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Everything posted by quinteros1963

  1. Give me proper execution. Make it work!!
  2. I'm looking for a nice gi for tournaments and such. I was wondering if anyone had a Ronan uniform. They have one that is made of cloth from Japan that is comparable to the top of the line brands. Its the Shai black label. Its about 160.00 vs 240.00. The Hirota comes with a custom label specific to your organization (which is cool). What brand do you guys suggest? What do you use?
  3. Google nblskil for a list.
  4. Bench press Squats Incline bench Butterflies Rows Lat pull downs Military press Curls Triceps extension Break 1 hour of kumite, kata and kihon
  5. If you are in business you need to appease your customers. Having said that people expect to see progress. I use 3 tips on each belt to show progress between belt changes. 7 belts in all. There is no charge for anything except uniforms and belts. I'm just collecting data in case I decide to teach for profit someday.
  6. I found it ironic that a martial artist does not know how to fight. The 3 K's should be a start, right? I guess my interpretation of the arts is fighting his may be kata, yours may be........?
  7. After a recent training session a black belt asked his teacher to teach him how to fight. What has he been teaching him for the past 6 years? Isn't karate about self defense/ fighting? Thoughts....
  8. Congrats!!! I believe that's the best way to assess after Shodan.
  9. There are no styles. Why place the art in a box? My current instructor specializes in Shotokan, but I have trained in various Okinawa versions of karate. If you saw me in kumite you would see signs of all that I have studied. I have taken something from all of my teachers, thus I can't claim one over the other. At the end of the day I am simply a martial artist.
  10. I do Weight/circuit training and yoga (occasionally).
  11. I practice from time to time. I also incorporate some yoga with my club. My hope is to gain more experience and see where it goes.
  12. Its better to have functional strength than to be bulky. Bulk limits flexibility.
  13. There is a perfect MA; however it's relative. What's perfect is not a matter of opinion, but a matter is fact. The perfect MA is the one or ones that work best (most effective) for you.
  14. 15 minute elliptical warm-up Stretching Leg press 15@ 200 12@250 10@280 10@320 2x8@360 Leg curls & leg extension 3 sets of 10 @ 120
  15. 4-5 times per week. I incorporate x- training as well.
  16. 4-5 times per week. I incorporate x- training as well.
  17. Yes I do, Up until fourth kyu.
  18. As far as keeping standards, I would say be sure to train with someone higher ranked so that you can remain sharp. Attend seminars when ever available. Professional development is a must in any field of study. In short make sure you are a life long learner.
  19. I have taught for the past two years. Started teaching as a 1st kyu. I will say that I am member of a major organization and have been for three years. My club is run at a local elementary school where I am employed. I chose to keep my students away from the politics as they don't care or cannot afford to pay the fees involved. As for certificates, I create my own using a color printer and card stock. My parents and students love it. There are no monthly fees; the cost is blood, sweat and tears ( 50.00 uniform is optional and donations are accepted). The highest ranking students are orange belts. I am in it for fun and teach a curriculum that is very close to the association to which I belong. This is for those who may want to be more "official" in the future. I don't care so much about rank, I love the arts; however I will keep my ties and test when my instructor reccomends it. By the way I hold a black belt and brown belt in Goju Ryu and Shotokan respectively.
  20. Just wondering if any of you incorporate running, weight training, crossfit, etc.... As a compliment to the arts?
  21. Sure they can. Refer to the latest UFC women's events or Invicta. The current system of five minute rounds is fine as is.
  22. I like Kanku Dai.
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