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Everything posted by Mr Heel Hook
One of the most important things you must do is get on a cardio kick. Schedule is for 3 days a week. And if you are doing anything for less then 20 minutes it is more or less a waste of time. If you can't run that long, it's not a big deal. Try biking. Try swimming. Do you play DDR? That's actualy a pretty good way to exercice and lose weight while having fun. There are many things to do. After you get more "wind" trying running again.
What are you babbling about? At what point did I say it was some conspiracy? Stop ad-libbing for me, it makes you look foolish. Aside from that, you are wrong yet again...you really need to stop speaking about something you have no idea about. You watched clips? That's great, must mean you are well informed, more so then someone who has watched the fight. Oh, and you are wrong YET again. Yoshida did look up at the ref and say he was out. Maybe you should go back to those clips you viewed? And now you are questing MY technical skill? Are you trying to make this personal or something? Off hand, I know at the very least 10 chokes from mount side mount back and standing (variation of the guillotine) Several of which are slow chokes with the GI. So yeah, I know what they are. I guess you don't since you have misunderstood what point I was making about them. And totally sidelining the point of me even bringing them up. Ya know, the confused woozy part when you get the blood flowing again. Im not sure where you thought I was crying. But I can assure you I wasn't...especially when I am so very correct. And why are you showing the fight winners? We know it was listed as a win. The question was was it a legitimate win. But I guess you missed that too. Again you have missed the chance to prove me wrong...instead you just proved yourself incorrect once again. PS: Don't make this personal, that would be a shame. Boards are for expressing opinions (with some vigor of course!) I have grown to like you in all honesty. In fact, whenever there is another seminar in NY, I would like to train with you. -Roberto- AKA: Mistah Heel Hook.
Simple answer: BJJ. Lot's of people seem to think it doesn't have a street fighting aspect, but it does. There are many things taught in the Gracie system that are meant for stand up street defense. Aside from that, I am a small guy as well. I stand at 5 foot 9 and weight about 150 lbs. Im 26 so I don't think I will get to much bigger in my life. (Maybe around 160-165 by the time I am in my 30's) But my point is I have faced people much larger then myself in real life and on the mat. On the street, I have walked away with a bloody lip while leaving people in far worse shape. (Yes, real experiences. When you are this small you become a target.) On the mat I have faced people up 250 lbs and have won. I just believe in it. It has worked for me, and is proven itself on the streets. It has proven itself as well in the "fight world" but ultimately, shop around and see what you are comfortable with. Sometimes martial arts are just good for health and discipline. Lets hope you never have to use it, lets hope in fact none of us do. But, the world isn't always a nice place so be able to defend yourself.
GeH!? I hope we helped you out Bonnyboy. kickchick, are you STILL following me?
So wait, I just realized something. You have been saying all that you have said and you haven't even seen the fight? I mean if you did, you would know that was mentioned several times through the whole event. Even commentators said something about the stipulations before the match and how it was a terrible call after because of that reason. So wait, you want me to try and dig it up somewhere on the Internet so I can "show" you something everyone knows who has seen the fight? All I can say to that is no, I won't bother to. And if it's so easy (which I am guessing you might say in retort on why I just don't find it) you do it. Shouldn't be a problem if it's so easy. I am sure you can find it somewhere. There are plenty of Gracie haters out there who will have it.
Or, you could do it that way, as in what Kickchick said. What she said will be just fine. Aside from that...I dunno...I still think you are following me. Mental Note: Say that in ever post we share. Hope she didn't read that.
As for speaking about weapons, that's just a mute point and won't even bother with that one. An ego thing? Yeah, that is true on ALL fronts. From BJJ to horse shoe tossing. Ego is a part of the human equation. As bad as that sounds, it's actually an important thing at times. But, nothing you said really changed the points I made. As said before, people tend to think there style is better. Please don't ad-lib meanings on what I say. Nothing said changed the points I made. It doesn't even really warrant a response.
Well, as nice as it might sound...as in...the "Masters" don't need to prove themselves...it's not a perfect world. And people hardly ever speak softly while carrying a big stick. The point is to prove their style is best. That's what is thought through all of history. So if I went up to a karate sensei. and asked what Martial art should I take, do you think he will say another? No, he will say come to my Karate school because blah blah blah. Some things don't need to be expressed in words. People will always believe their art is better. You have said so yourself in your own way by saying BJJ is incomplete. So the idea of humility on that level just isn't reality. Now I'm not saying they walk around like they are the biggest best bad mo'fo's ever, but that thought lingers in the back of his mind. Why would anyone devote themselves to a martial art they didn't believe was the best or one of the best. That is strictly speaking on a fighting level and nothing spiritual. The mentality is there no matter what anyone denies. However, the proving grounds seem to be missing these Masters, or at least, followers of their art. As for "the point of martial arts is not to use them"...all I can say to that is...duh. Who walks around town looking for a fight to prove how tuff they are? We are speaking of and in the fighting circuit where you won't die if you lose. You figure someone from all these "stand up" arts would arrive on the scene to prove they are as good as anyone else and to show what what they can teach would be just as useful. It hasn't happened yet...I wonder why. As for BJJ being incomplete: Why are there so many winners then from that style in the world? I mean after all, the champion of Pride is a BJJ guy. You figure the more Japanese Jiu Jitsu would dominate that circuit. After all, PRIDE is held in Japan...I guess you might be incorrect?
You are wrong--again. The stipulation to the match was that the REF could not stop the fight. That's that. And as for the point of being choked out, it was to realize that you do not just jump right up. "Some chokes work slow" so what are you saying, Yoshida knew the choke was a slow one and that it was in and that's why he said he was out? Mighty presumptuous...most people would say. The fact is that it was a TERRIBLE call and was not a win by any means to Yoshida. Everything I said you did not address cause you could not. I will stand by my previous post. I just thought it was silly about what you said about chokes...a slow choke...tch, how absurd. I find your post almost embarrassingly ignorant. You have said nothing that says to the contrary at what it is and what happened. As said before, it's even a joke in the fight world. The mystery choke. Your argument is based on conjecture, while what I have said is more or less fact. I'll even repost it so you can make your case against it. REPOST: Ummm...no, that's not the end of the story by any means. Nothing you said changed the point of what happened. How it wasn't a legitimate win. Royce didn't tap. The Ref COULD NOT stop the match under ANY circumstances. That was in the contract that Royce demanded. And they agreed to it. Secondly: The choke wasn't in. How clear can that be? You say you practice Jiu Jitsu, then you must have been choked out by now, or at least seen someone go through it. Do they bounce right up to their feet? No, they don't, they sit there a moment and gather themselves looking terribly confused. It was clear as day the choke wasn't set in. Again something you should have seen. That is if we saw the same fight... It's not a matter of conception. The point is it was a BAD call. A call like that ends the fight and no one knows what would have happened. It was such a bad call it even has a joke phrase in the fight world "the mystery choke" No one is saying Royce won, the point is he didn't lose. The point is that Yoshida did NOT win. He did not win because the match was supposed to be stopped only by a TAP. Not a call by the REF. In my mind, he cheated. He called the REF in when he knew he couldn't. Response: Blah blah blah, he didn't want to Kill Royce. Again, I believe he cheated cause the choke wasn't in. He KNEW it wasn't, he just wanted a quick win. You, like any other grappler knows when a choke is in. Again, like said before so many time. When you are choked out you DO NOT jump right up to your feet and get in peoples faces. You are woozy, befuddled, confused...you pick the adjective. PS: You seem to miss the point of the choke and what happens. When you are choked, you are unable to jump right up. But I guess from what you are saying, Yoshida's "grappling sense" was tingling and he knew he had Royce so why wait for Royce to tap or go to sleep? Yes, he is a great sportsman indeed. So to say again: Royce did not lose to Yoshida. Nor did Yoshida win. The match was null because of a bungled call.
kickchick, you are fantanstic. As for you, my friend, I will give an more exact way of doing what you have asked. After all, it's what I get paid for. IBW (ideal body weight) is calculated (the quick and dirty method), for males, by starting with 106 pounds for the first five feet in height and adding 6 pounds per inch over 5 feet (ex: 5’9” male=106 pounds plus 9(6) = 160 pounds). IBW can take into account frame size using the following equation. It doesn’t account for muscle in that a body builder has an excess of muscle and would likely be a good bit over their IBW, but still be lean and fit. It is an estimate and covers a range around the “average” person. One method for calculating frame size is to use the following equation: r = Height (cm)/Wrist circumference (cm) For males: r greater than 10.4 is small r equal to 9.6-10.4 is medium r less than 9.6 is small Height is recorded without shoes on. Wrist circumference is measured around the bony part of the wrist using a tape measure (in technical terms-measure just distal to the styloid process at the wrist crease on the right arm using tape measure). It sometimes is easier to ask someone else to do this measurement for you. IBW can be adjusted +10% for large frame size and –10% for small frame size. BMI (body mass index) is calculates as follows: body weight (kg)/(height in meters)squared 21.9-22.4 is desirable for males. Calories needs can be calculated using the Harris-Benedict equation to calculate Resting Energy Expenditure (REE): For men: REE (kcal)=66.5 + 13.75(weight in kilograms) + 5.0(height in centimeters) – 6.78(age in years) Then for Estimated Total Energy Expenditure (TEE)… To the REE add an activity factor (some estimating is necessary here): Chair bound or bed-bound 1.2(REE) Seated work with no option of moving around and little or no strenuous leisure activity 1.4-1.5(REE) Seated work with discretion and requirement to move around but little or no strenuous leisure activity 1.6-1.7(REE) Standing work (e.g. housework, shop assistant) 1.8-1.9(REE) Significant amounts of sports or strenuous leisure activity (30-60 minutes four to five times per week) +0.3 (increments above 1.9(REE)) Strenuous work or highly active leisure 2.0-2.4(REE) The add thermic effect of food (TEF) = 10% of REE plus activity factor To summarize: TEE=(REE plus activity factor) plus 10% This is a lot of technical stuff and if any of the calculations don’t make sense, please ask for clarification. I don’t want to insult your intelligence by assuming you can’t read equations (for instance, that a slash mark represents “divided by” in an equation or parenthesis represent “multiplied by”). How’s that for now? I will get back to your plan later today if I have time-maybe tomorrow. Kickchick, I think you are following me.
I disagree. "Masters" tend to want to prove their style is best and advertise that a lot. How can you say your style is effective unless you prove so. It's true, and I agree people should be more humble, however, there is to much to prove nowadays and they simply can't. History in combat has proven what I have said.
Wow, loiloi, I would have to agree with my comrade Jiu Jitsu Fighter, you seem kinda jealous...or perhaps another adjective. But regardless, you seem to pick arguments over BJJ issues. But no matter what any one of you say, no matter what "facts" you try and spout forth...the fact will remain that ground fighting dominates all. I mean, if all these other stand up arts are to great and whatnot, and we have never experienced "true" masters, why don't they prove it? I mean, the point (regardless of what people say) is to show your art is best! There are a myriad of fighting circuits to do so. Why don't they come? If 90% of fights don't end up on the ground, why aren't they standing tall and pretty rather then broken and beaten on the ground? The fact remains, ground fighting rules the fighting circuits. Mixed with good (and reasonable) standup skills (how many times have you seen a fighter fly through the air and kick several people AKA: Boards-- unconscious?) the modern fighter still relies on ground technique. On top of that, BJJ fighters tend to dominate all. Readers note: I didn't say all the time!
Sometimes, it amazes me when people ask if, or if not, to go to war with Iraq. Why is this a debate? I don't understand. Because you do not believe in killing people? Because you believe that someone who has been lying and killing his own people for over two decades might find the preverbal light? And change his ways? Perhaps because people believe that there is goodness in everyone? Or, that the idea of killing others is so terrible, that no cause can justify it? I am sorry, but that is ignorance. Almost as ignorant as people who believe we want to go to war cause Bush wants to "finish his daddies job" I do not like the idea of killing people. I do not glorify war into some kind of romantic crusade. But, that does not mean I do not understand that sometimes it just is a necessity. September 11th was the day the world shook, and the day America truly woke up. It seems though, many of us have fallen back asleep. It is the duty, the DESTINY of this country to help those in need, and to destroy evil and set free those who are oppressed. Not always must it be done with force...but now is a time to take the gauntlet off. This does not mean we can run to every country and save every man women and child in the world. But when actions are so frequent, so evil-- it must be done. By duty and virtue as an American it must be done. People have spoken of those we have killed by sanctions. Sad, yes, but that is what you want...isn't it? You want to try and pressure him out without force. So that's what you do; you close a country down and try and pressure the people into doing the dirty work for you. Your pacifism has failed for 8 years. How many more would you like to try for? Do you really think that this is the American governments fault? That we drove the Iraqi people into this darkened life? Or perhaps the man (if you would call him that) who nerve gassed his own people, the man who made war with every neighboring country he could has something to do with it. What must be done now, should have been done in 91, but it wasn't. No point in crying about what could haves and what should haves. It is a time for action. It shames me as an American when people speak against our own. Against our own president who almost made the most awful of political blunders: expressing emotion on public television after 9-11. He almost wept tears as he spoke to us. It shames me that you doubt yourselves. We are all Americans. We have a duty that was forged through our great actions and deeds we have accomplished through our history. You, who are Americans, speak against our own kind. As though we are some kind of barbarous nation laying siege to those we feel as though we can. Destroying anyone we feel we should. Must you be reminded of the GREATNESS of the American people!? No other country in ALL of history has accomplished what we have in such a short period of time. We have fought wars to save millions. We have rushed aide and our very lives to countries who no longer remember us. It is the American SPIRIT that makes us so great. That drives us to make a change in the world. To try and make better what we believe is wrong. Through our strength as people, and our unwavering will we have changed the world. LAND OF THE FREE--HOME OF THE BRAVE!!!...but...no more? Are we afraid now? Where are our brave? Have we forgotten the virtues we held so dear? It seems we have become...lost. We have started to question our own president, as though he was the enemy. The slayer of his own people. As though it was he who poisoned our own children as mother held them tightly, trying so very hard to shelter from a horrific death. Perhaps that's it then!? Yes, it is he who lies to us; he who kills us; he has openly praised 9-11!!! It is he who is mad enough to fund the terrorist that attacked our great nation. Yes, you have stumbled upon the TRUE great enemy. Or perhaps...perhaps it is time to step back, and remember the history of this great nation. The nation that has always tried to help those in need. The country who sent her own to die so very far away from their homes. To die, far away, because freedom was at stake. Because those who could not defend themselves needed our broad shoulder to lean upon. I feel ashamed sometimes, when I hear those speak against our own. Speak against our sacred history. It is true, there have been dark spots, but what nation doesn't have them...But, what is also true, no other country has helped those as much as we have. No other country would rush to the aide of others as quickly as we would. And do so with the heart we posses. When we see something as Americans. There is a spark that happens in our very soul. We want to fix it. We want to change wrong to right. At that very moment. When you see someone fall, you want to pick them up, brush them off with a smile and help them along. It's the American thing to do. We are a brave people, with noble hearts. But again I say, it seems we have forgotten who we are. Do you really and truly believe we want to go there to secure oil reserves we don't even use or truly need? Do you truly think we want to rush there because we are afraid of the unknown? Or that the white house has some kind of super secret agenda that they won't tell us? We are making sure that what tears were brought to us on 9-11 do not happen again. Many annalist and the such have said America has never fought a preemptive war. Shouldn't that alone say something to you? Perhaps we are not the bullies you think we seem to be? I mean, if we were so bent on domination, wouldn't we have a few more wars under our belt that we started? I mean, really who could stop us if we wanted something? After all, we are the strongest nation in history. Nah, that means nothing I guess. There have been many times I have wondered about what America is anymore. It seems cool and hip to throw demonstrations on uber-liberal colleges nowadays. Screaming mindlessly for peace and speaking against the president as though he was a dictator is what is trendy. I can understand why no one wants war. I don't want people to die, especially our American brethren. But, sometimes, when the cause is just...you must make sacrifices. It isn't always easy to do the right thing...but that's what makes us Americans. We do it anyway. Before you denounce our beautiful country, and her one truly American tradition of being valiant, look back at our history. Look back how many times we have rallied together for ourselves, and our worldly neighbors. Hold sacred the honor of those who died for America. Men and women who believed in their country...our country. Please, do not speak against our home and our history in such ways. It is equally American to disagree and to voice your thoughts. But, before you do so in such a manor, are you sure we are as bad and as unjust as you believe? Or, are we a people who have fought for what is right? After all...we are Americans. I believe in America! I believe in Bush! God Bless American!
You are about 25 pounds over ideal body weight (IBW is a rough calculation and without knowing your frame size, the calculations for calories could be +/- 10%). Your IBW is approximately 160 pounds. Desirable BMI for men is 21.9-22.4. At your actual weight and withyour activity level you need 3960 calories per day to maintain your weight. For your IBW you need about 3625 calories per day. For weight loss,you should subtract 500 calories off the 3960 level. Once you haved reached this goal for weight loss and increases your activity level slightly, you could then follow the adjusted calorie level (3625 if he reaches 160 pounds). Where you are only 17, I would caution you to approach weight loss carefully as hyou are probably still growing. In that case, you might want to cut back only 250 calories a day and simply increaseyour activity level. How often are you doing cardio and what exactly are you counting as cardio? BMI is a weight:height ratio based on the metric system, the calculation is body weight in kilograms divided by (height in meters)squared. I can provide you with the calculations for IBW and estimated calorie needs if you would like.
Thank you, Bonnyboy. Um, I have been studying for...a collective of 2 years perhaps. I have known Gracie Jiu Jitsu for like...5...but I moved far away from my buddy, (the guy in Cali) and none of my friends would train with me. So I guess a maximum of 2 years study time. Rich, my friend never stopped really. So he is far ahead of me in skill. Aside from that, he seemingly was born with a natural talent. Boy, I wish I was there. Im not just because I couldnt take a week of work off. But, like said, wish him luck!
Ummm...no, that's not the end of the story by any means. Nothing you said changed the point of what happened. How it wasn't a legitimate win. Royce didn't tap. The Ref COULD NOT stop the match under ANY circumstances. That was in the contract that Royce demanded. And they agreed to it. Secondly: The choke wasn't in. How clear can that be? You say you practice Jiu Jitsu, then you must have been choked out by now, or at least seen someone go through it. Do they bounce right up to their feet? No, they don't, they sit there a moment and gather themselves looking terribly confused. It was clear as day the choke wasn't set in. Again something you should have seen. That is if we saw the same fight... It's not a matter of conception. The point is it was a BAD call. A call like that ends the fight and no one knows what would have happened. It was such a bad call it even has a joke phrase in the fight world "the mystery choke" No one is saying Royce won, the point is he didn't lose. The point is that Yoshida did NOT win. He did not win because the match was supposed to be stopped only by a TAP. Not a call by the REF. In my mind, he cheated. He called the REF in when he knew he couldn't. Response: Blah blah blah, he didn't want to Kill Royce. Again, I believe he cheated cause the choke wasn't in. He KNEW it wasn't, he just wanted a quick win. You, like any other grappler knows when a choke is in. Again, like said before so many time. When you are choked out you DO NOT jump right up to your feet and get in peoples faces. You are woozy, befuddled, confused...you pick the adjective.
You don't think people have changed that much? George Washington was considered a GIANT among men because he stood a six foot one. There is NO arguing the fact that people have changed. Evolution through diet is only but a small part to it (though clearly seen by how the average Japanese man in WWll stood a 5'2. Exposure to western food has increased that dramatically), man will ever be growing in his six and strength...of course this is finite...but we aren't there yet. I don't really see the point you are making, but I will reiterate mine. The techniques have changed to deal with stronger larger people. What you said about everyone evolving isn't true. It's a slow process. Or I wouldn't be 5'9 @150 lbs. But, aside from all that, I wouldn't be ignorant enough to say that JJJ can't be used. However, because of it's lack of evolution, I don't think it's on par with BJJ yet. Then again, I could be totally wrong because it's not what I study. Lets just call it a guess through what facts I know.
Oh, and kickchick ( A bit off the subject a moment) how do you like Cardiokick boxing? I am ..........so bored of running I am going to try that. Never have, it'll be new for me. Can I...hmm...replace the running I do with that for a time? I dunno, kinda odd question but I am sooooooooooo bored to death with running.
It's like...I copied us both... I get so confused! Ok though, on a serious note Bonnyboy, I will post later today, or tonight I guess with what your intake should be from the info you gave me.
How do you practice?
Mr Heel Hook replied to rabid hamster's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
If you have no one to roll with, then do drills. Potioning drills: swivling hips and whatnot. Aside from that, always, and I mean ALWAYS make an effert to do cardio 3 times a week. Thats is just as important as any rolling you might do. And aside from that, it can be done on your own. When you build your stamina, you make it easier for you to practice when you are with people. You won't get tired and will be able to utilize what time you have to your best ability. Always make sure to do drills in cardio and postion changes quickly. -
LOL, I am sorry, I didn't read your post. =laughs a good one= Wow, I feel like a butthead. I really didn't read it. I was trying to quickly touch upon things I didn't explain yesterday. So today I rushed. So uh, yeah. Good job. As for you, Bonnyboy, if you give me your height weight and age. I can give you a complete diet routine to follow. As you mentioned yesterday, your BMI is high, but I really mean you can get past this with the right help. Also, now that I have had more time to read (would have saved me from looking a bit silly) don't try and loose past the 6 pounds in three weeks. If you shoot for more than that, you can lead yourself into gallbladder problems. Like I keep saying, rushing things will lead you into deeper waters. There are no true short cuts. Oh, and kickchick, I lied. I copied you because I deeply respect you and your opinions. It had nothing to do with me being a knuckle-head.
OK, now that I am back, Bonny boy I will address you more thoroughly. Losing 6 pounds in 3 weeks is possibly to put it simply. Though it will obviously take some work to do. My suggestions. 3 times a week on your cardio. no less than an hour. Something not so strenuous for you might be swimming. It's going to exercise your whole body more or less, but will keep you from injury. If you feel as though you are beyond that, trying running. As said before, running first thing in the morning will be best for you. You will burn more at that time then any other time through the day. Basically, anything arobeic that you feel you can handle. As for your diet: Mr Heel Hook, would going on a low carb diet to lose excess fat, then incorporate 1-2 carbs back into your diet on a weekly basis & monitoring your weight be dangerous for your health? I figure that the excess weight (we're talking 25-60lbs) is more a health risk than a temporary bad diet. Like I said, my friend, there are no short cuts that aren't, in essence, dangerous. There is no such thing as a good "fad" diet. What you figure, is incorrect. Anything that you feel you are stuck in can be helped with just simple work and gumption. 500 fewer pounds a day= 1 pound a week in weight loss. High fiber + increase of fluids. (Make sure to drink the extra water other wise it could lead to GI distress AKA: cramping bloating constipation) Whole Wheat Bread Brown Rice Whole Wheat pasta Potatoes Stick to the water you are drinking. Pay attention to the calories in the beverages you do drink aside from the water. Lean sources of protein. Chicken Breast Any White Fish Pork Tender loin Turkey Breast Roast Beef (low sodium) Reduced fat cheeses. 90% lean ground beef. YUM! Carbo intake: "The GOOD ones"! 50-55% no less. 55% is the standard American recommended diet. Veggies Fruit Beans Whole Grains like previously said. Barely and oats!! Dietary plan: Eat three smaller meals a day and snack three times a day. Example: Baked or Grilled Chicken (Can be marinated or breaded. But NOT fried) Steamed broccoli Baked potato or brown rice pilaf. If you have any other specific questions...please, feel free to ask them. Take care and good luck!!!!!!!!!!! OK, now that I am back, Bonny boy I will address you more thoroughly. Losing 6 pounds in 3 weeks is possibly to put it simply. Though it will obviously take some work to do. My suggestions. 3 times a week on your cardio. no less than an hour. Something not so strenuous for you might be swimming. It's going to exercise your whole body more or less, but will keep you from injury. If you feel as though you are beyond that, trying running. As said before, running first thing in the morning will be best for you. You will burn more at that time then any other time through the day. Basically, anything arobeic that you feel you can handle. As for your diet: Mr Heel Hook, would going on a low carb diet to lose excess fat, then incorporate 1-2 carbs back into your diet on a weekly basis & monitoring your weight be dangerous for your health? I figure that the excess weight (we're talking 25-60lbs) is more a health risk than a temporary bad diet. Like I said, my friend, there are no short cuts that aren't, in essence, dangerous. There is no such thing as a good "fad" diet. What you figure, is incorrect. Anything that you feel you are stuck in can be helped with just simple work and gumption. 500 fewer pounds a day= 1 pound a week in weight loss. High fiber + increase of fluids. (Make sure to drink the extra water other wise it could lead to GI distress AKA: cramping bloating constipation) Whole Wheat Bread Brown Rice Whole Wheat pasta Potatoes Stick to the water you are drinking. Pay attention to the calories in the beverages you do drink aside from the water. Lean sources of protein. Chicken Breast Any White Fish Pork Tender loin Turkey Breast Roast Beef (low sodium) Reduced fat cheeses. 90% lean ground beef. YUM! Carbo intake: "The GOOD ones"! 50-55% no less. 55% is the standard American recommended diet. Veggies Fruit Beans Whole Grains like previously said. Barely and oats!! Dietary plan: Eat three smaller meals a day and snack three times a day. Example: Baked or Grilled Chicken (Can be marinated or breaded. But NOT fried) Steamed broccoli Baked potato or brown rice pilaf. If you have any other specific questions...please, feel free to ask them. Take care and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!