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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. 4/12 Kali footwork warm up. Spent extended time breaking down PTK form and drilling individual angles, then reconstructing it. Cool down with some fluid attacks.
  2. This is accurate. And Millers works are very good. You will do what you've trained to do IF you've trained properly. And with a lot of ma-ist that's a big if. Principle and concept have to be understood at their core. Tactics must be real world and trained under pressure. You can write books about proper training methodology and better people than I have. Check them out. Paul Howe's "Tactical Trainer" is a must have primer on developing training plans for outcome based goals. It's not a am book but it's lessons work across the board.
  3. I've been in about all of the above class types over the years. Currently, I'm in a variety now that's laid back with some minimal nods to the traditions but everyone works hard. I know, crazy right? It's pretty good. Everyone pays attention during class but no one freaks out if they are running late. We roll with focus, but everyone is laughing and joking who isn't on the mat. It's about perfect for me.
  4. 4/11 Variants of the baseball bat choke. 30 min free roll
  5. Im pretty open about it. I never wanted to be that guy but somehow about half my wardrobe is BJJ related. Between that and always bowing out of other activities to go train it becomes hard for everyone not to know.
  6. 4/9 Drilled chains of Monday's material. 30 min free roll. 4/10 Warm up with some Inasanto blend stick worth. Moved into PTK forms. Finished with knife patterns.
  7. 4/7 Drilled collar chokes from side mount. 30 min free roll.
  8. 4/6 Short warm up with PTK footwork. Right into form with the single stick. Finished with knife angles and thrust pattern.
  9. I've cross trained different ways thru the years depending on my goals and my situation. For me, right now, cross training pretty much takes place by way of private instruction and seminar. I just don't have the time to commit to other things outside of the time I spend doing and teaching BJJ. So, about every other week I get together with one of two instructors in FMA specilities and either do a private with one of them or trade instruction for instruction, their specility for mine. It's a solid set up and one that keeps me married.
  10. 4/2 Drilled passing half guard. Review of Monday's material. Add a couple of variants. 30 min free roll. Slowly coming back.
  11. 4/1 Warm up with brief double stick patterns. Drilled PTK forms and footwork drills. Worked stick flow. Finished with knife attack patterns.
  12. 3/31 Drilled passing half guard and breaking lock down. 20 min free roll. Finally! I feel like I'm training again.
  13. Everyone knows I'm not a huge form guy (altough my new exposure to FMA might be changing this a bit) that said, this makes the most sense to me as a method of successfully utilizing kata as a learning tool. One of the big factors of current adult learning theory is that adults like to know the "why" of an action and this helps in retention. They also want to see how skill work relates to performance. This is the common failure of kata as it's often taught (and the way forms ARE NOT done in FMA, hence by slow modification of stance on this issue.) By teaching bunkai in this manner, you're satesfying those learning objectives that adults perform best with and utilizing the kata to sharpen those once learned.
  14. 3/24 Short am work on PTK forms. Started to realize i was a bit run down for the short sweat breaker I was doing. 3/25-3/28 Total flu breakdown. I mean like not moving, wishing I would just die sick. Bummer. 3/29 Last minute coverage for another sick instructor at the club. Starting to feel better. Covered guard break review. Double under pass and over under pass. No free rolling. Immediatly pass out for 3 hours upon getting home. Waaaaay more wiped out than anticipated. 3/30 Drilled some DBMA material with the knife from their DLO program. Really good stuff. Finished with some live drilling over violent knife attack. Taught bottom side mount sweep series to top side. Handled the days exertion way better than Sat. Still feeling it a bit, but at least I seem to be physically out of the recovery zone. Open mat tonight for sure. Fingers crossed.
  15. The constant grind. There's so much fliud training in every art i do it can get wearing. There's always something sore, or worse, that you're working through. Mentally it can just be wearing.
  16. After seeing this thread get bumped I thought it would be cool to look back and see what I had said when the thread was initially started. That's half a decade or so now! Clearly, things have gone a slightly different direction. I found my way into JKD and not Krav and my weapons outlet has begun to involve the FMAs instead of Japanese swordsmanship. So, wow what a difference a few years will make!
  17. 3/23 am: 60 min free roll. Pm: spent a short time working on basic stick pattern fron the Inasanto blend and compared thosed to the Illustrismo and PTK traditions. Fascinating stuff. Moved in drilling guard passing to side control sequence. 30 min free roll.
  18. 3/22 Drilled review of the weeks ankle locks. 2,4 min rounds of slow roll 4,6 min rounds of normal roll. Knee still iffy.
  19. I really like MP's answer on this. Above all, that's what I want to be able to do. There are some specifics depending on what I'm doing. At the core there has to be a combative aspect to it at some level. That's the core goal. But I've learned as I've grown in the arts that this can vary to different levels. Despite the aspects of BJJ that are great combatives, I enjoy the artistry of it as well. This is magnified when I look at my current exploration of JKD/ FMA. While the blade arts are very violent and rooted in combat, I find them beautiful as well and realistically love the fun of doing them. Unless your competing at a high level in a specific venue there's room for this.
  20. 3/21 Drilled straight ankle lock with 3 grip variants. 1 alternate foot placement. 15 min free roll. Easy on the knee.
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