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Everything posted by straightblast

  1. If you are in JKD and not learning anything about grappling then your stuck in the same dogma Bruce lee was against. He even knew the importance of all ranges. remember "Be like water".
  2. In the FMA world weapons are the primary in the art and empty hand secondary. Very beginner students swing sticks from day one with no issues. within 6 months to a year the tip of your rattan stick will be traveling way faster that a fist or kick and the awareness, footwork and reaction time trickles down to your empty hand to where is almost like slowmotion.
  3. I know a guy who did a high roundhouse in a street fight, he broke every finger in the other guys hand because he tried to catch it or block it.
  4. Like most of the world I think of MMA as UFC style of sport combat. However, the system I do has always been called a multi style system, Knife, stick, sword, empty hand, grappling and so on.
  5. The Term Karate is a big umbrella and most styles have Kata but some don’t, I think it is unfair for a certain style of Karate to determine what Karate is and is not if it lies outside of its own style. If you are in a style of Karate that has Kata then the kata is the core to your system. If you’re in a style that does not have kata, then your technique and training method is your core. Kata has value to those who do it so as martial artist we need to stop looking over the fence and critiquing other styles because they may do things different.
  6. Yes, he had a base in WC and boxing but he self trained himself in JKD.
  7. It is a common misconception that JKD is assorted techniques from various arts, it’s not. JKD is primary WC,boxing,fencing. The 26 some odd arts that Bruce was looking into were only to observe their strengths, weakness and how he could use his JKD to inter/intercept. Can you teach yourself martial arts? For the most part, what I read from those close to him, Bruce was primarily self-taught.
  8. Belcher from tonights UFC knows how effective Bispings eye poke was as Belcher droped to the ground with blood leaking from his eye.
  9. Do groin shots and eye poking work? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3-RfOTlaQw If we use the MMA as the testing ground, it's pretty effective.
  10. If I was 13, I would be doing cartwheels also. Like others have said, you dont know his situation or any conditions there might be, it's a private matter and maybe only reserved for the instructor. Calling a book by the cover is the wrong way to approach life.
  11. Karate is not a Japanese art. The Japanese would not except an Okinawan art called china hand. China had a big influence on Okinawan karate. There is a reason why Funakoshi was chosen to take karate to Japan and it wasn't because he was the best karateka.
  12. Again I agree with Bushido_man. Itoso modernized older Kata, simplified it out of necessity for school children to learn and bring karate to the masses.
  13. Choki Motobu had very practical Karate.
  14. KARATE is pretty much a brand itself, everyone knows what the word Karate relates to but it's simply empty hand, chinese hand or tang hand. Shotokan karate is nothing more than Funakoshi's empty hand.
  15. I think some of us worry too much about what others are doing. If you are into traditional arts that is fine, it means something to you but it’s not very budo like to critique others who are not traditional and try to tell them what their art is or isn’t.
  16. I think it is self defense, not sports. If it has a high percentage of working against a full resisting opponent, while you are full of adrenaline using gross motor skills, fighting for your life, that seems practical.
  17. To scavenge a tire is free vs buying. I know, thats how i made my trie dummy for eskrima. Ya, were off topic.
  18. Todays MMA schools with kid/youth programs promote self esteem, confidence, respect, self discipline, anti bully skills, life skills. These are the same type of things being promoted when I did kenpo and shotokan.
  19. The reality is that Funakoshi trained in 2 styles of Okinawa Karate and mixed the two and combined them. He never named the system just called it Karate. So is this a MMA? Yes The first Shotokan was in 1936, named by his students and the JKA in 1949. We have a mixed system or MMA that changed Funakoshi’s style to fit Japanese traditions. Karate evolved and should continue to. If you seek a more traditional art they are out there, many of them and governed by there associations.
  20. I don’t think BL was commenting on how many styles that exist but rather more of his personal system of JKD. It didn’t matter if you were a boxer, kung fu or karate. To him he saw that a kick is just a kick and a punch is just a punch and his JKD would deal with it, by more than likely intercepting anything regardless of what stylist he faces.
  21. I would not fight a wrestler in an MMA event with no rules if I had no wrestling experiance. guard, half guard, head butts, elbows back of head and neck, punch throat. Get up. I use my eye strikes, groin/shin/knee kicks standing and im wearing my steel toe shoes. If mounted, grab and hug do not let him get space to punch, bite off his nipple then trap and roll. Migh get lucky with some elbows and head butts off your back if you can clinch his neck and pull him close. pull out my Crocodile Dundee knife and hopefully he would rather go grab a beer instead
  22. Glasgow kiss followed by anything.
  23. My son is a student of Doce Pares multi style and although I am not a member I do train, it is a stand alone art but does merge well with others.
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