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Sid Vicious

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Everything posted by Sid Vicious

  1. All i've seen is "which style is better" so i thought i would change it a bit but still try to keep it comparative. If you was going to make your own "style" of martial arts, which styles would you base your style on and why? And if you want to you can list some of the strong points and weak points. I know that most have already been "created" but i just want everyones personal opinion. Mine: Muay Thai(spelling?), and BJJ. (sorry if this doesn't belong here, i thought that since it discussed more than one style from different origins it should be posted here.)
  2. color is black and food is pizza.
  3. i love the shoot fighting stance. but whats effective for me might not be effective for you.
  4. i know some people think that it decreases flexibility, (i dont agree). is there any other reason that people dont like it? and is it possible to get "built" or "ripped" doing calesthenics? (spelling?)
  5. let me rephrase my statement. i dont see a problem with someone toking up in their home as long as noones in danger. i personal dont smoke it put some of my friends do. legalizing it would cut down on murders from deals gone bad too. plus if the government was the one selling it, they could make a huge profit off of it.
  6. i want it legalized. what someone does in their home is noone elses business.
  7. thanks everybody. i'll probably check it out next week.
  8. thats strange. i've been kickboxing for quite awhile but i never knew that there were "style".
  9. the only place in my city that teaches Hapkido is at the Sports Com, for those of you that dont know what the Sports Com is its kinda like a YMCA. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet but i have doubts about it considering where its at. What is everyones opinion?
  10. i have two. one on each leg. the one on my left leg is a skull wearing a top hat with a joint hanging out of his mouth. the one on my right leg is a grim reaper. the day i turn 18 i'm getting a full arm tribal.
  11. thanks for clearing that up for me AndrewGreen. for a minute there, i thought everyone thought it was only about diving at your opponents legs.
  12. exactly right. its not all about just going after someones legs. theres alot of striking and if theres an opening, thats when you shoot. and just because your both on the ground doesn't mean you only grapple. thats what i like about shootfighting, theres a balance between striking and grappling.
  13. some of you people are making it sound like shootfighters only dive at your legs theres alot of striking too
  14. i think i have finally found something i want to do besides kickboxing but i still have some questions about it. I think shoot fighting would match my personality perfectly and i think i know what it is about. What i think it is: Basicly everything goes. Its a mix of striking and grappling. I also think its about as close to a street fight proven martial arts that there is. I know more about it but i cant quite seem to find the right way to word it. I would appreciate any feedback on this. One more question: Would shoot fighting even by classified as a martial art?
  15. mine doesn't use a belt ranking system.
  16. i kickbox and am looking for something to crosstrain with. my problem is that i dont know what most styles do. is there a website where i can watch demonstrations so i can understand the different arts better?
  17. i've been kickboxing for awhile and now i want to take Karate. i took kickboxing because i know it is effective for self defense. my question is, is Karate good for self defense?
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