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KarateForums.com Senseis
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Everything posted by sensei8

  1. Self teaching?? Dangerious! I'd speak against it, unless one's already well versed in the Martial Arts already. Even then, the book/DVD doesn't have eyes to critique flaws that might be otherwise overlooked, hence, the birth of bad habits become false technques. Bad habits are hard to break and during a real fight for ones life, this is the wrong time for bad habits to help an attacker. I'd just say...please be careful with self teaching the Martial Arts. Music, etc., I say go for it and enjoy it!
  2. Absolutely! I get a kick, along with shaking my head in disbelief, when someone says to me that the black belt rank means nothing to them, then this type of person will run to get his black belt and quickly puts it on, and/or this type of person makes sure that they always have their black belt on. They even wear their black belt when they're just working out alone or with a friend/partner. So much for saying what one means and meaning what one says.
  3. Sorry, but I do not subscribe to that belief; Business Marketing 101 does, but not I. Beating students, I don't believe in that either, if this is what you're referring to.
  4. Yes Bruce was and I am too, as well as technique(s). Technique(s) are what "entire fighting systems" are composed of; I'm looking beyond and pinpointing technique(s). Is this wrong? Not in my opinion.
  5. Nothing! It's up to us, those who know better, to interceed on the behalf of the unknowing, so that someone can decide for themselves as to what is best for them. You can lead a horse to water, but, it's up to the horse if he/she wants any water to drink. Solid! Absolutely solid! Wa-No-Michi and joesteph both have solid points in their seperate arguements. I see both sides of the fence, and in that, I see green grass on both sides.
  6. What's in one form of the Martial Arts isn't the same in another. This is true of "Black Belt" in that the evolution happened and it could've been a bueatiful thing to behold. Instead, it became an ugly thing to behold. Why? Because bad is opposite of good and in the Yin/Yang of rank, this had to have happened in its many forms. It's sad, but it's true! Often, what's a particular rank in style 'A' isn't the same or even close in style 'B' and each style is quick to state that very thing. The unity of the Martial Arts is no closer to being realized because of the many differences from 'A' to 'B' and this isn't Bushido. This is true and was to be expected because of "Man's" involvement. History shows all of this to be true, whether we accept it to be so, is up to the individual. I can be wrong in a thousand different ways, yet, I'm still wrong nonetheless. It should! Yet, it (rank) is nothing without knowledge. Rank isn't the end all of all things in the Martial Arts. Rank has it's role and it should be kept in it's proper context/content so that Rank isn't seen as the ultimate goal, because it's not! Expressing oneself honestly through the Martial Arts is the journey that one should be seeking, not Rank. Rank is over-emphasised and I wish that rank didn't exist, especially in its present form. I hold a high Dan rank, but, I know that it's not the rank that defines me. No! I define it through my actions and therefore, I'm complete in my totality! When I say "Proof is on the floor" I mean exactly that. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Either you can or you can't, hence, rank is a ornament, for it's not what rank can or can't do, and rank can't do anything for the fact of the matter; it's what the Martial Artist can or can't do. Step it up or step off the floor! And how was that? Rank shouldn't be the emphasis of any syllabus within any style of the Martial Arts. Rank has its place and rank doesn't belong anywhere other than around ones waist. For schools to grade with the goal being Rank, then I say that this school has missed the mark by miles. The totality of the Martial Artist should be measured by not what's around the midriff, but, what's the content/context of ones techniques, like the three K's (Kihon, Kata, Kumite) of Karate as well as ones character. Rank doesn't hit, but, the Martial Artist does. Yes! If they graded tougher! Not a bit, but alot! Rank shouldn't take forever, yet, it is a lifelong journey of dedication. In this, rank should take as long as it takes because a rushed flower is a wilted and deformed flower; hence a dead flower! Each style of the Martial Arts is responsible to itself, yet, it should be responsible to the code of Bushido; what one does effects everyone at one time or another. This, imho, is up to the individual to decide. Universally understanding takes unity first and foremost. The element of unity is missing in the Martial Arts; therefore, the Martial Arts can be stale, tasteless, at best and at times. Again, this arguement is best left for each Federation/Association to answer within itself and its student body per it's own By-Laws. In order for rank to start to mean something will require more than acceptable age for 1st Dan. It will require that Rank ISN'T placed on a pedestal in any shape, way, and/or form. I do understand what you're question above is aiming at, yet, my complete answer would violate the User Guidelines of this forum. Therefore, I reserve to leave this answer to myself. Let me just say, this phenomenon you speak of in this question above is here to stay, as unfortunate as it is, and we must learn to remain true to our cause and stay true to the code of Bushido within our own Martial Arts. This very question that you ask in the opening post of this thread will remain a question for all of time. In that, arguements on both sides of the fence will be debated on for as long as the Martial Arts is around. We, I, can only hope the best for all of the Martial Arts as well as each Martial Artist.
  7. Oh you're all going to hate me for my answer. Sorry, in advance for it, but it is what it is. Question(s): ...if everyone had their own definition as to what constitutes a "Martial Arts technique" proper? Is there a way you define a technique in this way? My answer: Anything and everything! Labels have/can/do ruin what one is truly seeking/searching for.
  8. Coconuts don't hit back! Seriously though, he would've had to hit these coconuts dead center, even then, the coconuts weren't supported. Coconuts are round and round things unsupported roll/move; this is what happened many times. I wouldn't have done this type of demo to save my soul. I've done some DUH things before but this...Okie dokie.
  9. I will answer you this way. Not all Black Belts can teach! Either you can or you can't! Proof is on the floor! It takes more than platitudes and a black belt around ones waist to teach!
  10. sensei8


    Yes, with the first syllable being short and the second syllable being long. Makes sense to you? Sorry for my lousy explanation of something so easy to say.
  11. It's none of my business, but, why did your "old karate sensei" close his Dojo in the first place? Is this the first time his Dojo's closed? What are the guarantee's that he won't close again once students have invested time and money? I'd stay with the NEW Sensei/Style because he/she is established and besides, there's nothing wrong with learning a new style. This will able you to broden your Martial Arts base, imho. However you choose, is up to you! Good luck, but, I'd be timid to rejoin a sensei that's closed the doors once already...but that's me.
  12. This 13 yo kid may not have the life experience, but, this 13 yo kid does have the technical capibilities per this kids Sensei.
  13. USA Here's the link... http://www.jkaboston.com/skda.htm Refer to the SKDI Headquarters listed at the very top of this page! Masataka Sensei is in charge of the JKA Pan-America Region, which, includes USA. There are many JKA branches in the USA but Masataka Sensei's Dojo is the JKA SKDI USA-HQ.
  14. sensei8


    Crow, this Kanji, 号令無し, IS Gorei nashi. You're right on the money! 号 = "Go" This, in the context of this sentence, is "A Number/Issue/Title" 令 = "Rei" This, in the context of this sentence, is "An Order/Rule/Instruction/Directive" 無し = "Nashi [de]" This, in the context of this sentence, is "Without []/With no []/Nothing/Nil"
  15. sensei8


    Crow, you're very close! The phrase that you're seeking is Gorei nashi. Gorei is "counting/to act on command" and Nashi is "without/no," therefore, "Execute Kata without command." Very important part of Kata training. It's one thing to give the students verbal counting cues while learning/performing Kata. It's a whole new world, at first, for students to not have those verbal counts in Kata learning/training. This, Gorei nashi, forces the student out of their comfort zone, and into relying on their own focus, timing, breathing, techniques, rhythm, speed, and stop/start to name just a few. All of this is related to it, Kata, being proper in its execution. Other commands that would compliment Gorei nashi are, Mo Ichido, which is "Repeat." The other would be Mo Ikkae, which is "Do it again." I can write Gorei nashi in Kanji, but, I don't have that type of software on my computer to assist you with that; sorry! Hopefully I've been of some assistance to you.
  16. Got to be honest, these sort of things don't float my boat. But if you enjoy it then great. Thanks....I think! I just can't win!
  17. Wankan Unsu Nijushiho Gojushiho Bassai OR any of the Tekki
  18. What would I do if I'm a 30 something Shodan and the 13 years old Nidan is asked to teach? I'd follow proper Dojo etiquette because the Nidan outranks me. Besides, the Chief Instructor/Sensei knows what he/she's doing, therefore, Sensei instructed/asked the Nidan to teach. For me, this is a no brainer according to the By-Laws of my Hombu. I'm sure that this Nidan will follow the lesson plan/syllabus per the Sensei. Besides, ego has no place in the Martial Arts whatsoever. It wouldn't matter to me his age at all. All I know is that Nidan outranks Shodan. This Nidan didn't just manage to get a couple of stripes, he earned them and for me to act other wise, is a sign of disrespect to the Chief Instructor/Sensei. In my honest opinion!
  19. I hope that you'll like this story as much as I did. Here's the link... http://www.ctmartialarts.com/html/bamboo.htm
  20. Carrying on? No! She's done ABKA and ATA. She was learning my style from me for just over a year. Yet, you're absolutely correct in your summation. My daughter and I have both been involved in the Martial Arts. She's placed the Martial Arts on the back burner for now due to all of her other interests at school; she turns 13 this month and she's a very busy person, at and away from school. My 14 year old son has no interest in the Martial Arts. If he's not doing Basketball and Baseball, in that order, then he's not interested. I'm extremely proud of him as well! Carrying on? No! Has taken the Martial Arts? Yes! No more and no less! Either way, I'm extremely proud of her, as I always will be!
  21. Congrats! Feels great, huh? Now comes the "intermediate" stuff. I remember it like it was yesterday. I put it on, then I took it off, then I put it back on, and then I took it off...well, you get the point! It's like having a brand new car; once you get your new car home, you'll drive it to just get the newpaper at the end of the driveway. Again, congrats!
  22. What would I do? I'd bow in and gladly do the retest without question! Absolutely!
  23. I've been fortunate enough to have been in the Martial Arts for 44 years, yet, I'm the only one in my family that's ever done it. My families very proud of what I've achieved over these 4 decades!
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