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Everything posted by getawaytkd

  1. I saw a video of Jet li performing a wu shu form in 1978, he was performing it pretty well, now my question is, if he has been training since then, is he a master in Wu Shu?
  2. X block, twist, punch, ridge hand
  3. he shouldve just ended it after his fall
  4. we always feel a bit of anxeity before big events in our lives, good luck
  5. umm. thanks, good help lol? heres a more detailed description, 1 Raise your legs 2. rotate and twist them fast to one direction 3. With the rotation of the your legs, rotate your body with them 4. Twist over on the other side and land on your feet
  6. i got my black belt in 3,5 years, i went three times a week, i dont understand whats so hard about it, you train hard, practice, it comes faster, u slack off, dont push yourself, it takes longer, im in tae kwon do, and the common rate for black belt is 3-4 years, i see nothing wrong with that, time has nothing to do with it, its all about maturitym disclipline and skill
  7. I know three fancy ways of getting up after falling down, one is a kip up, another is a back flip and landing on your feet, and the last one is... im not quite sure of the name, but its when you stick your feet up and twist them in rotation as theyre rotating your body rotates up and you end up on your feet, anyone know the name of this? or how to do it
  8. obviously hes going to call CTU or something
  9. relax, you'll do fine. I felt the same way with my black belt testing, but half-way thru when i saw how well i was doing i just calmed down and continued. GOOD LUCK!
  10. wow, season finakle was an aweseom show!! cant wait till next season
  11. ok, thanks, ill try the washer idea, hopefully it works
  12. well, im saying its about two sizes too big, so how much would itg shrink, one size?
  13. 3000$ all the way to black belt
  14. What can I do to shrink my uniform a bit and make the shinyness of the new cotton to simmer down?
  15. sorry for your loss
  16. i dont think the chances of that are really high if your keeping it in a safe place =]
  17. lol. thats something that commonly happens to little kids when having a boy instructor for so long
  18. cause i never wash my belts, afraid of them fading in color lol
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