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Everything posted by ryukasagi

  1. i don't wear a uniform anywhere but my dojo. Not really because i feel it would be disrespectful to, but because i would feel like an idiot.
  2. I only really favor a side when i'm kicking, if i want to kick i generally stand in a left stance unless i am doing a special kick my instructor taught me, i'm working on evening my kicks out though.
  3. Worked some timing paterns, forms and techniques today.
  4. If i remember correctly, calcium helps regulate muscle contractions which can help reduce lactic acid. If i'm wrong though, you atleast get strong bones, so it works either way.
  5. 2X a week, but some of the people in my dojo are trying to find a time to get together outside of class and practice
  6. I think pre-emtive strikes are a good thing, assuming your not going to get out of a situation without a fight.
  7. "Can i test yet?" A kid asked my teacher that, it was the most annoying question ever.
  8. my dad taught me a bit of wrestling but thats it.
  9. DUCK! Just kidding, i'd probally move to one side and then parry anything that was still coming at me.
  10. The Wrist lock is about the only lock i know well, and it seems to work relatively well for me, i havn't used it much though, but the biggest problem i know of is that it's really easy to escape.
  11. We just use red stripes on the belt.
  12. Yeah it's Brandon Sanderson that's finishing it. I'm just trying to get a feel for some of his more serious books. Also Brisinger is one of the better books in inheritence.
  13. These might help you. 3 Sectional Staff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIq0JRbMmkE Chinese Whip Rain Demo Weapons come about 1/2 way through. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRGm_Zv0ZeY
  14. Cool, has anyone read Elantris or Mistborn from Brandon Sanderson, i'm thinking about getting them, but know nothing about them
  15. I'm using oak for my escrima sticks, seems to work well.
  16. Kali/Escrima Sticks, and Knives, possibly a staff if i asked.
  17. Gambit was ahead of his time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXaE8jCQGFw
  18. Thanks for the Books Tallgeese i've read a few of them including the Drizzt books and LOTR, havn't read the Simarilian yet though. JohnC i prefer sword and sorcery books in fantasy but just put on any good book and i'll give it a shot.
  19. Hey i'm looking for some good fantasy books anyone got any ideas?
  20. Going down on a knee may be useful sometimes but overall i think it would usually put you in more danger than the payoff it could bring. As far as going to the ground, my objective in a fight is to stay as far from the ground as possible. I don't know how to fight on the ground and the street is a bad place to learn, also on the street people tend to have friends and weapons, which are also bad me being on the ground as it's harder to get away.
  21. I do firearms training on my own. i go out and shoot lots of stuff from time to time. It's usually rifles for me though because i don't own any pistols. Though sometimes i will have a friend with me and he will bring some handguns to shoot. i like it it's quite fun for me. Just don't be stupid with guns and you should be fine.
  22. I don't think kids should be able to teach classes. But running warm ups is ok with me, they're kind of hard to mess up. And also some older adults have a tennancy of beliving that everyone under 21 or so are still too immature to have their opinions matter much. I know the ones at my high school did.
  23. That was awesome. They had good choreography too, so everything fit.
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