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Everything posted by ShotokanMaster

  1. 11 min to go to my Dojo from Port Hueneme ca to Oxnard ca
  2. Im only loyal to Abe Belardo Sensie Jason Senpai Deme Senpai Christ and Sifu Jesus sifu minh and Sifu Tony their the best Instructor ever they always teach ya step by step with detail make sure your technique are correct and also your form also they will as your question if you have any question on your form and technique also they let you go to class early and Practice your form and techniques that's why I'm loyal to all of them
  3. 27 or 30 having 10th degree are you kidding me no way im 35 and barely a orange belt in American kenpo and barely gonna be green in shotokan and on January or February im gonna be purple belt in american kenpo ill be age 37 before i get my 1st dan then another year or so to get my nidan
  4. My 2014 Martial Arts Goals 1 Be black Belt in american kenpo karate 2 Be 1st place in the Tournament 3 Be in a Swat Team 4 Be in the Black Belt Club 5 lower my cholesterol 6 lower my blood preasure
  5. 1st I want to say Hope your grandma gets better 2nd some student are like that they dont listen To the instructor thats why he or she dont know the technique or the requirement for their belt test and by the time they belt testvthry dont know what to do
  6. Just report it to the police if not just go to the head instructor and other instructor and find out what happen while in my nephews case it was diff he was taking and his sensie made him stand up and they made him sparr everybody
  7. Oh ya i pass my yellow belts test for kenpo karate
  8. Hi Guys Its me ShotokanMaster wish me luck today im belt testing for yellow belt in american kenpo karate today and im exited i just started august 19 and I got my 2nd stripe on 17 of september and testing today yayy yayy thank got for shotokan i pick up quick know into new journey I will keep practicing so with in another month i will get my orange belt oh yea and im also a green belt in shotokan
  9. its not difficult bro all you need is a great dojo or instructor and make sure you have schedule fit for your training I suggest american kenpo karate its a god martial arts its gonne be easy for you because you studied shotokan because in kenpo karate they do grappling filipino martial arts and jun fa its tight bro i know this because i joined american kenpo karate 4 weeks ago and im almost testing for my yellow belt also im a greenbelt in shotokan
  10. Ginchin Funakoshi Ed Parker kancho kanazawa Jeff Speakman Bruce lee jackie chan chuck norris a lot
  11. everybody has the right to say their opinion weather your a black belt brown belt green belt why just because your not a black belt you dont have the right to say whats on your mind or opinion of course you do right
  12. this is the point of kata kata is an excercise in which we practice offensive and defensive again an imaginary person the physical expression of power speed balance timing coordination and focus this is the definition of kata are you nuts kata has a point because how can you practice your technique without kata kata is part of your technique they used bunkai in kata to defend them self again multiple attackers that has technique on the kata so kata is important in all who practice Martial arts
  13. In a Martial Arts once you earn your belt its yours no body can change it well me im a high orange belt in shotokan almost green belt when i go back to shotokan ill be high orange but will test for my greenbelt unless you move and start another karate class then you will be white belt depending if you start all over with diff style
  14. My Fav kata of Shotokan is basai dai and on Kenpo karate long form 6
  15. the ladies in my karate class wears T shirt then their gi sometimes they just wear our karate shirt and the guys they sometimes wear T shirt then their gi or no T shirt at all just the gi I only wear T shirt when its cold season i dont wear any shirt on summer
  16. Fangpwnsall7 their are dojos like that and their instructors and their student are like that maybe the one who teaches the instructor are like that too they teach bad attitude and martial arts that's a bad martial arts not good if I was you ill get out right now who cares about november even in the competition are like that their some karate instructors that would say beat him hard or break his bone and they think they all that. I want to keep in touch with ya to see how ya doing if that dojo do something bad call the police by the way im mike aka ShotokanMaster im a green belt in shotokan and a white belt in kenpo karate ill message ya my cell or skype ok
  17. well in my shotokan class we go from white yellow orange high orange green then high green then purple then high purple then 3rd kyu brown 2nd kyu brown 1st kyu brown then shodan right know im a green belt in shotokan 7th kyu
  18. If you wanna have a good shotokan go to fresno california Sensie steve wong is a great sensie also in Bakersfield ca shihan abe is good so as sensie jason hanby I know because im their student
  19. It is never to old to train karate or any martial arts I started Shotokan when i was 35 now im a green belt and when I moved back to Oxnard Ca I started kenpo karate and im a white belt but they night prmote me to green who knoes hehe
  20. Drink a green tea its good or you can meditate too
  21. Hi guys its me ShotokanMaster its been a long time since i posted here and im a green belt in shotokan now but i moved back to oxnard ca my hometown and i enrolled in Kenpo Karate what you think about kenpo karate isit a great martial arts i know its by ed parker should i take kenpo karate or should i not and just take a shotokan class here in oxnard
  22. GOOD LUCK On your test SEnsie and hope you past your test OSU
  23. IThink in cub scout no body uses martial arts its all about survival and camping is all i know tai chi is good for them
  24. I like reverse punch abd back fist strike or 2 punch from the head with my left and strike to the chest using reverse punch
  25. When I was in McDonald's i saw 2 kids wearing their gi at McDonald's and they do taekwondo i think even in blockbuster too But for me as a Martial Artist I dont wear my gi outside i have to change before i go out of the dojo because wearing your gi outside is like showing off and stuff and i feel like when i wear my gi outside its like disrespecting my dojo and showing off
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