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Everything posted by Canoe2fish

  1. I always wanted to get involved since I was a kid. Since I was the natural pick on (skinny, glasses, braces, red hair, freckles etc) I had my share of bully attention. Somehow I made it through those years, and didn't make the move until my son decided to sign up. I decided now or never. What I'm hoping to gain: -Improvement in health - neither parent saw the age of 60 -Discipline -Confidence - Don't like being intimidated by large aggressive types -Self defence - being able to protect myself and family -Inner self - Learn to focus and understand my inner psyche (sp?) So far, I've made some positive changes that I'm hoping will be life long. I'm starting to see that MA are a way of life as opposed to an interest or hobby.
  2. I don't agree with owning exotics either. But what if an owner was operating as a non-profit organization working to rehabilitate endangered species or operating as a rescue program looking to place these special animals in an appropriate environment? I would find this acceptable in this case. As for me, I think I will alway have a dog. Great companions...
  3. This happened to me last year. Same finger. The doc said to tape it to the other if need be. It took a few weeks to heal properly. I just did the same thing to my thumb last week...Arghhh. That'll teach me to keep my thumb tucked in. Oops
  4. Hi there. It is Okinawan. (I wasn't aware there was other Goju Ryu styles...Oops)
  5. Today I bumped into a Sensei from my Dojo (One that assists in teaching my class on occasion) during the course of the workday. (We were both at a mutual customer's plant) I said hello and shook his hand with a few non MA pleasantries and did not address him as Sensei. Would this be expected or is it concidered disrespectfull? (My thoughts were that perhaps some don't wish to be identified as such if they like hovering under the radar.)
  6. I intentially seek out this one student (of higher rank) to spar with. He is very aggressive and much larger than myself. Even though I usually get roughed up, I try to block and counter and learn from him the best I can. Its this type of guy I want to be able to hold my own against, or at least not be intimidated by. Last week I sprained my thumb because I sloppily blocked one of his kicks. At first I was angry feeling that he was being too aggressive towards a lower belt. Then I reasoned that I will get my share of bumps and bruises, so I was angry at myself for having a sloppy block, leaving myself open to injury in the 1st place. Now I realize that sometimes we have to learn the hard way, to see our mistakes and overcome them.
  7. I'd take flight over fight in that case. Call the cops when clear. If I was surrounded, I'd try to go through the guy blocking my quickest escape and keep on going. (keep in mind I'm pretty inexperienced)
  8. I can relate to this...I have played off and on for over 25 years. I play when I have the urge. Somedays it flows, others plink, pllink, splink & put it away. If I had learned to read music im sure it would have been different. Oddly enough, the US Strat I bought 20 years ago never gets played...I always play a used double humbucker beater instead. Go figure. (I couldn't afford a Les Paul)
  9. Almost a dead ringer for mine...I like tomatoes instead of mushrooms.
  10. From the majority of views in this thread, I feel I have chosen the right path for me. I did not look around at different styles before joining. My son was signing up at the time at a local Dojo in the nearest town...I figured if he could, so could I. (I alway's wanted to get into some kind of MA...and thought now or never) Now that I've started I just love it. I will continue with Goju hopefully well past 1st or 2nd Dan (Still miles to go...focusing on one belt at a time) and maybe once I have a solid background there I will branch out to a complimentary style to round things out. I noticed many folk here with multiple styles. Is it possible to effectivley train in two styles at once?
  11. My apologies TigerDude, Im at 4th Kyu now, working towards 3rd Kyu. Thanks all for the welcome.
  12. I stumbled on this site today and just had to join up. It looks like I could really spend some time here. I'm currently working towards my Blue belt in Goju Ryu Karate. Hopefully as I grow towards my 1st Dan, I will be able to offer some insights as opposed to asking questions...though I know I have leaps and bounds to go.... Bows in advance... C2F
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