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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. OSU, I think everyone should put on a white belt every now and again to give that humbling experience as to where they came from and what they've achieved
  2. I studied MDK TSD for 4 years and I found that every single Hyung had an equivalent Shotokan Kata. The only Hyungs I found that didn't were Dumon and the ChilSung series. I never believed the 2000 year history of the art, I would say it's Korea's way of denying its Japanese heritage the same as Japan denied its Chinese heritage with regards to Karate instead of Kodete
  3. You forgot Pankration, an excellent all-arounder. I would do Judo before BJJ
  4. Thank you all so much, I will pass on you kind words. Yes they matched the required standards I wanted. I had 2 guest instructors 1 a Godan (5th) and 1 a Nanadan (7th) The sparring was up to 25 x 1.5min fights full contact including sweaps and throws.
  5. The video and the related videos described the technical aspects or the wrist throw rather well. Just be careful when you practice it, OSU
  6. Black Belt Grading!!!!. The club's 2012 blackbelt grading has successfully been completed. I've nurtured the school from a few students to where it is today. 3 candidates were up for grading. They gave 110% all the way through. The club has a new Nidan, Shodan & Shodan Jr. I'm grateful for the guest instructors who accepted my invitation to sit on the panel.
  7. To be honest, I know two grappling places, one is expensive with long contract, the other one is known for ppl getting injured and not having clean mats. With kung fu and karate, I am more interested in the benefits of the physical excercises they offer thats not in boxing. For example, the balancing excecises as well shifting weight/stretching in the kungfu/chi kung is not explored deeply in my boxing gyms. In the karate place, kyokushin to be exact, I find there hard body conditioning can be beneficial when it comes to infighting/getting swarmed in boxing. But yeah I just wanted to know that its not taboo or wrong to be doing kung fu and karate due to cultural clash and the old thinking of older instructors! Well if the Karate place is Kyokushin, PLEASE you'll enjoy it so much. and it WILL fit well with your boxing When the Instructor asks you if you've done anything before, just let them know but be humble with your response. Welcome to Knockdown Karate
  8. You guys are Lucky!!!! I have my classes then training is personal which fits around 2 year old son, 17 year old daughter Wife who works predominantly nights etc. I used to train 6 days a week
  9. Strange, I would recommend a Grappling art to train with you striking art as your skills are not being messed with as punching is dare I say rather different between Boxing and Karate/Kung Fu. Can I just say you don't have to train in another art if you don't want to. If you enjoy your boxing etc, stick to it. Judo or Jujitsu or Wrestling is what I would recomend
  10. Yeah we have photo's I'm looking at filming the complete Syllabus too especially the kata
  11. My junior program fits perfectly into the last Brown belts too. From Junior 2nd Dan the syllabus perfectly prepares then for their next grade which would be adult 1st dan
  12. I was looking for a response. from the OP, never mind. BJJ is an excellent art, yes of course you get some clubs where they've got the we're the best in the world but if you read in the Korean Arts part of this forum we also get it in other arts too. Now what I would like to know is what the response of the Instructor and the students reactive to the way the OP was behaving within the BJJ school. If I attend a school and I am not familiar with the style I am ALWAYS respectful and if I don't understand the terminology I ask. I also wear a White Belt too, unless the Instructor insists I wear my current grade.
  13. Sounds similar to Bruce Tegner's JuKaDo system. These rolling syllabus things make me nervous as to where clarity will be there as if one's doing karate for 3 then no karate training how can one progress as most of wht was learn has been forgotten whilst concentrating on the other sytem. I've not heard of this happening anywhere else in the world. very nervous about quality
  14. Are these actual gradings where one has to "Pay" to grade? If so it seems similar to Choi Kwang Do where they have 18 levels before Black belt Degree level
  15. Agreed, I've only heard of these gradings in Judo
  16. Darksoul, it would be an honour for me to have you attend my humble dojo, OSU
  17. Totally agree, I saw a 10th Dan on YouTube and I was bemused by the bandana and the Gold trim they wore but the technique was at the level I would expect from a 4th Kyu. Giving one's best is what an Instructor should always do. I attend classes rain or shine, fit or injured, but always there for them. i remember when I was going on my own, still a 1st Dan. I was offered by 1 organisation they would grade me to 2nd Dan in the fall then 3rd Dan 6 months later as I was the head instructor of my Dojo. Well I didn't do the grades and I put the time in and the gradings, now I'm at a level when its time served not physical grades but I test myself daily
  18. Can I move of in a tangent here. asa we know there are many many Organisations of Shotokan. But I want to know what is the difference in context between ShotoKAN and ShotoKAI, this was the first split in the house of Funakoshi Sensei after his passing. I seem to see ShotoKAI as closer to Okinawan Kempo than ShotoKAN's Japanese Karate. Would ShotoKAI to Kyokushin be a better and easier transition than it is for ShotoKAN to Kyokushin With regards to the ShortoKan karatekas they're were either Kanazawa Sensei Lineage or Enoeda Sensei Lineage
  19. Totally agree there Ossemon, I from the advise above just concentrate on my guys and my style now.
  20. Old Thread, but yes it would be nice to know. Patrick, if you have the contact details would you be able to ask the OP if they achieved their grading. I understand we need to fascilitate Data Protection here.
  21. I would have to agree with Kuma, I have Shotokan come to my dojo and they are so rigid, compared to Kyokushin who are very fluid.
  22. It depends on which organisation you are with. Some include Bassai Dai, others don't. I cam see why Funikoshi Sensei spent 9 years on this kata
  23. Dave, I just thought, if there's a Daiko Juku "Kudo" Dojo near you, you could have both in the same place. Kudo is a mixture of Kyokushin & Judo
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