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Everything posted by ryukasagi

  1. That's an awesome show dudu. I love it. Anyway my name just my gamer tag i made up one day and it's stuck.
  2. Do keys on a jump drive cord count? If so i mess around with my keys just spinning them around, and a Philipino guy actually taught me a throw i could use with them though i'm not fast enough to pull it off yet.
  3. I don't know about Muay Thai, but when i miss i roundhouse kick i usually just plant and shoot a back kick with my other foot which buys me time to get back into my stance
  4. That is the funniest story i've heard in quite a while.
  5. I'm in my second semester of college, just hanging out doing Martial Arts and trying to figure out what i want to do with my life.
  6. Ouch, hope he didn't hurt his hand too badly.
  7. Well if i were to do trapping it would have to be Wing Chun anyway, there is no JKD school near me. Thanks for the information, i'll start practicing some trapping then.
  8. I've never really done chi sao just heard of it, which is probally my problem.
  9. i think budk.com has a naginata, i think it's probally dull too
  10. This is amazing especially when he cuts the egg. I wish there was some sort of sword school close to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maobVzB57T0&feature=channel This inspired me to try it out with my sword, which i promptly bend on a tree branch.
  11. this has happened to me so much that i usually don't care anymore
  12. From what i understand Ki or Chi is more just kinetic energy that people can learn to channel more efficiently so they lose less force during the transfer. As for Kiais i have no idea, i don't use them and haven't studied them at all.
  13. depends on what i watched/read before bed
  14. "You attacked me wrong..." I love it.
  15. This is the best of the bunch. My local radio station has the end segment about the pipebomb as a commercial for their station.
  16. luckily i can do this one, i have a pretty laid back instructor. But when your instructor uses you as a dummy never grin as he is hitting you. Especially if he is already hitting hard.
  17. Yeah me and my friends would watch it all the time. Thanks for all the welcomes, this forum seems a lot nicer than some i've been on.
  18. i'd say nunchucks, i don't know how to use them and would probally end up whacking myself in the face and doing the attackers work for them.
  19. my keys are on a string so i guess i could spin them around although i have no training like that i could maybe do somthing also a backpack could be used if it was heavy
  20. broomstick because of the distance advantage. also i suck at getting in on people with long weapons and so i could beat myself if i had a longer weapon.
  21. I hold my knife in the more traditional way generally close to my body to lessen the chances of the tendons in my hand getting cut so i can't hold the knife anymore and with it pointed at my opponet.
  22. Ok, that makes sense, i wish i could do it though, my trapping is very much in need of improvement.
  23. I don't see why not, i'm Christian and i do Martial Arts.
  24. the ever popular "bet you can't hit me" at school where they know i can't hit them anyway or i'd be expelled.
  25. Kenpo unity would be cool, but i don't think it is going to happen any time soon, and for now i think i'll be ok with studying Mr. Mill's style. I'm curious now, whose style do you study, and is it really very different from the AKKI?
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