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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. Welcome to KF! Good luck finding more people to work out with in something you're interested in.
  2. today- 4 mile run chest/tris 10 min cool down on Boomer. Worked back mount and attacks from there.
  3. I don't know, I've been pretty happy with the whole break fall method. Regardless of background or specific art, the idea of controlling breath and stabilizing the core while counterforcing in a manner that won't dislocate your sholder on contact is pretty useful. I've had success with them in aiki-style thorws, body contact throws, wrestling takedowns and the occassional inadvertent "other" contact with the ground. If you're training for sustained ground work, you'll have to get used to retractig your limbs into more of a ball position, but this will be fairly intuitive after you've started. Like i said, just from my experience.
  4. Definatly go if you're interested in the ground game at all, even if you're not, you should try it for a time just to round out your skill set. It's the way to go for ground work and a completely beautiful and effective art.
  5. yesterday- BJJ nite: Drilled work from back mount. Choke, counter to escape to choke, to armbar. 60 min free roll today- school all day, we'll see if I make it out after family time
  6. yesterday- 6, 3 min rounds working escape/hold from: mount side guard 60 min free roll today- 3.5 mile run
  7. They probabily were ninjas, who happened to mistake his identity.
  8. Geo- I was looking at an older model Ultra but the HD dealership sold it out from under me while i was hemming and hawing around. My fault really. So, I've decided to pull the trigger the next time a right bike shows up.
  9. Welcome back! Good to hear from you again.
  10. today- BJJ nite: Worked over side mount escape and variations. Followed by work on taking back. 45 min free roll.
  11. today- Drilled on takedown work. Mainly double leg and then jumping guard. Went over knee in posture and D'Arce. 40 min free roll. Spent most of if working takedown in gi.
  12. It's a big question. One that has far to many variables to answer with an easy catagory. There is what kind of attack, your surroundings, the intensity and intent of the attack, enviornmental concerns, and not the least of them you're own skill set and abilities. Even if you favor one particular thing, the mere angle of attack might take you in a different direction. The other individuals skill might outweigh yours in a given area, making you change your game plan midway thorough the assult. Again, big question.
  13. today- BJJ nite: Drilled shallow side escape, followed by movements to back. Then, ended with arm bar. Free roll for 40 min.
  14. today- 4.5 mile run bis/tris/forearms abs Drilled over shirmping.
  15. I fall along the same lines as tomcat on this one. One's own natural talent and ability and will to employ specific tactics are important. However, with out training based around real word situations you still won't get far. Technical competence without exposure to the aliveness of actual combat might not go far. Lots of things go into effective ma's. One is individual skill, one is the system of tools they've studied, another is the modalities of training applied at a given school. All go into building an individual fighter. Then there is things like the situation that one's in, the environment, and even sheer happenstance.
  16. 1200 HD Sporty. Lots of some chrome, accessories, ect. Straight pipes and carb upgrade. I put on about 2000/ year. The longest I ride is about 3 hours either way to family or the Lake to climb. I'm kicking around trading up, but we'll see.
  17. Double leg practice- Start in your stance. Step forward with your lead foot (this will go between his feet). Step deep. Drop to that knee (you'll note how this drives you forward). Allow the back foot to drag behind you. Keep back/ neck straight while doing this. Pull drag leg up behind and step through with it to the foot (will be kneeling). Stand. Repeat with other side. Now you've got your duck walk on. Work this till it's smooth. Then start working with a partner. Remember the step has to be deep, that and the knee drop will drive your partner back and give you momentum. Your hands will check the back of his knees and your head will go to the outside of his legs. This way you can cut the angle and the end of the shot (by driving your head to his leg). He should dump kind of to the side. Timing and penetration then become paramount and that you get by drilling and live take down work. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  18. Switching levels will help you out a lot. Start letting go of the shoulders, dropping your center and shoot the double leg. There are plenty of good sources of info on how to do it. Careful about just randomly getting it on you tube. There's alot of poor technique out there. Get with a friend who wrestles. For a tretise that's pretty good, Randy Couture's "Wrestling for Fighting" is pretty good. But yeah, drop center and shoot. Doubles and singles. Then, when he's thinking about his feet you can look to go Greko and work the upper body.
  19. So are any takedowns on for the drill? Can you switch your arm positions once the drill is running?
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