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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. I got a rule in my Dojo, the lower grade controls the pace. So if the "expert" wants to "test" his skills then the higher graded students are happy to comply. When sparring for the first time, a student ALWAYS spars with me first. To see whether they're attending for an ego rush or genuinely want to learn something. And for gradings they have to spar with me too, so they know they still got a lot to learn. At blackbelt I feel sorry for them as I don't hold back. Although this next grading, due to my knee injury I'm hoping my assistant senior instructor will do the honours.
  2. What level are you at now? In my Dojo its 12 months between 1st Kyu & 1st Dan. I blame the instructor as they shouldn't have said anything to you about grading IF you don't meet the criteria on time etc. I understand your point but think about you'll be that much better when you take yours OSU
  3. It reminds me of Muay Thai, and Khamer boxing etc. Excellent art.
  4. Agreed, if it family "fun" then just enjoy and bear no grudges, OSU
  5. Totally agree. I don't think there's a pure style out there. Mine is a mix of at least 4 of the styles I practiced throughout the years, so although I state Ashihara Karate, its technically MMA. I think that when the term MMA is mentioned, we all conjure up the same basic idea of what it is based on the exposure we've had of since the early 1990's. That sathink what we have come to see from the UFC and other companies is this MMA product, so the term has kind of grown into the name of the style.............. I really think what we have in MMA is the rebirth of Pankration. But, that name is already used now, too, so that leaves us just go with the name MMA, I think. Wow, that's my original thought of what MMA is, but didn't mention it as I thought it was just me. It's concept is truly conceivable. And I agree that MMA is definitely a product as opposed to an art form
  6. I have a torn meniscus a meniscal cyst which is pushing on my LCL. Reinjured the knee a week ago and waiting for Keyhole surgery. I train within my limits. There's no reason for someone not to train only excuses. OSU
  7. I'm nervous, when a style calls itself "Combat" or "Real" it sets the sirens off. It may be a really good style but you wouldn't get "Combat" Kyokushin or "Real" Muay Thai etc. If you wanted anything to complement your Kyokushin, try Judo, Brazilian JiuJitsu or K I'm nervous, when a style calls itself "Combat" or "Real" it sets the sirens off. It may be a really good style but you wouldn't get "Combat" Kyokushin or "Real" Muay Thai etc If you wanted anything to complement your Kyokushin, try Judo, Brazilian JiuJitsu or Pehlwani (Urdu: ﯽﻧاﻮﻠہﭘ ,Punjabi: , Hindi: पहलवानी, Bengali: পাহলাভািন) or kushti (Urdu: ﯽﺘﺸﮐ ,Punjabi: , Hindi: कुती ,Bengali: কুি) is a form of wrestling from South Asia.
  8. I completely, 100% agree with this. Are you sure you want to do this? I TOO agree with this, a friendship to me, is more important than "who can beat who!?!"
  9. Totally agree. I don't think there's a pure style out there. Mine is a mix of at least 4 of the styles I practiced throughout the years, so although I state Ashihara Karate, its technically MMA.
  10. I always say, I would rather have a small class of humble martial artists, than huge class of who's. A shame you had a bad experience. I'm thankful that you could defend yourself against the idiot with the flashy kicks. A question, was it WTF, ITF, ATA or another TKD derived style like Choi Kwang Do etc?
  11. Agreed, I practice Bassai and Nijushiho slightly different than the core
  12. Reminded me of a Choi Kwang Do form. Not too sure why he's dressed like a Thai fighter with the arm tie's etc. Is he genuine Pure TKD OR cross-training in Muay Thai as he's using Spinning back fist. Also THIGH kicks and they're not allowed in TKD. OTHERWISE excellent video
  13. If you think about it, most style around 4th Dan/Degree awad levels on a time served basis so I think at that level there is no difference. Only issue is who is there to advise and correct "bad habits" that have occured during your training
  14. No, I have thought about recording myself so I can critique myself and see what I'm doing and what needs amending etc
  15. Excellent response, and totally agree with your second point that's why within the NGB I'm a member of we have Instructor Qualificatons similar to an NVQ. Also, with respect having a teaching degree doesn't automatically make you able to teach Martial Arts, you're a 4th Kyu, so with respect you still have so much to learn about your own style, you have a minimum of 2 years before you are even close to being invited to grade for Shodan. Its similar to me, I also have a teaching qualification via the armed forces, teaching Doctors how to give first aid as I've had a bit if experience in first aid. Well I know I couldn't bring anyone up very high, but if I were to be given a group of brand new students (especially children) I bet I could bring them through the white belt curriculum faster, more easily, and with higher knowledge retention than most of the black belts in the school who have no idea how to explain and connect new concepts, pinpoint and correct errors, and in some cases even interact with students. I know some of the black belts who have tried teaching me things just seemed awkward and confused. They didn't know how to word things, didn't demonstrate, spent way too long on one thing to the detriment of other, more important things, talked to me like I was two or else like I was already a black belt myself and should understand all these terms and concepts I'd never heard before, etc. Teaching ability isn't something that just naturally comes with having done something for a long time. It's a skill and a talent unto itself. 1st point - if you have no confidence with your instructors at your chosen style - Why train there? IsshinRyu is a Truly awesome style one of the original Okinawan Ryu that has some excellent strong lineage and Bunkai and Shu Ha Ri is part of its ethics & Ethos. Aikido - describe by Kano Sensei as perfect Judo, again this is an awesome style which takes more mental and spiritual training than physical Grading is NOT bums on seats, its about time served, one must encompass what Shu Ha Ri is all about for it to become part of you not just a Japanese Dance where yeah one can perform the techniques, do the Kata and maybe win competitons with it but is it all worth it if one doesn't "understand" what it is all about, the what's why's when's where's and how's that comes only with experience and TIME. I suggest you raise these issues with your senior instructor that you could do a better job than his/her black belts I sure he will take on board what you say, OSU
  16. Is that requirement set forth by the UK government for MA business requirements, or is it in regards to the NGBs of the MAs there. Is it universal? Does GKR have instructors at level below black belt? I'm not citing them as the model to follow, but just trying to establish where the rule comes from you stated. I'm unsure of this too. Perhaps it's a requirement of the org you belong to Dobbersky? Blackbelts are not equal across styles and there's no standardization there for the govn't or UKSport to try to regulate who opens a school based on this. TBH wouldn't think they'd care either. Maybe it's a requirement from wherever you get your insurance from? I know I've heard of blue belt run BJJ schools and in my local area there used to be a TKD school run by a red belt (albeit supervised by his own instructor). Every NGB in the UK I have spoken to specifies 1st Dan Black belt to open a club. I got a 1st Kyu going for 1st Dan who's chomping at the bit to open his own club near where he lives and we've had to wait for him to be 1st Dan for it to be authorised. As you stated with the Red Belt, I'm sure if you look into it, his Instructor is down as being the mian instructor. regards GKR I'm think my response my contravene with the T's & C's of this forum. but its registered with NAKMAS as far as I'm aware, I could be wrong. They do state that one has to be a 1st Dan to open a club with them. Yeap you have me over a barrel with this one, I can't comment on this as I have no knowledge at all of the terms and conditions regards BJJ grade levels
  17. I think its more on cultural issues, White symbolises purity etc and many of the Japanese arts like Karate, JuJitsu, Judo, Aikido etc specify a white Gi, I think its more on the Okinawan Kenpo side where the Black Gi comes into play. I think we've done a Thread on Gi colours where there has been some excellent posts by a varying amount of Members
  18. Is all that a requirement for a black belt? I think this whole question depends on your understanding of what a black belt should be. A black belt is about one's own personal knowledge and ability in karate, not about one's teaching ability. I'm a 4th kyu and could probably teach a new student better than half the black belts in my school simply because I've got a teaching degree and teaching experience. A black belt doesn't have to be a good teacher. The way it was explained to me was that a black belt means you've mastered the basics and are ready for more advanced study. I think a kid could easily meet that requirement. It's when people start making the black belt mean more than it does-- that they're teachers or in charge or the strongest/fastest/best-- that people start fighting over this. Excellent response, and totally agree with your second point that's why within the NGB I'm a member of we have Instructor Qualificatons similar to an NVQ. Also, with respect having a teaching degree doesn't automatically make you able to teach Martial Arts, you're a 4th Kyu, so with respect you still have so much to learn about your own style, you have a minimum of 2 years before you are even close to being invited to grade for Shodan. Its similar to me, I also have a teaching qualification via the armed forces, teaching Doctors how to give first aid as I've had a bit if experience in first aid. But a 20 year old brown belt could open a school, because he is old enough to open a business of his own. But could this brown belt grade his own students? So now we aren't even talking about the belt, just age. Aside from that, I know some styles don't grant instructor status until 2nd or 3rd dan are reached. My style doesn't grant instructor status until 3rd dan, at age 18. And as sensei8 and others have said, not all black belts can teach. Not too sure if its accepted where you're from but in the UK, Black belt or equivalent is the minimum grade you can open a Dojo. I've known many 1st, 2nd ad 3rd Dans who's teachin skills surpass those of higher grades, I knew a guy who'd remained 1st Dan for 17 years before grading for 2nd. so its also about time in grade too So are you saying its only us Korean stylists that are advocating this? I guess it could be. I'm not ashamed of that, though. I know my school does a good job of producing good Martial Artists, and I know that the kids we promote to black belt are very comparable to other kids of that age and skill level; we just aren't afraid to say that they have black belt skills as kids. I was trying to see if it was a cultural issue, as if it is acceptable in the Korean arts as a common acceptable standard or whether it was across the board and was common practice across all the arts regardless of Origin. This is the most common interpretation I hear of the black belt rank. Its "just the beginning." If that's the case, then why not let a kid who has demonstrated their ability to understand the curriculum make it to this phase? I personally feel that Junior Dan grades totally demonstrate their abilities within their specific curriculum. I'm not too sure if I mentioned this before, I watched a Shotokan Class and the Instructor had Teenage Black belts, not too sure if full or junior grade, but she was allowed to instruct a small section of beginners through their basics and forms. she had no control and spent most of her time wit the group chatting with one or two of them and nothing on that time was accomplished. one of my students 15 going for Junior 1st Dan is also doing a Physical Education Qualification and I am completely confident in his abilities. looking forward to finally giving him Adult blackbelt and Junior Second Dan in 2 years Wrestling like Boxing doesn't have any grades. and yeah it is a Sport versus art. Comparing it to Judo or Yudo (the Korean version) I have covered this already, they do not give black belts to under 16's they have Mon grades prior to Kyu grades if the student is younger than the minimum requirement for adult grading system. Excellent thread and so happy we are all being respectful with each other, hence why I enjoy this forum so much
  19. Lets put it another way. Can a 10 year old open their own Dojo, grade their own students or even be allowed on a Dan grading panel, train a student to compete in local, national & international competition? I think the answer on all counts would be "NO" With full respect, Can we put a poll on this and put origin of style they practice. As I don't see those studying Japanese arts freely giving full blackbelts to under 16's.
  20. Bushido_man, please don't let me think You're putting disabled people in the same bracket as children. They may be disabled but they are far from being "child-like". Question, You're in a group of people, mixed ages and abilities, everyone needs to get out of the situation for survival as it dangerous for everyone. So You're telling me everyone in the group is going to stand to attention etc and listen to the 10 year old boy? Or listen to the amputee who's an ex-marine etc.
  21. I would have to agree about Kyokushin Karateka don't work too much on kata Bunkai, I don't know why, just know they seem to be more tuned into kumite practice than the what, where, how and why of kata. Ashihara & Enshin do work on Bunkai, but the kata are different to traditional kata and more akin to Jissen real combat.
  22. EXCELLENT, WELL DONE!!! That's the experience you needed. It will become easier and easier each time you spar. OSU
  23. My Daughter is now 17 and she gave up when she was around 14-15, she wanted to be with her friends from school, but I think she rebelled as it was the time when her mother and I separated (now divorced). She's been through a lot really and sometimes I think she's a little to over confident and yes I'm glad she's coming back but what I really want to tech her is that sometimes walking away without reacting is normally the best policy as what if one of them had a knife etc. Strange as she's as tall as I am but she's still my little girl and my son, who's 2, will again always be my little boy. I think every parent goes through the same anguish at times.
  24. Agree with you about if it looks impractical they're doing it wrong. When I watch Capoeira on Youtube etc, I see so much advantage from the movements that you would see the same or similar movements in BJJ or Wresting aswell as TKD etc
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