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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. We throw more of a cross than a reverse, but they serve essintially the same function. From a hands up position, which is where most of our work occurs, no chambering ect., the turn pretty much starts right away. However, how you plan on matching that weapon to a target will determine how far the wrist rotates. There's n hard fast rule on this for us, it's wherever the fist needs to impact to best suit your needs. The mechanics ofthe body are what is important: the use of the hips, keeping your chin tucked, rasing the shoulder ot cover the chin, tight elbow pattern, good return, ect.
  2. today- Drilled double under mount escapes, D'Arce choke, and combination of the two. Then drilled a D'Arce set up from the mount. 40 min free roll.
  3. yesterday- BJJ: Drilled hip bump to kimura to choke set. Then, added counter to choke and triangle counter to counter. Worked over/ under guard pass. 35 min free roll to finish.
  4. I agree with tomcat, I think you'll find it a good fit from a practical sd perspective.
  5. today- 3 mile run legs/shoulders abs Utilized lots of explosive strength work in the routine today.
  6. today- 5, 2 min rounds (3 man circuit) of off line work. Started with slip and jab, added lead elbow, then reverse elbow to body guard. Backed up and added a jab/cross to the front of the drill and then finished with a double leg. 5, 3 min rounds of sparring to takedown Finished with technical work on the arm triangle.
  7. today- 1 mile on the treadmill back/bis/forearms abs 10 min cool down on the mats with shrimping and hip drills.
  8. today- 4 mile run. At least it's trying to get warmer. chest/tris/abs somecore work with the kb's 10 min cool down of shrimping
  9. today- BJJ: Drilled lots of hip drills and skill specific work. Moved onto working mount escape, darce, and a combination of the two. Free roll for 40 min.
  10. On an unrelated note, beyond the three of us, there are a few more people around Illinois on the boards hese days. Anyone thought about setting up a meet and greet? Maybe some training together? Seems like you guys are downstate, I've got ties that way, maybe down there somewhere? Anyway, just a thought.
  11. Anyone ever wonder why he wouldn't think the song was about him? I mean, it is...
  12. Everyone stress this, and it might be a concern; however, there's nothing in any legal system I'm aware of that takes this into account. The general rule is the "reasonableness" of force applied to defend one's self. So, is the amount of force you dish out proportional to the threat you perceived AT THE TIME. Not in retrospect, but the perception of facts known at the time. Regardless of knowledge base or background, that's the big question you're going to have to answer. There will, of course, be exceptions but they are not the rule. If you act in defense, and you're actions were reasonable in regards to force, you'll likely be fine. Much better to figure out what you're jurisdicional rulings are about reasonable force than to worry about the background you have in the arts. Civially, not criminally, this might come into more of play. However, a good lawyer will be able to steer things back into the actual realm of reasonable action. If you're covered crimianlly it's much harder in most corners of the world, to get jammed up civilially.
  13. today- BJJ: Worked through mount escape followed by Darce chokes work. Then, chained the two together. 35 min free roll
  14. yesterday- pm: Mitt work on basic combos, jabbing out. Followed with work on coverage as well and lastly incorporated takedowns as well. 4, 5 min rounds of free roll.
  15. Gor for it. Yo ould be fine with two arts focused on such different aspects of combat.
  16. today- Angle drills on the mitts for rounds. Moved into tying up and takedown from there. Moved to knife defense off the same pattern. On the ground, we drilled some two man hip drills and went over weighting an opponent. 3, 3 min rounds free roll 3, 3 min rounds free roll with the random introduction of a weapon to the area, in this case we used a knife.
  17. today- 1.75 miles on treadmill back/bis/forearms abs hip drills cool down
  18. My two cents, a bit late, but.... Getting hit in the head is part of training if you're doing it in any way for sd purposes. That said, one needs to approach it from a smart manner. Caged head gear along with 16 oz gloves or heavy kempo gloves (depending on what you're working) can go along way to letting you work to the head well. Psycologically, using gear like this will let you get over the idea of getting hit. It's a flip side of the coin that some times, not everytime, you'll need to ditch it to psycologically prepare for getting hit without it. Mindset along with experience and confidence in a gives situation is paramount in surviving enocunters (I recommend reading Siddle for more on this). But you can't pound on each other every time without protection and expect not to get hurt. The body just can't take it. Unrestricted sparring with miniaml gear regularly leads to more injury than anything else. This in turn keeps you out of training and lets your skill lag behind further. Intelligent training along with intensity. That's what you're looking for.
  19. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
  20. today- 3 mile run, outside. I hate winter. chest/tris abs Worked on some kettlebell exercises for core and BJJ-centric ones. Cool down on mat with hip drills and shrimps.
  21. Agreed. The answer is still yes, very possible.
  22. today- Drilled over hip bump set ups for several submissions. Worked on keeping weight down as well. 3, 3 min rounds of maintain/escape the guard 3, 3 min rounds of maintian/escape the side mount 12, 3 min rounds of free roll
  23. today- BJJ: Worked drills on keeping weight down on partner and transition between top positions. For technique, we hit same side arm bar from knee in. Followed by sweep from the half guard. 50 min free roll.
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