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Lord Yasai

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Everything posted by Lord Yasai

  1. I suppose it depends on the person, but would United Studios of Self Defense be considered a McDojo?
  2. If I was him, I'd rather be short than pay $18,000 per year.
  3. Here's some lame Okinawan weapons jokes. What do you call a stick-based weapon that has been possessed by a ghost? A boo-staff. Why couldn't the Okinawans have pauses in the middle of their sentences when their weapons were confiscated by the royalty? They didn't have kamas. What else did the Okinawan warriors do when they found out their weapons were confiscated? They let out a sai of frustration.
  4. Why isn't a 1st kyu allowed to become a boss of the mafia? Because he isn't a Dan!
  5. I'm not afraid of heights, but I still bet it would be quite disconcerting to look down from there.
  6. Welcome to KF, and congratulations for inheriting 10th Dan.
  7. Oh, and about martial arts, I think I had my teeth pulled on a Monday, and then I had a class the next day on Tuesday. I decided to skip that lesson, but I was feeling well enough to go to my Friday class that week.
  8. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed last December. I was extremely anxious before the operation, too. They gave me general anesthesia through an IV, so I don't know what local with sedative would be like. The operation itself went fine, but I had soreness and swelling in my mouth for the next week. Luckily, the doctors gave me painkillers to help with the pain. The total recovery took about 2 weeks, but your recovery should be shorter because it's just two teeth, not four.
  9. Wow. I wonder how he got the continents so accurate to real life?
  10. Welcome to KF!
  11. Congrats! White belt is 7th kyu in your style? White is the belt you start with in my style, which is like 11th kyu.
  12. Welcome!
  13. Wow, that was amazing. Must have taken a long time to make.
  14. New Super Mario Bros. Wii: Lol, a Wii remake of a DS remake of a NES game. It looks good though, and the 4-player mode will be interesting. Super Mario Galaxy 2: The first one was great, and the sequel looks great too. Being able to ride Yoshi was something they missed out in the first Galaxy (I think they forgot Yoshi-riding anyway, I haven't played Galaxy in a while). The gameplay and graphics seem nearly identical to the first, but I didn't expect Nintendo to redesign the whole game for the sequel. Between NSMB Wii, SMG2, Metroid: Other M, and Metroid Prime Trilogy, it looks like there will be some great games to look forward to in the next year.
  15. Why is the 22nd level unbeatable? Is it a glitch in the programming, or did the programmers set that boundary because they thought no one could get that far in the game, and that it was pointless to program further levels?
  16. Good Luck! Which kyu is Green Belt in your style?
  17. I prefer the 3D games as well, though Super Metroid, available on SNES and Wii Virtual Console, is a great game, and my favorite of the 2D ones. Prime 1 is my favorite out of all the Metroid games.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut_8qkC2KUQ - E3 2009 Trailer http://forum.metroid2002.com/index.php/topic,8268.0.html - High quality trailer screenshots (Neither of these links were posted by me, however) The name is a bit odd, but it might only be a working title. It's time, though, that another Metroid game is being released, and a 2D one at that. Interestingly, the graphics seem to have regressed some since the Prime trilogy, but M:OM is being produced by a different company than the Primes, and the game is also 2D instead of 3D. The game is going to be for Wii, and the release date appears to be set at 2010 for the moment. It's being developed by Team Ninja, who developed the Ninja Gaiden and the Dead or Alive series, though I'm not familiar with either.
  19. One of the most amazing tricks found in Prime 1 is Ice Beam Before Flaahgra, making use of the "secret worlds", the empty space outside the map's boundaries, and moving from room to room without reentering the map, which is known as "wallcrawling". Here's a video of an IBBF run. The beginning to 6:49 is the important part, the rest is the guy doing the run travelling to Tallon Overworld to save at Samus's ship.
  20. I usually use my right side because I've been trained that way, though I'm naturally left-handed.
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