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Everything posted by Hawkmoon
Well I was woken up the other morning with a mad 9 year old singing happy birthday to me! So I have a new CD, a new watch and officially have the UFC trainer game already to load and 'test'. I'll be training tonight so won't get time to load it up, so will see about getting some TV time tomorrow....after some painfully annoying frustrating show called X-Factor! X-factor, Britain's got talent, TOWIE, Big Brother, Kar-crash-ians....stopping before I go off on a rant ggrrrrr! God I hate this reality TV stuff!
cool! I'd thought about something like this but could not get past the idea of some leather straps ...which I couldn't picture any other way than effectively being a whip of sorts! Nice!
sparring stances... to bounce or to not bounce
Hawkmoon replied to student_karateka's topic in Karate
100% yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ! Looking at his or her face does little for your fight. Looking at the chest area allows you to see 'tells',what arm or leg is being moved/considered for the next attack! plan to that moment, act on that moment! To that to stare lovingly into the eyes of your opponent risks them getting inside your head, that is not the best. Many say confidence others ego, some both, I'm the latter. Boxers do it MMA guys do it any combat sport does it for some its there thing, this is true, but to me it serves no purpose and risks so Sooo much more... You may as well look past the guy or look at the chest area, for all the 'extra' it is said can get you! This deep long look into the other guys soul screams ego tome more than confidence. -
18/11 sit ups - 30 ! push ups - 20 ! kata (all of them!) x5 (I'm guess'ing the new Shihan was feeling relaxed!)
Thank you for your kind words they are greatly received! A totally inspiring day! one I would say everyone needs to experience! (but then I am biased!)
It was a good learning experience. One I am happy to add more to, I will be fighting again! I'm a different person now, I can't explain it or why I just feel it, and the others , the regular fighters are different towards me! I was respected before by them as well as the others but now there is a new connection with the fighters and a new look of respect from the others like being 'blood'ed for the first time and the acceptance that comes with that I guess works here! You need courage, I was told to stand up and walk out into a knockdown bout, after all the person on the other side is not considering you for inclusion to his Christmas card list, far from it! If you get a chance, study the rules, do some serious core work, serious leg and arm conditioning and have ago go! oh! don't be afraid to dip into the 'insane' mind set box as you train from time to time!
Bit of an essay from me (again, sorry) Some thoughts for you to consider, chew over! ***************************** I had a tournament this weekend, my first for a few years and my first Knockdown tournament to boot! My opponent in the tournament was known to one of our guys, so he made sure to clue me up on my opponents ability and style. So I new what to expect form him when we fought! The advise was sound, spot on and complete in every way possible, it was like reading a book when the bout started. He told he would come out fast, a flurry of hands. The round started, and true to the advice he came out in the manner he had been described to me! I was told he liked to use his legs, then about 40secs in he went for jodan Mawashi! He was good with his legs, just as he'd been described to me. I was informed he was known to have a weak spot, his stomach. I tested that, every time he came in close, it was true. These points were all I had to get into him, as the first round this information was priceless and perfect. So from the start; When he came in all fast hands, I was prepared and blocked/deflected what he threw at me and hit back. The strike backs were all tests with regards to his weak point. The first exchange, was a shock to us both I think! he clearly wanted to dominate from the start, and was determined to ensure that never happened. I feel he felt I'd back out, I didn't, I feel he thought he would punch and 'wake me up', I was not affected! I got the impression he new I could punch, but as a the new guy on the mat he had no idea how much or how hard the question would get answered! Each exchange after that was much shorter, when I hit I could 'feel' I hurt him more then he hurt me, as I was adding interest in the strike count about 2 to 1, I was more than happy with how this was apparently going. So he switched up to kicking, inner leg shots which I was not happy about, never have been so I wanted to protect them early on, (save them for later when I would be tired and less mobile) so I moved round him taking much if not all the sting out of the attacks. He changed to body shots, only one got through, but again I was not affected, (be assured it hurt) I had no doubt he could kick! So he switched up again and went jodan which I ducked and pushed back on him, not connecting with anything, just demonstrating the intention. Why? I was sure he wasn't up to trading punches with me, and I was right as I chased him down he backed off! So for me it was time to look for another way into him another tell, thing was he moved back to inner leg attacks, he'd already picked up my lack of desire to be kicked in the inner thigh! I ultimately lost the bout, a judges decision, unfortunately my moving off/back/away placed...bits into attack range and I was caught a couple of times. The second time was the charm! *************************** I had no plan other then to test him, to react to what he offered, to get a feel for him, no more no less. The results were positive I picked up various tells and so I moved to hunt him down. However, I had made a mistake and not appreciated its reach or affect until I woke yesterday when it hit me (as it were)! I had preplanned an aspect of the bout, one he picked up on and unfortunate as it was he benefited from! Question; Should you pre-plan a fight? Answer: No never!
Morning everyone! That was one totally amazing experience! The thrill of walking onto the mat after all this time .... what a rush! As I walked up to the judges table to sign in and be checked ready to fight I really can't say what I was thinking everything was a million miles an hour! everything was/is a blur! To then walk onto the mat with all eyes on us, all cameras focused on our fight and a sight I'd not expected ... out of the corner of my eye seeing me on the big screen ... that changed the world instantly! The knowledge that the guy on the other side of the mat had one plan one thing on his mind, to hurt me to beat me, had my mind focused on one job! Man! what a rush! Sadly I was to be disappointed the guy beat me. It was a judges decision but I walked off in one piece, he was a good fight I felt unhappy with the result but that would be the sudden drop in emotion. Now its over the impact, shock, rush and emotion of the day, the moment are all gone I am happier in my self and the result and the day knowing I lost to the guy that went on the win the tournament! Osu! Happier yes defiantly happier.... so much so there is another tournament in a few months, my name is already down! A great day, and to add our dojo was honored by Hanshi Arneil, he called Sensei up and ...well..he is no longer sensei, he is Shihan! OSU!
11/11 50 push ups 50 sit ups x2 50 squats + punch combos on bag x2 (jab then jab + reverse punch) 160 Gedan Mawashi geri 80 Mai geri 80 mixed punch combos into bag pressing 'opponent' back! 2 x 1 min punch work full power no stopping no breaks between punches, keep the a constant pace. 6 x 1 min knockdown bouts! (unexpected, but glad they were done)
It'll be fun of that I have no doubt! ... that's a given! can't wait that's for sure, I've been out of competitions for so soo long (years, to many to count) this will certainly be a baptism of fire! Luck ..yup ..gonna needs loads of that ! Thanks guys for the support!
ah yes good point! Guys do feel free to post anyone on the list or not! I thought I selected a option but clearly I hadn't! if you want to be ........Sam Slade, or Optimums Prime, Maximus ...whoever.. go for it!
Hulk! ..but I'm a Hulk fan, I like the simple approach he has to things, LOL! He has a simple approach to life, he wants a simple life...then to that at the other end of that is "Hulk smash!" (trying hard to get an image of Sheldon with Hulk hands on 'out' of my head when I write that!)
I do like this topic, and other 'like' threads. Tells, confidence, planning a fight, making the final choice to go that far...all connected to various degrees all making up a single situation and so potential scenario and choice. Wishing this was a better way to put this and ask, but, what do you see around you when things look bad? What are you looking for , if you are looking for anything? Seriously step back a moment and consider when was it you noticed the atmosphere or the attention towards you or yours changed for what ever reason to be less friendly? Was there a strike, some shouting, a 'little word in your ear' ......
On a Sci-Fi website I used to work on one of the members posted a thread (i.e this thread) asking who would you be if you could be any hero? They meant as in Super Hero, so we had loads of votes for Batman, Hulk, Wolverine etc etc As a sci-fi nut I wonder who would you be? ...be that Master Chief, Wolverine, Bruce Lee...who would you be? Say why and what you could or would do if in the real world!! Have fun! LOL!
Fighting styles - not Ryu, fast static, fluid ...
Hawkmoon replied to Hawkmoon's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
With the 16th coming up fast ..... this weekend......! I've been watching the last couple of years contests. Sure there is the normal 'battering' punch after punch after blow after blow, push to win! However, I do note that year on year there is, (trying hard to find the right terms) fashionable phases/'fad' for fighting. For example; Last year was the year of massive punches. (At the 4th world title as a perfect example the Russians had that down perfectly) The year before was the chudan kick combo, before that punches and jodan finishing kick! Should be good to see how this year goes! Not looking forward to finding out if the 'fashion' this year is steam train.....it makes for a messy fight! -
!pish-posh! the Ankle is fine! :D :D Not that I'm happy I can use it with more effect now at all! Just need to deal with nerves! LOL! This tournament has been on my mind since Friday!...weird, previously I'd only start to think about the up coming event a day or two before! ...anyway! come the end of the weekend.... I can eat kebabs & pizza again! Yay! :D
Great advice,. On top of a contest to change now not a good idea, to work on things like this afterwards, yes top plan great suggestion. Things will be fresh in the mind, so working on the other strike or kick or combination will have 'real world' value. Adoption once a new set of weapons are uncovered will come on leaps and bounds!
(bit of an essay sorry) Yes, I've done that but I only do this as part of a general response to the atmosphere the 'vibes' I get from the people and the place itself around me! If things are tense and humid (a hot club or bar for example) then I start to evaluate people the ones in the background all silent & quiet (The Dark horse) as well as 'escape routes'. An actual way out as much as a place to retreat to to take me and mine away form a situation if things go nuclear! As to the dark horse, they are watched like a hawk (no pun intended), not because they have talent, or they are friends of any side of a situation, but because they are the ones with a weapon! (Bottle, knife, chain, glass...) The drive for them is a desire to attack form the shadows from behind to gain the advantage. These guys (thanks to films & TV) are the ones that want to be seen standing in the middle of the carnage as the first person everyone else sees when the dust settles. Glory hunters, ones with an over inflated ego that they actually accept is way WAY past any actual ability hence the fighting style they have! Some of the crews I have worked with in clubs and pubs select these guys almost as primary ejections candidates when things go bad. To offer a story regarding bushido_man96's post..... A local celeb MMA guy had his little entourage and all were notorious for walking around pushing the door staff to the limits...just for fun! - (Not my patch which was better) In the earlier days they were not known and so playing themselves down would...have fun...I guess with anyone that tried to do the 'right' thing. Before long the group wouldn't get past the front doors, which was good, but these guys, bad mind sets etc were from various MA backgrounds. To me it was obvious, you could see how they held themselves no matter how they tried to dumb themselves down that they had 'options' open to them. As a customer I was surprised to see other revelers react, be choice or not not sure to them, yet the door staff were (sadly I have to say) completely oblivious, hell would breakout first before they reacted. Confidence is one thing, people watching another but the faith in the 'guys'/team people you are with has to be considered. If they run then you alone have a situation to deal with, you have to react to them as much as the threat.
6/11 50 squats 50 push ups 50 sit ups 20 min pad work - arms 20 min pad work - legs 40 min 'light sparring' 20 min warm down - stretching etc Were done with the heavy work. Time to keep the body ticking over ready for the 16th!
hmm... ...I think I need to create a photobucket account. Then try out my artist ability! LOL! [/img]
hehe I'm not supposed to know but the UFC Disk for X-box arrived other day! (I have to wait for my b'day to get it but that's not far away so ....soon my precious soon! LOL!)
I reacted to a spitting attack today
Hawkmoon replied to Harkon72's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Harkon, you acted in response to an attack! I'm not Law enforcement I'm not military, I come from a a military family! (Army brat) So have a military view and a strong sense of honor and hence my interest in MA and such cultures. Spitting to me only has one purpose and that is to provoke! Simple as that, keeping my emotion back, to spit is to attack to insult! As I understand you as to what then happened next, you gave a measured even controlled response. Lets not open the potential medical concerns here! Many, as Patrick's post to examples on the Wiki offers, have gone much much further for much less provocation! In a sense the fact that today we have various Martial arts to pick and choose from, many appeared through differences between teachers and historically blood feuds and even war between this Shogun or that Warlord have come to pass. I will only add as I have said time and time before; 'stop when they submit take no pride in the action, have no grey areas to explain!" Best to not be in that situation at all, but to this I would certainly add you had no other choice, that option had been taken form you by there action!