Hyperness can provide effective explosive energy; which can also waste valuable energy. Or perhaps you have your "Keep calm and carry on" all figured out?
  11. What motivates you to continue your journey in martial arts?
  12. An artist can bring something out from imagination in to reality. To see something before it happens works well for planning and strategies but it needs to have a start and a completion. Otherwise, it is like cutting an imaginary piece of paper in half and cutting it again in half and throwing the other half away, and so on till infinity. In reality there comes a point when there is nothing to cut in half. Reality has its limitations and Imagination has none, an important point to remember. In martial arts there is plenty of imagination associated with virtual martial art practices. Keeping your martial art grounded is an important factor for maintaining real progress. In other words, keep you imagination and reality detector in good working order at all times. Telling the difference between imagination and reality isn't always clear, until after the fact, this is why, hind sight is 20/20 vision. Also the saying, if it sounds too good to be true then its probably not, is worth considering. Imagination is like play, and it is possible that people play on your imagination for profit and gain, used in sales tactics. I like it when CI's explain the martial art they teach than those that are constantly selling it; piece by piece. How is your I and R detector working these days?
  13. Which quotes were good and which were out of date?
  14. Very nicestory thank you for sharing. Lots of passionate Martial Artists here. Grazie italian_guy.You also must be passionate, welcome to KF, sharing that passion makes it twice as much fun. We have a few things in common, especially with all the styles and systems in your avatar, such as: karate, Wing chun, krav Maga, Kickboxing, Tai chi chuan and JKD. Did you also practiced many styles? Which ones? Some of the style you see in the avatar were practiced for a short time (unfortunately) JKD and KM for a few months, TCC and KB for 1.5 years and goju for 7 years. Starting from next June I should have some more spare time in my busy schedule so I think I will do some cross training either with Tai chi (still yang style same school of my Wing Chun) or back to KM. I have practiced in all of those in your avatar?
  15. Confucius, a person time has never forgotten. His family lineage pre dates Jusus, which put Confucius in the "Guinness Book Of Records". Here are Confucius's sayings, an easy to listen to audio book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzX8p37bL74 As wisdom helps to make wise choices, nobody does it better than Confucius. Are you a Confucius fan? Here is Confucius the movie
  16. Tao Te Ching, Book of the way by Lao Tzu. For those that are new to martial arts or for those that would like a gentle reminder to help them back on their way. Here is an audio book, easy listening, enjoy your journey. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P0bmiIkAYA0
  17. When I grow/if up, I will know what I want when I get there, till then, it is on a need to know basis, as I don't need to know right now, then it is a wait and see what happens thing, unless there are unforeseeable circumstances, that change my mind to the contrary, that make me want to know right now, but I doubt it.
  18. As a kid in the 70's a rabbit foot key chain was the in thing to have (not so lucky for the rabbit) and for the girls, a lucky charm bracelet, with as many different kinds of stuff considered to be lucky attached. Who doesn't know their astrological sign, besides very young children? What do you do if you spill salt, do you throw some over your shoulder? As for those that belive that breaking a mirror causes seven years bad luck, then how about Bruce Lee, breaking all those mirrors in the movie "Enter the dragon" as he never lived long enough to see the premier.
  19. Almost 100 years ago, a visitor, an American arrived in a small village in China, to help with the starvation and diseases there. All he had with him was a letter of recommendation from the American government. The villagers were very curious of this American, so he showed them this important looking letter. One Chinese woman, that had never seen or herd of such thing, asked the American to explain "what is a letter of recommendation?" The American explained to her, that when traveling to distant places, or meeting people for the first time, that if you have a letter of recommendation to show, then this makes it easier to be accepted wherever you go. Later that evening, the woman that was curious about the letter, visited the American, at the place where he was staying. He was surprised to see her, he asked her, if there is something he could do for her, she answered "Yes" She explained that her baby had just died, and if it would be possible if her baby could have this important letter of recommendation. The American gave her the letter, she smiled at him with the deepest gratitude possible, with tears of happiness in her eyes, she thanked him and walked away.
  20. It's bad luck to admit to being superstitious, so I avoid the temptation of admitting it, just in case that it could be true.
  21. Clever answer, bushido_man96.
  22. The art of war, by Sun Zu, audio book. Helpful to those that have the time to listen but not to read, such as when working out alone among other things. Happy listening!
  23. For those that have the time to listen instead of reading, the complete audio of "The book of five rings" here is a link to doing just that.
  24. Are you superstitious? Could there be some truth to being superstitious? There is alot of superstition in the world, in many cultures, in the Chinese culture it also has its fair share, that spills in to the martial arts. Can you honestly say that you are superstition free? What are you superstitious about? Perhaps Friday 13th is not the best day to be tested for your black belt and the 7th of July is preferable?
  25. Games and gamesmanship help to improve many aspects of strategies and tactics for being a martial artist. Are you putting games to good use in improving yourself strategically? Which games have improved you in becoming a better martial artist and how so?
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