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Everything posted by ShotokanMaster

  1. Round house Side kick back spining kick
  2. well I don't get annoyed but i hate rude kids who has an attitude It started on Friday about 3 weeks ago I was helping one of the instructor she was a 2nd degree black belt and she was explaining to all the beginner the procedure of the test and one of the student was so rude he was having an attitude during class he was rude to his fellow kids like he knows every thing and when the instructor was explaining on how to put the belt he just throw the belt like that's rude and he said he has no respect for his mom at the end of the class i told the instructor i'm helping with that we should tell to the head instructor that he was rude
  3. A Karateka should know other Martial Arts because you can benefit from it like for Example My Sifu Jesus Flores is a 10 degree Black Belt in American Kenpo Karate not only That he takes Filipino Martial Arts and his a 3rd Degree BLack belt in FMA and also his a Blue Belt in Juijutsu Well for me I took Taekwondo and I was a yellow belt then My Best Friend whose taking Eskrima thought me Eskrima Taichi and Chi Gung then I took Shotokan I was a high Orane then know im taking American Kenpo and i a green belt so its fun to take other Martial arts because you can have many Options when you get in trouble or if he provokes ya to fight
  4. I would choose Gi over T shirt because you can see all the patches and your award patches on the Gi and I cant wait to have the red Gi its gonna be awesome in order to have the red gi you have to help teach kid at lease 100 times a week thats like in 4 years depending when you help because im a member of the swat team in my karate studio we only used T shirt on the summer which is cool i like wearing T shirt in the summer
  5. I'm loyal to my instructor I have a lot of respect for him and his like a friend a brother to me and when he teach he gives 100$ on it he would give his knowledge to his student when he teaches and when he teach he give it step by step and by detail its like Poetry in Motion and i know my instructor is loyal to me to he trust me 100 and i would give it my all
  6. I only wear my Belt for me my karate Studio no one Else and I represent Flores Bros Kenpo karate Studio here in OXNARD CA and I wear it for IKKA FBKKS 4 life
  7. I didnt come to class because my Gi was in the washer and the dryer dont work hahahahahaha or my doc ate my belt or the dog ate my book LOL
  8. When the 1st time i entered karate my goal was to be a black belt and to be an instructor in 5 months i was recommend to be in a black belt club also i joined this program called SWAT it means Special Winning Attitude Team to be in the SWAT you have to be recommended or you can joined your self I joined Swat because i was eager to teach and i wanted to be an instructor so know i help teach kids tuesday thursday friday and ive been doing swat for 1 year 4 months and i love it next goal is to be a assistant instructor then instructor when i became Black belt
  9. I have a instructor whose a 10 degree i called him Sifu you dont have to call him grand master or master if you dont want to but since my sifu deserves it i call im GM or senior grandmaster or just Sifu
  10. Well for me i train all the time weather its winter spring summer or fall but on july i go to my cuz house for a month then i come back training again
  11. when I took Shotokan we used oss/osu its out of respect or it can be greeting its a okinawan style of karate but im taking american kenpo karate we dont used osu or oss anymore we used a salute or salutation
  12. I Practice Martial Arts Because 1 keeps Me Healthy 2 For Self Defense 3 Martial Arts is good for Stress 4 To get me Motivated 5 Learn self Discipline 6 to be a Role Model for my Family and Kids in the Martial arts 7 To be a Great Instructor One day
  13. Fake it till you make it and FBKKS for life
  14. In my Opinion you can have your own studio if your really ready to teach and you have the ok of the head instructor and make sure your school runs smoothly and you have to know your foundation and what to teach the class like the basic katas, technique or sets and make sure you got the money to run your studio aos you have to make your school fun too so y'all can have a fun time and learning in karate
  15. I started 34 in shotokan then when i came back here i started kenpo 35 of age so it doesn't really matter what age as long as you enjoy it
  16. If your looking for a Martial Arts Take America Kenpo karate or shotokan those 2 are a great Martial arts to learn
  17. This is a Video of my Sifu Jesus Flores of Flores Bros. Kenpo karate Studios doing a 2 man Technique called Falcons of Force FBKKS 4 life
  18. I love karate and I go 3 times a week if only i can go 6 days a week i would go I really love training and plus i help teach kids so its over all fun if i cant go then i have to make it up because when im at my house im bored so when i go too karate i had fun
  19. well in my karate studio children are separate from adult unless your a teenager well in the adult class theres kids grade 6 like 5 of them but they are doing good patience is a virtue for me because i have to be patience when teaching kids I know some kids don't listen or they goof around and some are lazy but the only way for them to listen is you have to be in charge make sure they listen and make sure they pay attention and make sure they are following what you said and also make sure the student makes eye contact with the instructor I'm a blue belt in american Kenpo karate but i volunteer to help teach kids with their kenpo thats why im in the Swat team my Sifu Said Make teaching fun and exciting but you have to be in control at the same time thats why i love teaching kids and I love american kenpo karate and I know My instructor trust me on becoming a Swat team and Teaching kids
  20. Kenpo is an updated system of self defense based on modern day street fighting it applies logic and Practicality Kenpo also uses lots of check in their technique which is awesome also they used lots of principles and concept and also they combine 2 technique into 1 also they talk about reverse motion Ive been doing American Kenpo Karate for 1 year 9 months and i love it im a blue belt soon to be green and I go to Flores Bros Kenpo karate Studios here in Oxnard Ca
  21. i choose american kenpo and shotokan their effective
  22. This is were I train american Kenpo Karate http://www.kenpo.com/ https://www.facebook.com/floresbroskenpokarate This is were i train shotokan too https://www.facebook.com/wayofjapan
  23. just take your tie bro you will do fine there was this guy who tested for yellow with me and he is now brown belt im only blue because he was 2nd degreee in tkd and he joined american kenpo karate so don't worry take your time you will do great roundhouse is easy ill teach ya it in skype if you want i wanan be your friend because i wanna see ya progress
  24. This year I got My Blue belt on November 14 of this year at Flores Bros kenpo karate Studio This year I joined swat team in my karate class from June of this year up to know This year I got my 2nd Place Trophy doing kata at the Karate Tournament in Fillmore of this year This year I got my 14 months perfect attendance in my Karate school
  25. Shotokan karate do Okinawa Japan and I do American kenpo karate too american Chinese and japanese
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