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Everything posted by Tombstone

  1. Stare at him. Or just return the favor when hes not looking. Make it count though.
  2. I'm glad. Now we can expect Google to get even better to remain on top.
  3. You're lucky.
  4. you have not seen the u.s. shidokan, the challenge in denver and the tournaments in japan my friend The keyword in my sentence is "practice".
  5. Take the quiz, its easy.
  6. 4. https://www.kickboxing.com I think that has some information about alot of styles.
  7. Yep. The one I have does the same thing.
  8. Just because you practice full contact doesn't mean that you won't wear any protective gear.
  9. I dont know alot about the sport. What positions are there?
  10. Yeah, a really long time ago.
  11. Mork and Mindy
  12. The music is annoying. What are we looking for though?
  13. https://www.candystand.com
  14. welcome and nice job
  15. Not long. In a few weeks it'll just be a memory.
  16. so what was your old name?
  17. It is, but its just one excercise. Mix things up to get a better workout.
  18. If they were broke you'd know it without having to ask, trust me. I'd bet that your just bruised.
  19. mortal combat for SNES
  20. I'm not sure how good of a workout you could get from that. The only thing that I've really seen bands used for was warm ups. I guess it depends on how you use them.
  21. calling him a horrible QB isn't racist. I think that guy said something along the lines of "he's over rated because he's black" or something along those lines. Like I said, I haven't really followed it.
  22. I think its more about him saying something racist than anything. I could be wrong though, I haven't really followed it.
  23. I'm almost positive that their illegal to carry. No matter how you think about it, it's still carrying a sword around. I've never seen one that would actually pass as a regular cane either. And yes their are nice ones. https://www.budkww.com has a few that you can look at. Try some google searches. And if you follow Warp Spiders advice make sure he's the one that posts your bail
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