DWx Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 Bob, what you've achieved is great. I'm sure your doctor will be impressed that you've already lost 40 lb in 2 months I wouldn't sweat the last 6 lbs. I would say it's likely with all the work you've been doing you may have gained some muscle mass too which will increase your weight.Just look after yourself though. Don't push too hard as you can end up hurting yourself. "Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius
bushido_man96 Posted January 2, 2017 Posted January 2, 2017 Danielle brings up a good point. Instead of being soley stuck on the idea of losing "weight," think more along the lines of changing your body composition. If your overall body fat percentage is decreasing, but the weight isn't coming off quite as fast as you'd like, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. And it will take a lot of time, too, just like any other journey.But keep at it, and you'll get there! https://www.haysgym.comhttp://www.sunyis.com/https://www.aikidoofnorthwestkansas.com
Nidan Melbourne Posted January 3, 2017 Posted January 3, 2017 bushido_man96 said: Danielle brings up a good point. Instead of being soley stuck on the idea of losing "weight," think more along the lines of changing your body composition. If your overall body fat percentage is decreasing, but the weight isn't coming off quite as fast as you'd like, that isn't necessarily a bad thing. And it will take a lot of time, too, just like any other journey.But keep at it, and you'll get there!Thats usually what happens, people get stuck on the idea of losing their weight but when they step onto the scales they haven't moved much even though they look in the mirror and see improvements. From my perspective in my field of work, when we help set goals with our clients we do not ever set weight related goals. As they can lead to an addiction or behaviour of not being "the right weight or skinny enough". You're right about body composition though, when we look at those results we will look at fat vs. muscle mass. As you may just be replacing that amount of fat that you used to have with muscle, which is something we want to happen. For me personally I have dropped to date around 25-30 kilograms (55 - 66 pounds) but even though i am dropping the kilos slower, i am at least putting muscle on to help my body stay structurally sound.
sensei8 Posted January 3, 2017 Author Posted January 3, 2017 First off, I'd like to sincerely thank Mo and Safroot for their encouraging as well as kind words; they mean everything to me, and these aren't idle words!! Also, I want to thank Danielle, Brian, and Liam for yours as well encouraging kind words; they too, mean everything to me!!All of you bring up great points, and what you've all talked about, is in concert with my GP Doctor!! He says...dropping 5lbs a month is good enough for him, but, yes but, I want to reach that 215lbs goal by October 2017. What all of you have advised me has been exceptional across the board, and I take everything you all have said seriously, and as I've already mentioned, your advises are in concert with what my GP Doctor has told me.NOW TO SOME BAD NEWS!!!!According to my GP Doctor, that I visited this morning at 0830, and this is very depressing, to say the least, that after speaking with me as to find out how I've been these past 3 months, and having reviewed my ECHO Sonogram, and speaking with my Cardiologist about his interpretations/findings, and listening to my heart this morning...I STILL HAVE AFIB!!!!!!!!!!!What!?When I see my Cardiologist this up and coming Monday at 1430, I'll be giving someone in his office a stern piece of my mind!! Just who in the world do they thing they are to tell me WRONG INFORMATION??!!?? Building up my hopes and expectations are not what are to be done to patients because that type of thing destroys my confidence in his office staff. So much so, that I will NOT talk to anyone in his office due to the seriousness of my life!! Tell me that I no longer have AFIB, when I do, is beyond unprofessional, and I will not tolerate in ever!! I want ONLY the Cardiologist to call me, and no one else...he's done it before, he can continue to do so. The lack of confidence I now have for his office staff is warranted, and even if it's not, it's my life and not theirs...can't rely the info accurately to me over the phone, then do me a favor, DON'T EVER CALL ME...EVER!!I thought that the news was too good to be true when I first heard it. Especially, when I'm still feeling twinges of discomfort from time to time in my chest, which I shouldn't if the Afib is truly gone.I'll be calm and professional when I go to my Cardiologist this Monday...to the best of my abilities, but I'm not promising anything except that I'll not raise my voice...just creepy firm in my complaint!! His staff better be happy I'm not their boss because I'd fire the staff member that lied to me!! Lied?!? That's a strong word, and yes, it's meant to be a strong word because my life depends on me receiving accurate news...advice...directions...etc!! This type of gross negligence is unforgivable because, again, this is my life. What if that staff member told me that my Cardiologist is directing me to stop taking my blood thinner, Eliquis, and soon after I have a stroke?!? This type of mistake by his staff isn't forgivable as it might be if I had received the wrong auto part to fix my car...no way...no how!! Mistakes...we all make them...however, in the medial profession, either you're accurate, or people die, just as simple as that, imho!!Jogged 3 miles this past 2 days with a calorie burn of 644 each day. And I must say, my outer/upper thighs hurt like heck, and it hurts to walk. They say, "No pain, no gain!!" Yeah, those that say that...have lost their minds...lol...because man oh man, I want to curl up and suck my thumb right about now. I get the same calorie burn at the gym with my current cardio routine, and my thighs don't ache, if at all!! **Proof is on the floor!!!
sensei8 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Posted January 10, 2017 Gym routine is the same...282lbs!! 280 plateau is driving me CRAZY!! Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be in the 270'slbs range so bad...aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh...I went to my Cardiologist today, and this is what he said...in a nutshell!!It's confirmed that I still have Afib, and for now, until I return to normal sinus rhythm THROUGH upcoming procedures, that's to be expected. The heart, runs of electricity, and sometimes the electrical paths are disturbed. Afib is different with different patients because...were all different across the board for many different reasons.So, here's what's next for me per my Cardiologist:**Cardioversion: DCCV without MAC **January 30, 2017 at 0730; I must be at the Hospital at 0530~~This is where the Doctor shocks my heart 1-3 times, while I'm under anesthesia, to get my heart back on normal sinus rhythm; getting the electrical paths back to how it should be. I can't drive myself home; NOT ALLOWED!!**Nuclear Stress Test: Lexi NST**February 6, 2017 at 0800; procedure lasts 3 hours ~~This is where they shoot dye to my heart via an IV in order to film/capture/etc. in order to see how the heart is doing all that it does. According to the Mayo Clinic, here's the basics of that procedure..."A nuclear stress test measures blood flow to your heart at rest and while your heart is working harder as a result of exertion or medication. The test provides images that can show areas of low blood flow through the heart and damaged heart muscle. The test usually involves taking two sets of images of your heart — one while you're at rest and another after you heart is stressed, either by exercise or medication."Through the ECHO Sonogram that I've recently had, my upper chamber of my heart is pumping blood quite good, and my heart is strong!! Without that upper chamber pumping as it should, blood clots can , going to either the leg...which is how heart attacks happen, OR, to the brain...which is how strokes happen.**February 20, 1997 at 1300 **6 week follow up~~Verifying everything is good, or plan 'B'Hopefully my insurance will pay for ALL of these procedures OR at least, a super big chunk of it. What I'm being told, for now, is that my insurance should pay for these procedures 100% because it's a PREVENTIVE, and NOT an ELECTIVE procedure(s). Got my prayers in to the big guy upstairs, and not just for the financials, but for the medical, even more so.Cardiologist is super proud that I've lost 44 pounds; he just wants me to take it easy at the gym. In short, don't overly push myself. Yeah, telling me that isn't a good thing because that's not how my mind works. I push and I push and I push because that's who I am. HOWEVER, I'll follow my Cardiologists instructions to the letter because my life depends on it. It'll not be easy, but doable.Cardiologist put me on a new medicine called Amiodarone 200mg TAB ZYD, one tablet by mouth daily; 3 refills. Cardiologist says this medicine is only for the short term. What this medicine does is helps the heart stay in rhythm. How it does that I way above my head, but it does. Have you ever read all of the disclaimers that the pharmacist hands you with your prescription?? I've got to tell you that once you read everything, you gotta kind of wonder to yourself..."Why am I even taking this??" The disclaimers scare the tar out of me!! Funny thing. My Cardiologist told me to no longer drink any type of Juices, even the juices that I'm allowed to take, me being pre-diabetic, which that blood work shows that I'm greatly improving in that area. No, my Cardiologist wants me to drink diet soda instead because they've no calorie...no nothing...no flavor...bland as bland can be...however, the diet soda I did get does have 55mg Sodium. Looks like I'll be drinking water!!Some good news and some bad news...I suppose!! Sorry for the long post!! **Proof is on the floor!!!
Safroot Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 sensei8 said: Gym routine is the same...282lbs!! 280 plateau is driving me CRAZY!! Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be in the 270'slbs range so bad...aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh...I went to my Cardiologist today, and this is what he said...in a nutshell!!It's confirmed that I still have Afib, and for now, until I return to normal sinus rhythm THROUGH upcoming procedures, that's to be expected. The heart, runs of electricity, and sometimes the electrical paths are disturbed. Afib is different with different patients because...were all different across the board for many different reasons.So, here's what's next for me per my Cardiologist:**Cardioversion: DCCV without MAC **January 30, 2017 at 0730; I must be at the Hospital at 0530~~This is where the Doctor shocks my heart 1-3 times, while I'm under anesthesia, to get my heart back on normal sinus rhythm; getting the electrical paths back to how it should be. I can't drive myself home; NOT ALLOWED!!**Nuclear Stress Test: Lexi NST**February 6, 2017 at 0800; procedure lasts 3 hours ~~This is where they shoot dye to my heart via an IV in order to film/capture/etc. in order to see how the heart is doing all that it does. According to the Mayo Clinic, here's the basics of that procedure..."A nuclear stress test measures blood flow to your heart at rest and while your heart is working harder as a result of exertion or medication. The test provides images that can show areas of low blood flow through the heart and damaged heart muscle. The test usually involves taking two sets of images of your heart — one while you're at rest and another after you heart is stressed, either by exercise or medication."Through the ECHO Sonogram that I've recently had, my upper chamber of my heart is pumping blood quite good, and my heart is strong!! Without that upper chamber pumping as it should, blood clots can , going to either the leg...which is how heart attacks happen, OR, to the brain...which is how strokes happen.**February 20, 1997 at 1300 **6 week follow up~~Verifying everything is good, or plan 'B'Hopefully my insurance will pay for ALL of these procedures OR at least, a super big chunk of it. What I'm being told, for now, is that my insurance should pay for these procedures 100% because it's a PREVENTIVE, and NOT an ELECTIVE procedure(s). Got my prayers in to the big guy upstairs, and not just for the financials, but for the medical, even more so.Cardiologist is super proud that I've lost 44 pounds; he just wants me to take it easy at the gym. In short, don't overly push myself. Yeah, telling me that isn't a good thing because that's not how my mind works. I push and I push and I push because that's who I am. HOWEVER, I'll follow my Cardiologists instructions to the letter because my life depends on it. It'll not be easy, but doable.Cardiologist put me on a new medicine called Amiodarone 200mg TAB ZYD, one tablet by mouth daily; 3 refills. Cardiologist says this medicine is only for the short term. What this medicine does is helps the heart stay in rhythm. How it does that I way above my head, but it does. Have you ever read all of the disclaimers that the pharmacist hands you with your prescription?? I've got to tell you that once you read everything, you gotta kind of wonder to yourself..."Why am I even taking this??" The disclaimers scare the tar out of me!! Funny thing. My Cardiologist told me to no longer drink any type of Juices, even the juices that I'm allowed to take, me being pre-diabetic, which that blood work shows that I'm greatly improving in that area. No, my Cardiologist wants me to drink diet soda instead because they've no calorie...no nothing...no flavor...bland as bland can be...however, the diet soda I did get does have 55mg Sodium. Looks like I'll be drinking water!!Some good news and some bad news...I suppose!! Sorry for the long post!! Good luck with all the tests sensei8 & hopefully the results come back good . Don't push too hard in the gym as your cardiologist advised you, stick to you meds & healthy lifestyle you will be ok. btw don't worry about how Amiodarone works, I have been a pharmacist for 12 years now & I was never able to fully understand how it works My prayers to you & keep us updated "The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle." Sosai Mas Oyama founder of Kyokushin Karate.
sensei8 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Posted January 10, 2017 Thank you, Safroot, for your kind words as well as your support!! I'm not going to lie, because oftentimes, I break down because this is more than I can handle...in short, I'm scared, to say the least. **Proof is on the floor!!!
bushido_man96 Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 sensei8 said: Thank you, Safroot, for your kind words as well as your support!! I'm not going to lie, because oftentimes, I break down because this is more than I can handle...in short, I'm scared, to say the least. Be strong, and know that you can overcome it. Its just another fork in the road of the journey, and you will get through it. https://www.haysgym.comhttp://www.sunyis.com/https://www.aikidoofnorthwestkansas.com
sensei8 Posted January 10, 2017 Author Posted January 10, 2017 (edited) Thank you, Brian for your kind words of support, as well. I'm trying to be strong, however, oftentimes, I'm awash with emotions about this Afib and the like, and it's more than I can handle at times. How can I teach if my Cardiologists wants me to "take it really easy"?? I don't know know to do that! Walk around and point, or have my assistants demonstrate said techniques?? I don't know how to do that either!! This is an underlying concern of mine, but defeating this Afib and everything else to achieve that quality of life is paramount AND tantamount over everything!!Have I cried often?? Rivers!! I've left all of this at the feet of Christ; His way shall be done!! Edited January 10, 2017 by sensei8 **Proof is on the floor!!!
bushido_man96 Posted January 10, 2017 Posted January 10, 2017 I understand that this is a tough journey for you, and its ok to break down and let it out, too. At times, it helps more than anything. https://www.haysgym.comhttp://www.sunyis.com/https://www.aikidoofnorthwestkansas.com
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