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Everything posted by Dobbersky

  1. Osu!!!! Kuma-san, we are brothers in knockdown karate. What we need to look at is the word "block" - there are NO blocks in Karate. "Uke" means "to receive". If you use "Tai Sabaki" (body movement) you'll find that this comes into play better and as you turn the hikite, "GyukuTsuki" or Reverse punch comes into play also. What we are learning here are the basics of what is to come. I have been practicing Karate for 12 years an I feel it is only now am I starting to just understand it. Its hard to describe it in word as I could go on for pages. But what you'll have to do is trust your Sensei for the moment until you realise the full application of the technique. My understanding is that as the strike comes you "parry" it across your body grabbing the attacker's wrist as you twist your attacker's arm back across you body turning his arm into a straight arm lock as you grab the shoulder with your right (rear) hand. Remember a closed fist is not always a punch!!!!!!! I hope this helps Enjoy your journey and Real TKD is a fully street effective style (I'm a Ashihara/Wado exponent but I have seen many TKD events).
  2. Kez I would have thought twice in going in but I definately would have gone in to defend my friends and family and I'm 6ft and 120Kg and a Wythenshawe Lad lol. You already had my respect but you doubled it. Osu!!!!
  3. I am really proud of you. Well Done form one New Nidan to another New Nidan I unfortunately, or fortunately, didn't know about your "issue" but this deserves an extra well done for gettng through it. I bow down with full respect to you Osu!!!!
  4. Sensei, Sempai, Kohai All, Thank you for you kind words and guidance over the last few months and years. I thought I'd let you know I passed my Nidan Grading today. It was really good I feel exhausted lol I feel really sore in places I've not felt sore in for ages lol. But well worth it. I'll add a few photos if I can figure out how to once I get them back of my mate.
  5. WOW!!!! I can't believe the time has flown by. I been that busy preparing my new syllabus and that for my club I didn't realise that I "needed" to take my next Dan Grade. I could have joined an organisation that would have given me a grade (being the "head" of my style) but I wanted t set the precedence I want my students to know that all Dan grades are earned not given. So this Time Next Week I'll be letting everyone know how I did OSU!!!
  6. Just to be clear, I didn't say Wado karate did not teach application from its Kata, it does, but it doesn’t use the process of Bunkai. None of the senior Japanese sensei in any of the major Wado groups that I have trained with has used this process. More typically they use "Kaisetsu" which is a term that implies a "physical commentary" on a technique as it appears in a kata - unmodified. The process of Oyho / application is done in stages through paired kata and then eventually Jiyu kumite. Different means to the same end. WNM PS I have a bit of a problem with the words Wado Based!!!! Once you change something it ceases to be what it was in the first place... doesn't it? But that's another old Chestnut or "Kuri" isn't it Dobbersky I know what you mean Wa-No-Michi-san. I always fully respect and appreciate your thoughts and views. It is a pleasure to openly and respectfully discuss the Karate issues with you. Here I am trying to "defend" Wado Ryu and getting chastised already, lol. And I like Chestnuts lol. I suppose we could say that Wado Ryu is Jujitsu and/or Shotokan Karate Based - its just an expression. If we had purists we'd all still be studying Shuri-te, Naha-te or Tomari-te or even Kode-te. OSU!!!! I won't defend my statement about being Wado 'based' as it is a statement of Fact. My Wado Sensei is ok with it so that's makes me happy. I have done the same as Mushashi and studied with various schools and formulated my own hybrid. It is still Karate and will remain so. I suppose this is why Sosai Oyama formulated Kyokushin and knockdown karate because of the issues he was having with the JKA etc. BTW Karate IS a complete martial Art, applications/bunkai/kaisetsu or whatever it is called in any particular Dojo is what MAKES karate what it is. In Kickboxing we have "Self Defence" combinations etc but if we look at them in detail we could say "that's move 'such-and-such' out of XYZ kata. I can say this about Krav Maga techniques I've seem many of their defences out of the Pinan/Heian Kata etc. OSU!!!
  7. I am Wado Ryu Based and Koku Tora Ryu (Ashihara Karate based - Kancho Ninomiya (Enshin) was one of Kancho Ashihara's senior Shihans). I teach and am taught bunkai and application of ALL the Kata I/We practice. In Wado as a Kyu Grade to grade more that once a year at the Dojo I am at is "rushed" My Wado Sensei and ALL Wado KarateKa I know practice and teach Bunkai unlike some styles that I could mention but won't as this will take it away from the topic of the Thread. In Koku Tora Ryu, We follow knockdown full contact Karate so it is more "Street" focused, but I would not call it kickboxing, I would call it Jissen Karate though! Osu!!!
  8. I think that, as with all "styles", Kick Boxing began to get 'outside' influences and it began to 'evolve'. We look at Modern Kick Boxing and we have influences from the likes of Karate Muay Thai Tae Kwan Do Savate Western Boxing TaeBo Boxercise etc. I understand where you’re coming from but if we look down the line at Kick Boxing in another 30 years it will look different to what it is now and exponents from this era will be saying the same as us well after we have retired. I am sure the Classical Karateka said the same about Traditional Karateka who eventually said the same about Modern Karateka OSU!!!
  9. All In my School I have a few students who cross train in various styles. I work on Bunkai allot in my Dojo we learn the kata then work the Bunkai of the kata making it sink in more and give all the opportunity to understand the "why" in the moves and combinations. One of my students made the statement at the end of the one of the classes "This was a good Jujitsu class today Sensei." I know they knew which class they were at, and I know why they said it, as we were working on Ashihara's Kihon kata 2 and this can be interpreted as a Throwing and Grappling kata. It makes me think what really are the differences between Karate and Jujitsu? I advised the student in quest that what we practiced was "Real Karate" and that as they learned and practiced more karate they would find that there is allot more locks, throws and grappling involved in the kata we practice. What are your thoughts on this, Should I be upset from their statement or pleased? I am actually glad they enjoyed the class and hope they learned something from its context.
  10. ShotoKan uses a lot of hand defences and Strikes anyway and if we go back to our Okinawan roots most kicks were actually no higher that waist hieght anyway. A good thigh Kick is ample whilst sparring as is less easy to be grabbed. Although for Gradings etc (sorry not too sure what level you are) Jodan kicks are required at more senior levels. Osu!!!
  11. Ashihara is a lovely style, I actually found that it blended well with Wado Ryu as opposed to Kyokushin or Shotokan, I think compared to Wado Ryu and Ashhihara, Goju Ryu and Shotokan have very wide stances. In Ashihara and Enshin, we practice Jissen kata or Combat kata as opposed to traditional Goshin kata or Self Defence kata. I think the Ashihara Kumite Katas 3,4 & 5 tend to look like they are aimed at Tae Kwon Do exponents as they have many spinning kicks with a few jumping kicks too. As I am independant and not tied to NIKO (shame as I would love to train with Kancho) I have "created" hybrids of the Katas and they actually are even more Jissen/Goshin based through my study of Wado Ryu. It seems I am not the first in the UK to do this as I have been in touch with a Sensei who has done this. Also there are a few Shihans in Europe who have gone futher with the styles creating hybrids Styles/kata etc from Ashihara. Karate's natural progression I suppose, otherwise we'd all still be studying Naha Te, Tomari Te or Shuri Te or some other Okinawan Style Osu
  12. Osu Espina-san I practice a offshoot of Ashihara from the UK, Although It has moved on since then and doesn't actually have much resemblence to that now. Ashihara is an excellent style to train in I wish you luck. Osu!!!
  13. Dobbersky


    Traymond Respectfully, May I ask why you practice so many styles. I have been down the avenue of practicing, this and That but I have narrowed it down to 2 Ashihara (koku tora ryu) and Wado Ryu, I attend Various other styles for a few months just for a bit of fun. but I only formally practice the 2. I wondre if you have heard the saying about chasing 2 rabbits....... I would look at 1 style and 1 style only until you reach Shodan, then look at cross training. Osu
  14. Dobbersky


    If I was you I'd just join the Kissaki Dojo and see what happens, if all else you'll be 5 years better than you were when you started.
  15. Ditto
  16. I restart Aikido next Sunday
  17. I've had a rethink on this. You want the locks and throws of Aikido with the added influx of strikes. There is a simple answer - give up Aikido and start Hapkido, it is Korean but I can say it will answer all your questions and give you exactly what you are looking for
  18. Hiya just to add I agree with the rest of the respondee's on here To complement your Aikido, you need to look at styles which use similar body movements to Aikido. I soully recommend Wado Ryu, Ashihara or Enshin karate. Tai Sabaki, Irimi and Tenkan are all founding techniques in each style
  19. Shotokan-Kez I would say the type of Dymanics you are looking for in Martial arts is Psychodynamics. This is the study of the interrelationship of various parts of the mind, personality, or psyche as they relate to mental, emotional, or motivational forces especially at the subconscious level. Also looking at its meaning dynamic (Adjective) 1. (of a person) full of energy, ambition, or new ideas 2. relating to a force of society, history, or the mind that produces a change: the government needs a more dynamic policy towards the poor 3. Physics relating to energy or forces that produce motion [Greek dunamis power] dynamically adv Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006 In all Dynamic is about the Karateka as they develop no matter what their style etc.
  20. I pray for Helio and the Gracie Family and Friends. Helio was definately an Icon in the Jiu Jitsu World and will Definately be missed by all God Bless You Helio Osu!!!
  21. I've had a club for 3 years now I'm in my 4th year I am going for my Nidan in April 09 I still have a few good students and always taking more
  22. All I have a question We all talk about Traditional Karate and that Modern Karate like Sport Karate and Knockdown karate like Ashihara/Enshin and other styles, but this is not a new concept. If we look at Tradtional Karate, when does this come into play - pre 1940's, 1940 to 1960 etc. And when does Modern Karate come into play Post 1950, 1960's 1970's etc. My reasoning is that when did Traditional Karate become Traditional? Was it not concidered as Modern Karate by the then Classical Karateka? How do we class Classical Karate? Is it anything pre 1930's or earlier or is it distinguish by its name ie Naha te, Shuri te Tomari Te or does it go even earlier? I would love to see your views on this and also What would you consider as Classical Kata Traditional Kata Modern Kata Thank you for your comments Osu!
  23. Dan-san Osu!!! (all Knockdown Karateka say this) I agree with Bushido_man, you will need a Letter of introduction to the Dojo Sensei that you'll be Uchi Deshi for. If you go through your Country Organisation or if you get stuck (not too sure where you're from) Try these Links http://www.uskyokushin.com/index.htm http://www.bkk-uk.com/ http://www.kyokushin4life.com/forums/index.php If I was your age I would be an Uchi Deshi for Ashihara karate Osu!!!
  24. Bushido_man96 The reason why I have stated Sparring as the criteria for a Junior blackbelt to get a Senior Blackbelt is that the style I teach is a knockdown style and the junior grades (under 16's) practice a controlled 'touch sparring' regime so they get introduced at 16 to 'controlled' 'adult' sparring (note this is NOT an excuse to beat them up - I do NOT allow any form of bullying in my Dojo) as`they get older they will then get slowly used to fighting in a full contact way the technical aspects of the grades will all be the same just more demonstration of the control of Kime as an adult
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