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'clunking' lower left back (sacrum?)


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Hi there,

I'm rather new to martial arts (or any exercise) beyond a year of karate as a child. I'm really enjoying it, but have a question regarding some agitation I'm getting on one side of my lower back.

When performing kicks with my left leg, there is a horrible clunking sensation in what feels like the top of my pelvis, at the very bottom of my back. It's not painful, although I am experiencing a little tenderness the next day - and a much lesser feeling of the clunk when I walk with my left leg.

Could anyone suggest the cause, or recommend any exercises to build up/placate the area? I appreciate that the description is vague, but it's quite hard to pinpoint the position exactly. I'm nearly 34, and while I'm thin, I spend far too much time behind a desk at work.

Thank you for any advice you might be able to offer.

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It may be just because you're doing more exercise than your body has been used to doing. When I first started back at karate a few years back, my hip would click every time I kicked, sometimes it felt as if my hip was about to dislocate and the pain was rather intense. It doesn't do it anymore, even when I do high kicks. So I gather it was my body adjusting to something new. Be sure to warm up properly and do some stretching before class and also on days when you have no class. Your Sensei should be able to show you some good stretches for this area. I've recently started doing yoga stretches for the lower back and hips and have found it to be of immense benefit, so maybe it would be of use to you too. Google will bring up plenty exercises and how to do them properly.

That said, if it persists, I would go see a doctor to rule out anything more serious, you don't want to push things too far and maybe rule yourself out through an injury that could have been avoided.


Be water, my friend.

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Hi Mo,

That's quite reassuring, thank you. I've got a week off karate due to other commitments, so it will get a chance to cool off. I'll look into doing some daily stretches/exercises each morning, which will hopefully help.

We're pretty good at warm-ups before training, so that's sorted. Thanks for your advice. :)


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Corrective exercises should correct your bones..A book called PAIN FREE by Pete Egoscue will answer all or most of your questions.Also a physio therapist could give you a program to get back on track.

Inca Warriors - Warriors of the Inca people were brainwashed for many years to forget fear completely until they became fearless to everything and then they were officially a warrior.

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Hi there,

I'm rather new to martial arts (or any exercise) beyond a year of karate as a child. I'm really enjoying it, but have a question regarding some agitation I'm getting on one side of my lower back.

When performing kicks with my left leg, there is a horrible clunking sensation in what feels like the top of my pelvis, at the very bottom of my back. It's not painful, although I am experiencing a little tenderness the next day - and a much lesser feeling of the clunk when I walk with my left leg.

Could anyone suggest the cause, or recommend any exercises to build up/placate the area? I appreciate that the description is vague, but it's quite hard to pinpoint the position exactly. I'm nearly 34, and while I'm thin, I spend far too much time behind a desk at work.

Thank you for any advice you might be able to offer.

To be safe go see a Physiotherapist or similar professional that can assist. As you may have an instability in your hips.

Since you spend a lot of time at the desk you may have tight hip flexors in particular your left side. Which may cause that pain you are experiencing

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am NOT a doctor of any sort

but this sounds like the SI joint region from where you're describing. I've had trouble with this area on my right side for quite a while now, the pain ended up spreading into my hip and being a completely different problem. But the point is, it started in the same area you described.

I found the most luck with a sports medicine doctor. The others that I saw seemed to all jump to the same instability issue when it ended up being much much more than that. (for my personal case) I should have just went to him to begin with.... lesson learned... :roll:

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Good morning!

I have been to see a Chiropractor, who suggested that it was tight tendons down the back of the legs; a lot of sitting mean that they were tight, and the kicks were pulling the tendons around my pelvis in an awkward fashion.

To be fair, I have always noticed tightness when stretching my legs, and it's been improving after some daily stretching. I guess I'll keep doing them and see how it gets on!

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