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Everything posted by Montana

  1. A karate dojo is not a democracy. Students don't have a vote (basically). They are students, you are the instructor/sensei. It's no different than public school really, except that the student can quit if they don't like it.
  2. Weight distributed 50/50 on both feet. This allows you to move forward quickly, or backwards just as quickly. Using a cat stance continuously just opens you up to getting your front foot swept out from under you. Yes, use the cat stance, but not all the time.
  3. Research the US Navy S.E.A.L.S...that's as close to modern day ninja training you'll find.
  4. You need to change your wording somewhat, in that when you say "karate", you are lumping many, many different forms of martial arts all into one basket as the same thing. Shotokan is just one system of karae. There are many more, and not all like Shotokan. Many styles of karate are excellent for self defense.
  5. Both a taller person and shorter person have advantages in a fight. It's how you use those advantages is what mak3es the difference. For instance, I'm 6'6" tall and 240 lbs, so my best advantage is reach and raw power. Basically, I hit and kick with a lot of force behind it, so my aim is to nail a person at a distance first before he can get into his own range. As for a shorter person having an advantage in close? Generally I'd say yes, but a lot depends on the skill of each person. I'm comfortable in close, or on the ground. A shorter persons best advantage is quickness and in certain circumstances, leverage (such as in judo throws).
  6. I don't think you need to ask permission in as much as you need to at least tell your sensei that you're going to take another martial art. Some instructors, myself included, aren't real hot on students doing that. It takes many. MANY years to master just one martial art. I've been doing the same one for over 30 years now and still haven't got it down yet, nor do I expect I ever will. Training in two or more at the same time dosen't do justice to either of them. Find one that suits you best and dive into it full out. If it's not what you expect out of an art, then quit and move on until you do find what you desire.
  7. I started in January of 1975 after getting out of the army. Yeah, I'm old.
  8. Well, that's interesting, since JKD doesn't have any rank structure. RUN FOREST>>>>>RUN!!!
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