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Everything posted by Throwdown0850

  1. Rank has changed a lot over time I guess. It depends on the school or MA. Rank should reflect your knowledge and experience. For example, generally speaking, a bjj brown belt is very experienced and knowledgeable. But, like I said, depends on the school. Some places are pay to play...
  2. If the schools have a website, post them here so we can have a look at them. Otherwise, go the the free classes, talk to the instructor, do they spar regularly, blah blah.
  3. In fighting, be it judo, jiu-jitsu, or any other form, it's not about what you want. It's about taking what the opponent gives you. You named two techniques that worked well. You were taking what the opponent was giving you. The key is to continue doing it until the opponent attempts a new tactic. If it works, why change it? That said, in this situation it's important to circle. Circle one way, then the other. You're looking for the point where your opponent stops moving with you. That's the chance to enter. From that point I pummel up to an over the shoulder or high collar grip and turn. Because the opponent is off balance forward (into you) you can easily pull him onto your hip for koshi garuma, o goshi, uchi mata, tai otoshi, seio nage or any other forward throw. The key is that your opponent will have to react to stop it. Then you do a rear throw such as o soto gari and ko soto gari. You could also drop as you turn and do a double or single leg (illegal in judo comps). Good advice. The circling idea sounds good. Didn't even think of that. Was so focused on getting the throw rather than taking what he gives me and working him a little so I wont have to try as hard.
  4. Nice vid. 6 time jj champion. Wow. It would be awesome to train with him that's for sure.
  5. Will do. I think I'm gonna pull guard. I'm gonna spam it too. Hopefully he will get the idea. I love underhooks.
  6. Last Friday night during some randori I was coupled with a"leaner". By that I mean he was leaning over almost excessively why trying get grip. I couldn't get any thing on him except for a single leg/ ko ouchi gari combination and a uchi-makikomi. Other than that I couldn't do anything. Its like his legs were brick man lol. I have sparred this type before but not this bad. Any judoka/bjj players experience this? Any tips?
  7. Is the theoretical technique being pressured against a resisting, non-compliant opponent? Or is that what you mean by number 3?
  8. I look to see if they have aliveness in their training. Sparring, sparring and more sparring. How old are the bb's. Is the class a learning experience. Or, an ego fest ( I got to see that today for the first time). Do the players have good sportsnanship.
  9. You're no numpty, Groinstrike. That is exactly how i feel as well.
  10. What do you mean by grow? Are you wanting to study karate so you can learn to fight? Please elaborate for me.
  11. Welcome, sir
  12. I'm goin to have to agree with this. Besides, its in the name. Warrior. To me its all the same. Warrior = Soldier. Soldier = Warrior.
  13. I wanna train BJJ bad, like so bad.
  14. I wear a blue gi sometimes. why? Because I like it. It serves no purpose really. In 1997 the IJF had people wearing blue gi's in competition. I guess so they could see what was goin on when they were locked up. Idk. My instructor could care less. As long as its a judo/jujitsu/bjj gi. It didn't matter.
  15. In the title it says "cold hard facts". I see zero in your post. I see an opinion. I like Kyokushin for what it is, a combat sport, and I can see why it would be appealing, its "hardcore" full contact. Being said many times by many people I believe its all how you train. someone can bring up a vid of kyokushin vs TKD or Kyokushin vs MT vid showin KK being the victor. and someone else can bring up a vid of MT vs KK and MT being the winner. Its like running on a treadmill.
  16. Like Brickshooter said, tying a belt around a tree is a good way to practice. I used a bike tire tube. I agree that the instructor was a little too rough goin in and choking you like that. When you throw your first harai goshi you'll fall in love my man.
  17. yay!! that thread was mine. I am glad my ideas can help you, GeoGiant. I feel special now. perhaps loved?? Okay just special...
  18. Hmm.. I would say its a tie between The Book of Five Rings and The Iceman: confessions of a contract killer.
  19. I hear that the gomad system is actually quite dangerous..
  20. There are several answers for that question, the best advice I can give you is if you have the money and the time, to find a quality instructor. cause there is no end all move really. punches to the face can take down an opponent pretty effectively. but so can throws, sweeps, throat attacks.. maybe you can tell me a little more of what you're looking for??
  21. I agree with this here. pretty much as long as you make the payments, you promote.
  22. I was doing everything at 8-10 for hypertrophy but recently been doing 6-8 because I have been seeing more results. 20-30 sec rest times. maybe a little less. already do squats and deadlifts.
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