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Everything posted by BlahuKahuna

  1. You make a compelling point. But I think that a martial arts school should focus on the hand to hand components of a fight, and leave the other aspects (parkour, firearms) to other places to learn.Not that parkour wouldn't be great to learn on the side , I just think that martial arts schools maybe aren't the best place to learn parkour.
  2. My class teaches instep, but I'm okay using either.
  3. I wouldn't really stress out about what it's called, I would focus more on the instruction quality.
  4. Awesome!
  5. Yeah, it seems smarter to major in something like business and do TKD on the side.
  6. Hey Scott, welcome to the boards. You're right, this is probably the best martial arts forum around.
  7. I say it depends on the skill/maturity of the kids. For example, all of the higher ranking kids at my school somehow manage to be mature, skilled teachers for an hour and a half. But I have seen schools with hyper little rascals darting about, and I have my doubts about being taught by them. If the kids can teach as well as an adult, (somewhat rare, but I've seen it happen) I have no qualms about being taught by them. I guess same goes for your club.
  8. I had actually noticed your absence. Good to have another gooner on the boards.
  9. Hey, welcome to KF! How long have you been doing wing chun?
  10. Hey, great to have another Sox fan here. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Wow, how'd you get to train in Okinawa? Welcome to the forum. I think we have some Kansas people on the boards, I'm sure they'd help you out.
  12. The last two posters have made great points, I would definitely try those. When I was younger, something that always made me want to go back to class was watching a good martial arts flick. Dunno if that'll help you though.
  13. Mine was the 19th, so I think I'll remember pretty well... I tested for black in TKD. First off, we did all the basic techniques. Then we did self defense and one-steps, then sparring, then kata and a weapons form, then breaking. There was also quite a bit of psychological testing during the test. All in all, it lasted about 7 hours.
  14. Hey Raymon, welcome to KF!
  15. Congratulations on 5th kyu.
  16. I heard that some forms of JKD do. Maybe I was wrong...
  17. I'm with you. Best to steer clear of anyone you don't fully trust.
  18. Maybe. Martial arts have gone through phases before (need I say ninjas?) and boxing has survived. But boxing really needs some more coverage.
  19. Hey, welcome to KF!
  20. Cool. I'm a violinist myself, and I've always admired the sax.
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