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Everything posted by quinteros1963

  1. I'm going to give shotokan a shot ( no pun intended), but still practice my Goju kata. I think it will only make me better. The founders of many of the Okinowan styles were trained by some of the same masters or even with one another, so why cant I. Besides a side kick is a side kick, right? I'll keep you all posted.
  2. I hear that he did a seminar a few weeks ago in the Cuse.
  3. Thats what I'm looking for, I don't care about any associations or about how often the Sensei goes to Japan. The proof is in the pudding, I just want to train and not spend hundreds a month to buy a belt. I'll see how the next few months go where I am and go from there.
  4. Thanks to all for your words. I will continue to train no matter what, my issue is more a matter of pride. My dojo back home was old school, and rank was earned. I've seen a orange belt more than hold his own with a brown and black belt from other schools. I just want to be worthy of my rank. I've found a dojo and I'll train and let the chips fall where they fall. I'm in it for the journey and hope to become an instructor someday. The new style will only make me a better MA.
  5. How simular are Goju Ryu and Shotokan? I have been training Goju for over 2 yrs and should be able to reach Shodan in a year or so. I have found a school I like but its 30 miles away. I also located a shotokan school 5minutes away from my apt and like it as well. The style I was in was more a survey of Okinowan Karate with some Goju, shorin and Isshin ryu and shotokan kata mixed in(mostly goju). Would it be to much to start doing both Shotokan and Goju at the same time and grading in both? What do you think? The first few Shotoan trainings I have been to have been very interesting and I have caught on quickly.
  6. I am still looking for a new dojo as i have relocated. After training at several dojo's in the past month I have realized that my old dojo curriculum was a head of the ones I have been to in my new State. I would be able to test for 1st kyu. I dont feel like I deserve this because when I go back home to visit I know I will feel like I've cheated or something by skipping grades. The bottom line is I won't in my heart feel like a black belt if I should make it here. What do you all think?
  7. When is the next time he is coming to CNY? Regardless of the controversy, he knows Goju. I never met him but have heard much about him from my instructors. There is nothing like his system of Goju Ryu and I am happy to be one of his students, students.
  8. Just curious, you and I know many of the same kata, who is your instructor? I know that everything you named is a part of our curriculum. I trained in CNY for a couple of years. Sounds like the Van Lenten line of goju.
  9. From what I understand instructors of old would teach kata to students based upon what he thought best fit the individual's style. So while he taught one kata to me he may feel that you are better suited for another, even though we started at the same time. We should also remember that in the early days there was no such a thing as a colored belt, so whose to say that there are really any "brown belt or yellow belt" kata.
  10. I need to add Seienchin to the list now as well Weapons kata: Bo set 1 Bo oru Sai yuan ho
  11. We also learn several non goju katas. My instructor has incuded these into our system. I believe they are shorin ryu kata. His instructor spent time in Okinowa studying Naha Te, Shorin and Goju ryu, which has some influence on our system.
  12. white -no rank gold 1 and 2 - 10 th kyu orange 1 and 2 - 9-8 th kyu purple 1 and 2 - 7th Kyu green 1,2and 3 6-4th kyu brown 1,2, and 3 3rd - 1st kyu
  13. If the guy can hold his own with other BB's then he is at BB level.
  14. Have any of you ever heard of Master Van Lenten. I've read quite a bit about him on-line as far as being a pioneer in Goju and Ishin Ryu, studying with the likes of Shinzo, and Higa to name a few and bring what he learned back to the US. His name is known well in the N. East.
  15. I will continue in Goju, however I will have to switch from one association to another. I will be going to a Jundokan affiliated dojo, where kata and requirements are different. In one dojo I know enough to be a higher rank than I am currently, but the katas are slightly different. While in another I would be a rank behind because of different order. I guess I'm concerned about nothing, as a belt is just a belt. I'll just wait and see what happens.
  16. Purple belt in Goju Ryu
  17. HAs any of you switched schools midstream and if so what is your experience doing so. I am moving out of state and would like to continue in MA, but with all the different styles with in styles I'm concerned that what I've learned may not be recognized due to politics.
  18. At A Recent Tournament OooH was used alot.
  19. Thanks to you all. As time goes on I am still learning things from some of the first katas I've learned. I am pulling self defense and kumite from them.
  20. With all the different styles/schools/curriculum out there. What does it mean to be a black belt? Some are promoted to shodan after 2 years others take as long as 8 years. Should we have some type of standard in the MA world? Recently I had the pleasure of training with a Nidan in Kenpo. We spared for a couple of rounds and I was very dissappointed that he didn't seem to fight like a 2nd degree. I'd like to think that I am that good but I'm just a novice. Will we ever have anything close to standards in MA? When I think balck belt I think of someone who is very good, a master of the basics! Am I wrong to hold the title with such high regard?
  21. Considering that during the early years of Goju students spent nearly a year or more learning one kata (this is what I've been told), what do you think is an acceptable time to spend learning a kata before moving on to a new one?
  22. Does anyone know of, or can anyone recomend a Goju Ryu dojo in Houston Texas?
  23. To all my fellow Okinawan Practioners, What style do you study? What association if any?
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