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Everything posted by Valn

  1. Learning from videos is actually not a very good thing to do since you can create some bad habits easily. Videos are good extras, but there is nothing like a good instructor to help you out.
  2. Yeah you may get blisters once in a while but it's part of the game.
  3. I think in recent years you have so many people that have crossed trained that things are becoming extremely complex and complicated.
  4. There are video clips with kicking, punching, and even comedy. You guys must download the one with the man fighting a grizzly bear. I remember one of my instructor in karate saying if you see a grizzly bear run for your life, but in this video it's just hilarious...
  5. Training for realism I guess we do it sometimes, but for the most part we just do the basic training.
  6. Respect is very important.
  7. Wow, some of the video clips are totally awesome and some are hilarious. thanks Thaiboxerken.
  8. Thaiboxerken, I wasn't making a comment on muay thai. I already knew that it was a complete martial arts.
  9. Karate is a complete martial arts where as Kickboxing is a sport tournament oriented.
  10. If you can upload it that would be very sweet.
  11. Jack you're da lucky man
  12. I don't think there is any point waiting to cross train. If you can handle a lot of punishment by doing lots of martial arts by all means go for it. I'm training in goju karate, shotokan karate, and wing chun kung fu and yes I can't wait for december to drop goju because that's a little too much.
  13. I wish I could help you on this one because that would really be interesting to look at competitions video.
  14. Because I have also been sparring for a while in karate I have perhaps and idea as to what is wrong. If your opponent can grab your leg it means that you are not pulling your leg out of there fast enough. When you kick think of a quick snap, you know like you have a towel and snap it. If your opponent can see you coming and sweep your leg it means you need to work on your foot work so that he won't see you coming. Bottom line, practice your basic very hard and try to make your kicks invisible.
  15. Valn

    karate ?!

    By the way, because your friend does crunches and push ups in his goju class it doesn't mean that all goju places do it. For instance, I trained in goju for 12 months so far and I never did crunches or push ups. However, in Kyokushin, shotokan, and wing chun I have done lots of work out. In the end, I think it comes down to the instructor a lot.
  16. I don't mean to disrespect "fitness kickboxer" but I can think of a lot of cardio work out that I would do before I come to think about "fitness kickboxing". EX: Running/ weight lifting in addition to my martial arts trainning.
  17. Sparring has rules such as kicks and punches must be above the belt and many other rules for safety exist. However in a street fight there will be no fancy kicks or anything fancy. The goal is to end the fight as quick as possible and survive.
  18. If this is true then this will be reason that progress in flexibility have been moderate. For the last 12 months I say have stretched 3-5 times a week but no more than 5 minutes. However, thanks to my martial arts that I have started (Wing chun) our instructor emphasize streching as very important so now I stretched at least 15-18 min twice a week and I"m already seeing some improvement. Anyway, thanks for sharing some tips guys.
  19. Yeah I guess going to disney right now will look like a good time if you go during week days since all the kidds are back in school. The thing that I hate bout theme parks is the long lines.. Have fun
  20. Hey bon, are you talking about a roundhouse to the head level? Because I don't really see how effective the elbow will be if the target was your shin or thigh.
  21. Yeah I guess you're right thaiboxerken. I will be a white that kick ass.
  22. Apparently there has been a lot of Jeo who decided to teach
  23. Well, I don't see where they based their information on and how accurate it is. One thing, it strange but I always hear that taekwon do is more popular than karate but te graphs seems to indicate otherwise.
  24. Actually today I have talked with students that know about the shotokan school that I have started. Apparently, when the test come, if I can demonstrate a lot of skills I may by pass the yellow belt and move on to orange. Now, I know this isn't a major move forward, but now I have a reason to train hard regardless if I fail because I will give my best.
  25. For all the belt test that I have taken in goju I have always worked very hard. For instance, I would increase my training dramatically when I know I will be testing. However, after watching other students passing with sloppy performance I must say that I am kind of disgusted. Right now, I will be testing for my 5th kyu in about two weeks and I absolutely don't care about passing or failing. Ah well, I still have to deal with my dojo until december 4th 2001.
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