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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. Well, operation done, Doctor gave me 1 month off, rehab exercise began, physio sorted. Looking good.
  2. What's strange is, this issue is only apparent in Classical and Traditional Karate and Kata, whereas Ashihara & Enshin Karate Kata tend be taught Bunkai & Oyo hand-in- hand with learning the actual Kata. Good thread and some awesome responses
  3. Not had the feeling for a long time as I know every Kata in the syllabus. But I have the wonderful chance to re-learn every Kata and it's respective Bunkai
  4. I think demonstrating a technique to a student as many times as needed.
  5. Can I ask you to report on the seminar and advise us all what percentage would you consider as Jeet Kune Do (Wing Chun based) and what you would consider as Filipino Martial Arts (Esckrima based).
  6. I'd always recommend my friend's, Kru Howard, but that wouldn't help you where you're from.
  7. I can tell if someone has done martial arts before, I can also tell, if they've done Japanese or Chinese based arts too
  8. Kata about discipline the same as Tai Chi is the practice of form and discipline too. Most of the traditional styles today are from nothing more than kata practice and I'm sure they don't lack anything in either
  9. For me Kata is about self preservation, NOT about winning trophies. Good thread though, OSU
  10. Awesome, is this a thread on sparring combinations or is it a thread on punching to the head? I also teach head butts in my school, but to a Thai pad. There's plenty of techniques to use, all I can say is "read your opponent" he will give you every space you want. Fight YOUR fight not his. Consider every Kata you've practiced as a fighting combination and you will be fully armed OSU
  11. The only thing I would teach them is Kata in it's most basic form
  12. Well, I'm ex forces, I was a bar manager, then an "office jockey" for a major Telecommunications company. I dream of being full time but I don't earn anything from from it so would have to change my ethics
  13. OSU, welcome to the forum. Sounds like a similar background as Sifu Lee before he created Jeet Kune Do
  14. Predominantly most Kata teams I've seen on YouTube tend to wear black, red or blue belts which are approved colours. Can't assist with kata choice as I don't teach Kata to win competitions although I do like to see Rohai Kata demonstrated
  15. I agree with everyone here and agree, these 2 words and may I add Bunkai to the mix as I would place Bunkai before Oyo OSU
  16. Solid post!!!! These are good links and I agree there's a vast amount of info via Google and Wikipedia out there
  17. As a Full Contact Karateka myself, there's no qualms from changing your level of contact, it's YOUR journey, but Shotokan CAN be as FULL Contact as Kyokushin depending on which Dojo you are attending. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your new journey OSU
  18. LOL, he was too reluctant to complete and combination and her kiah began to get on my nerves, LOL
  19. OSU, my warmest respects and congratulations to you on your Yudansha grading. I hope you will continue your journey now that you have made the first step OSU
  20. Welcome to KF, looking forward to reading your posts
  21. If its similar styles such as Shotokan, Shukokai (Shito Ryu) or Wado Ryu or even Kyokushin where the Kata practiced are virtually the same except for a few differences then I would say "Contradictory" as the differences would cause issues in the Kata as one would switch between styles during the Kata etc. If however it was a striking art mixed with a grappling art or say Tai Chi etc then I would say "Complementary"
  22. Predominantly it's all about politics, senior Yudansha believed to be the rightful heirs to Oyama Sosai's legacy or disagreement amongst the ranks about various protocols. Many of the Kyokushin organisation Honbu dictate that registered Yudansha are not allowed to train with or attend other specified Organisation's events etc or they will be "expelled" etc. But only ever met one Kyokushin Sempai who "enforced" it. Regards Ashihara and Enshin, I think the main fference is that as Ninomiya Kancho was also a experienced Judoka he blended his Nage waza with his Judo experience, whereas Ashihara is more of Aikidoka's way of Nage waza. I find the similarities vast but I am not worthy to ask why the split. I have Ninomiya Kancho's biography I think it explains there the split, he does state, Ashihara Kancho was his only Karate Sensei.
  23. ChrissyP (appologies if I mis-read your post), Full Contact is normally practiced by Muay Thai, Shoot Boxing, MMA, Kyokushin, Ashihara, Enshin, Daiko Juku, SeidoKan and other Okinawan based systems. Full Contact can be deemed as what you see in Cage fighting etc. (Not too sure it WTF is Full Contact). So Full Contact is what is used in Gradings or special sparring events or Competitions. Training however is not done at full contact, many tend to use Semi-Contact upto 80% impact power. Perfect Technique can still be used in Full contact training.
  24. Simple answer, yes as long as the style and quality doesn't suffer. I used to sell double glazing. I began to see people as commission or £'s or $'s instead of people, I would sell to people who at times would end up struggling for 3-4 years after signing up to a financial agreement, but I was happy cause I got my commission, which I used to treat myself with. Strange, after giving that life up, I got nothing to show for it, I spent it as quick as I made it.
  25. The thing is it's their journey, if they're not ready to grade due to lack of practice, then it's their issue. Kata is where it counts as the basics can be utilized through Kata. I tend to sacrifice Sparring for Kata practice because through Kata also one can learn to fight
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