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Nidan Melbourne

KarateForums.com Sempais
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Everything posted by Nidan Melbourne

  1. I don't bounce personally because i prefer a strong base of support before i strike. also it makes it more annoying for my opponent to predict what i do (sometimes lol)
  2. Thats a lot of Kata mal103
  3. I've been to LA before and saw a couple of those places. Haven't been to Vegas though. I'm glad i'm finally of the legal age to drink over there.
  4. Yeah i've seen that photo before.
  5. Have a chat with the parents with him there in an office if you have one. And make sure you emphasize the point that behavior like that is unacceptable and not tolerated. We have a couple of students who are exactly like that in our adults class. But what my sensei has done (after having a chat with the parents) paired them up with the most senior student in the class and who is also the hardest worker. Or like Bushido_man96 said that when he grades he'll probably fail and might motivate him. if he was in my class I would be working him to the point of exhaustion or make it so difficult that he asks for help. Our students who are butt lazy have been worked hard every class that they turned up to and all have failed the most recent grading. The parents arced up of course (they asked how we could fail their son/daughters) until we told them that their child made little attempt at the grading and that we couldn't promote someone who doesn't actually try at gradings, and also that the child makes no effort to train properly. and until they start making an effort and stop being lazy they will not be eligible for a grading again
  6. That is interesting how you have it at your school. Confusing as hell though if your coming from another isshinryu dojo. I know with seisan in various goju-ryu schools they have it at different dan grades because of its complexity. Like at my dojo we have it at 2nd dan but at some i know of they have it at 3rd or 4th dan. But i have seen most of the kata you have listed, which are mostly all interesting.
  7. Has she gone to see someone to be able to talk things out? I know if she has been abused bad enough she will be suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) there will be things that need to be talked out with a psychologist and also she might need an outlet to take her physical angression out on (A punching bag is always a good idea). My girlfriend suffers from PTSD and often when she has an episode she'll freak out and want to fight somebody. But instead a punching bag takes all the physical punishment of it. Also it helps her greatly to speak to somebody that won't judge her on what has happened. So it is good to hear that she is rid of the abuser and the abuser got jail time
  8. There's always going to a good discussion on topics like these Bushido_man96
  9. Thanks sensei8 what kind words! I love martial arts. I don't know what i'd do without it!!!
  10. Well done to Zach he was the better fighter in that fight. The one thing i noticed is that in both videos both karateka are doing a lot of kicks. 99% of the bouts i've seen/coached/been in had an equal amount of hand strikes to kicks. As there are very few bouts i've seen fought like what was in the videos. IMHO The fights seemed a little TKD for me.
  11. KS? Is that Kansas Do note i don't live in America so i have little idea on the abbreviations for American States
  12. I really enjoyed watching it. annoyingly I slept in.
  13. What other Kata do you have at your school (don't worry about putting rank with it)?
  14. Hi all, At your dojo what is the order of your Kata? Mine is: White - Taikyoku Jodan Yellow - Taikyoku Chudan Orange - Taikyoku Gedan Red - Taikyoku Kake Uke Ichi Green - Taikyoku Mawashi Ichi and also starting here we do Sanchin Kata Purple - Gekesai Dai Ichi & Ni Blue - Saifa and here we start doing Tensho Kata here Brown, 1st Brown - Seeuinchin Shodan - seeuinchin and sanseru Shodan - Sanseru Nidan - sesan Sandan - sepai Yondan - shisochin Godan - kururunfa Rookudan - suparempai My apologies if I spelt anything wrong.
  15. I can't blame you for not feeling physically ready. When I went for my shodan (and got my nidan at the same grading) I had only been back for 8 months before grading
  16. This has been an iffy issue for some time now, and is down to different Local Government Areas. Some Councils will make you pay for the right to use a public space to make money (no different to PT work or setting up a food stall as far as business goes). I have a personal gripe with this too. Nothing worse than going down to use the fitness equipment in my local park only to find some Crossfit instructor with their gear strewn everywhere and using ever bar in sight! Worse is, they are using our public space to make a buck, and pushing other people out. Other than that, anyone would have to be a fool to be teaching without having a registered business, with the right levels of both Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurances. I hate seeing people who do that and make it difficult for others to enjoy the open space. I have many friends who are PT's and use parks for space and ensure that their gear isn't spread out making it annoying for others. They keep everything in a pile around a tree and to keep in tidy. And also allow fellow PT's to use the gear when they aren't using it. And all the PT's use one area which is away from the areas that are commonly used by the public. So they are all together
  17. Oh and in terms of costing we hire a camp site that has huts that has bunks for those attending. So no student has to live in a hotel or anything. The most any student has to pay is $200 (maximum) and it is a 5 day camp. But if anyone can't stay for the entire time it is a much smaller cost for them to attend. So if they could only make 2 days they are charged $80. As it is worked out to be $40 per day The site of the camp provides the food (which is most of the daily fee at the camp). Each school puts in for each participant, which would save money for everyone. Instead of charging each person $400-500 it was $200. And was non-compulsory to attend so it was up to you.
  18. If it started randomly i would be really concerned about it. Although i do know my dojo (it turned 5 this year) started doing camps this year and but not as a pre-req for any grading. We started doing them as a way for our students to cover all their syllabus and extra. Also we do a lot of testing of our students to help them improve. We have 4 schools that take part in this camp now. and have about 10-15 instructors that help out. I am one of the instructors and was (not surprisingly) in charge of fitness testing. And before the camp every participant had to fill out a medical questionnaire so i can evaluate if they need medical supervision. the funniest thing i found was that the adults loved the 20m shuttle run (aka the beep test) and the juniors loved a test called the YMCA Submaximal Cycle Test
  19. They may have built off that study, but from reading DWx's post, it sounds like they maybe tried a little too hard... Yeah I have a little bit of an issue with their method. In particular I think they didn't exactly have a very wide number of participants. In fact they were struggling to get people to complete the self defense course. Those that were deemed vulnerable from experiment 1 didn't even have the inclination to finish up the self defense course. Also telling someone to walk across the room and pretend they are walking across the park isn't very good I don't think. To me this is very suggestive and the person walking may sub-conciously change their behaviour because the tester has effectively told them that they need to pretend they are vulnerable. There's also no control as to how effective the self defence courses were as we all know there is very little quality control there. The courses people conducted before the study could have been rubbish or excellent but we don't know. Similarly we don't know the quality of the course used in experiment 2. All we know is that it was how to defend against verbal and physical attack and not how to avoid attack in the first place. It's a good basis for future work but I don't think we can read too much into the results. its a shame that they did the study in that fashion. There are too many extraneous variables for it to make it valid. If i was the researcher i would have had videos of participants in their daily life but without them realizing that they are being filmed (but they have consented prior to any filming being done). So it would be a longitudinal study. Then they could use the film for their evaluation techniques. For actual self-defense courses they could be teaching those whose participate in them to how to defend themselves safely from all their concerns. Like keeping an eye on those around them (and to see if there is anyone following them).
  20. That is a good point. But, in a wierd way, they kind of help by exposing others to the Martial Arts to begin with.You are right it did expose me to the world of martial arts but I did learn stances and blocks really well and there were some very talented people there who had nothing but the style but it kind of set me up for when i moved on in terms of mentality of the martial arts but i found that the focus on class numbers and politics was a big thing and i feel it is a substandard style having mastered the syllabus by 4th kyu and i became much happier when i left and started learning more and better things. Overall it gave me a starting point but i would only recommend it to those people who have a family and want to do karate with their kids in same class as a way to bond and keep fit and to those who want to be a black belt by age 12 (something i came across). Yeah you have to be a bit suspicious of a style where you learn everything before you hit black belt. I have looked at their website and they say that they learn or are introduced to advanced kata at different grades but i doubt many of them are knowledgeable about those kata themselves. There are a couple of students that are black belts that are 12 at my dojo, BUT they have trained for multiple years (obviously). And they cannot grade for Shodan until they have matured a fair bit and have become older. our youngest shodan is 14 but held his shodan-ho for 3 and a bit years before grading for it.
  21. Is that you training more regularly than those who don't do that accelerated program?
  22. Yeah at my school we have class attendance and time guidelines which we follow quite rigorously. But after about green or purple they take a lot longer than others. as a minimum of time is 30 lessons (so 30 hours) but most students do a 'double' class but they are only credited for the single class. If they are say an orange belt and they did the double class from their first class of orange belt then they can be close to 60 hours of class time before a grading and still have 30 lessons. For Dan Gradings we have a standard of the grading they are wanting to grade for + 6 months. So when i grade for my sandan it will be 3 & 1/2 years before i can.
  23. Had a huge one this morning. 3 Sets of 10 reps Reverse Lunges 3 Sets of 10 reps 1/4 single leg squat 3 Sets of 10 reps Power Lunges 40 minute run - 50 m sprints with proper technique those were from my physiotherapist. followed with 10 reps (3 sets) leg press (130 kg weighted) 10 reps (3 sets) chest fly (variable weight) 10 reps (3 sets) lat pull down - plus variations (Lats, Triceps and Biceps) 30 mins mod-vig intensity Cross-Trainer 1 hr of kumite (1, 2 or 3 on 1 sparring), with about 30 secs in between rounds to get water.
  24. I would have thought there would have been a couple of schools there. Especially since it is considered (As far as i know) one of the 4 "traditional" main styles of karate. Where i live we have at least 3-4 schools of each style throughout Victoria (1 state alone of Australia). As most schools we have here have more than one dojo available. My old school had 4 dojo's throughout melbourne - Kew, Ashburton (Hombu), Mill Park and Moorabin. Where I am now (new school) just has one in Balwyn.
  25. Where do you live? Which styles do you currently study? I haven't really done much in terms of other study in karate so i am unsure?
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