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Everything posted by wagnerk

  1. Congrats on your 4th Dan, kudos to you!
  2. Yes, on the wall in the living room My Dan certificate is the only one hanging on the wall. I don't display any of my academic, professional, or vocational qualifications. For me, what I have put into my martial arts training, I would definitely say that it is comparable to my Bachelor and Masters degrees, if not more so.
  3. Missed this post and the message, thank you
  4. 25 years of martial art training: Tang Soo Do - 3rd Dan (hopefully testing for 4th Dan at the end of this year) Shotokan Karate - 2nd Dan (from 2004) Plus a few different belts (under black belt) in various other arts.
  5. I found the book "The Lost Art of Tang Soo Do" by John Kedrowski as well as "The Secrets of the Warrior-Scholar The Untold History of Tang Soo Do V 1.4" by Daniel R. Segarra very interesting regarding the history of Tang Soo Do.
  6. Congrats mate, which art is this one for?
  7. IMO, for grades/ranks 5th Dan and above, I don't have any strong views one way or another. I started my MA journey 23 years ago with Shotokan and considering that Gichin Funakoshi rank was a 5th Dan, so for me either or is fine. A pretty simplistic view, I know
  8. Technically 9 Dan levels; however as our CI is a 5th Dan - 5 at the moment
  9. Hi All, Has anyone heard of the Artist Sia? Well if you haven't, don't worry, I've only come around her in the last week ... I have to say, it's actually nice to see a vid like this showcasing karate in a non-funny way... Hope you enjoy it -Ken
  10. Have you not taken alook at other "No Politics - No Association Interference" associations and or Governing Bodies? There are a few in the UK that will allow (associate) instructors from 3rd Kyu/Gup as well as insure them and their clubs... Some will even give you the opportunity to grade (provided you meet their criteria, time in grade, as well as reach their standards)...
  11. Looking at the video, then at their website, it appears like they are very loosely based on forms from Shorinryu Karate - how which form, I'm not really sure. Since they are a a modern freestyle Karate style, don't expect their forms to be readily recognized outside their own style...
  12. Awesome, major congrats on both of your passes
  13. Well, my splint came off officially a couple of days ago... My finger isn't as straight as before, but at least I have 10 digits still, haha... I still have to wear the splint when I go to sleep and I just have to be careful... Got physio starting on the 12th, then the fun begins
  14. haha Sometimes, but this time no - so I'm not sure how it happened... Ouch... It was funny, when the nurse stretched out my finger in order to put it into the splint, it really felt like she had me in a submission hold - got me on my knees, haha... Serves me right for waiting 10 days before seeing someone...
  15. Welcome to the forums
  16. Welcome to the forums
  17. Well after breaking my leg 2 or 3 years ago (my tibia, fibula and ankle); two weeks ago, I broke my finger (during sparing, how? I don't know). Didn't actually realise it at the time. Yes it was swollen, but it didn't really hurt (as such) but was in some discomfort. 10 days later, I wasn't able to straighten my finger still, so went to Accident and Emergency (A&E) after being turned away from my doctor's. After being told off by the emergency nurse twice, two sets of xrays, and my finger put in a splint... I now have an appointment with the fracture clinic this Monday coming to see how it's healing, and I assume what further treatment I will need... Now I was lucky, where the break was, the bone didn't heal in place (otherwise my finger would be disfigured). So lesson of the day, if something happens, go and get it checked out ASAP. -Ken
  18. Awesome, congrats on the new shiny belt... Time to get back to training
  19. Awesome, major congrats to your son
  20. Depends on the organisations and instructors... Some allow it, some frown upon it... You will have to ask them..
  21. How'd I miss this??? A Very Belated Happy birthday mate, I guess I'll throw in a Merry Christmas and all, haha
  22. How's it going? I went the other way, Shotokan -> Other styles -> Tang Soo Do... How are you settling in?
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