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Everything posted by Shotokan-kez

  1. It's very rare we punish students. Ocassionally my sensei has made the older children do push ups, not very often. He has that aura about him that just makes people behave around him, children and adults lol. On the rare occasion i have had to send children to sit out for five minutes, but generally we don't dish out physical punishment.
  2. Richard...i am taking anti-depressant meds...why would this do more harm than good? On a positive note i managed a class on monday evening. Everyone was very nice and really pleased to have me back. Some knew i had been in hospital but asked no questions, which was great because i find it hard to talk about. I had played squash in the morning for an hour and then went to class for an hour so today (tuesday) i am in a lot of aches and pains in my whole body. I am really pleased with it and i am going again on Wednesday. Thank you everyone for listening to me and answering my post. Kez xx
  3. Jigsaw puzzles, rug making and other crafts...when the kids allow lol I like playing squash on my days off work. I love watching reality tv and i'm a massive fan of prisoner cell block h and Doctor Who. I especially like building lego with my boys...I like historical books and programmes....oooo too much to list lol
  4. I agree Richard...I am sorry but this is just silly!! lol
  5. Hey everyone i didnt know where to put this, please feel free to move it. I have been very ill lately and my training has completely stopped. For those who know me, they would know i gained my 2nd dan in May. Since late August i have been out of training...and i miss it terribly, i haven't been to one single lesson and i just cant bring myself to go. In September i was admitted to the psychiatric unit, after suffering a mental breakdown. I was there for three weeks and diagnosed with depression, generalized anxiety and OCD. I was released and was making a brilliant recovery. But then at the beginning of this month i relapsed and was admitted to hospital again for another 2 weeks. I am back in work now and doing really really great. My medication is working well and home life is good....but there is something missing... MY KARATE! I miss it so much. During these past months of being ill its all i have i have thought about...It's crazy because every single night i have dreams about karate and my dojo. Karate is my life, next to my kids so why cant i go back? I am desperate to go back but i just cant...i often take my gi from my wardrobe and think. Now things are going very well for me i just need this last thing back. Has anyone ever been through a similar thing? What can i do to myself back in the dojo? I even miss my teaching of the kids class, and i believe they have been asking about the missing sensei. It's very sweet of them. Please advise guys! Kez xx
  6. When i take off my belt...i want to put it back on...because i am SO PROUD of it.
  7. "Warrior"...It needs defining. It's a very traditional and old term, a term that is not used very often in modern day. For me i am a martial artist, and in my view a very good one, but i dont class myself as a warrior. I class myself as a karateka that enjoys what i do, in teaching and training alike. If i was put in a situation ouside the dojo where i needed to use my skills, would i call myself a warrior? No i wouldn't, i would just be doing what i know best to defend myself and those around me.
  8. Cheers all for all your comments. I think i will go back to the GP but get a different one in the practice. Thanks again!
  9. Congrats!! Well done! What style are you?
  10. I loved the classic...karate kid. I think the one's after that were a bit of a let down. Best of the Best Fearless Bulletproof monk Savate Bloodsport and Kickboxer
  11. I'm sorry i have no idea. Have you tried google?
  12. I don't see it as disrespectful. Although i do agree that maybe you should wear something over the top and maybe not wear your belt until arriving at the dojo. My only reason for this is for safetys sake.
  13. Hello everyone! Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on this for me. I haven't been around for a while because i have been working a lot of hours. Anyway for a couple of months now i have been experiencing pain in my leg. It's like a dull ache, and it constantly feels like i have a dead leg. It hurts at rest and it also hurts during movement. The pain is around my groin and thigh (front), and sometimes travels down the front of my leg down my shin. The main site of the pain in around the top of my thigh near my groin. This is becoming an issue for me because it's not only affecting my Karate training, im struggling to take the stairs and walking. Even sitting is becoming a problem. I have seen my GP but he just sent me away with a referal for Physiotherapy. He didnt really shed any light on the problem. Can anyone advise or help please? Kez xx
  14. Happy birthday...sorry its late. And happy birthday to your little man Brian!! xxxx
  15. I have never been to one, maybe this should be my next goal, they sound very interesting.
  16. I dont particulary see any harm in it between two consenting adults, however it could be difficult if they split. We have quite a few couples who have met in the dojo.
  17. Hmmm...another difficult one. We have young black belts but never 5. My little boy is 5 and he just starting out. Hard to imagaine a 5 year old having a black belt really
  18. Yep i agree. Brutal and very disturbing. I am shocked, dont know what else to say
  19. Yeah seems like a good idea to have a gym and a dojo, i have seen that loads of times.
  20. Thanks everyone! It's a bit strange really that i can walk into a fight to help someone but i am petrified of the dentist. Or any hospital environment for that matter. I think it's the crunching and cracking that makes me cringe. I have been in pain for four days now, ive been taking solphadol and it's taking the edge off.
  21. Haha thats one way of looking at it Brian It hurts this morning. I can actually put my tongue in the hole! Oh well fill myself up with painkillers again.
  22. This is so true! I once had a friend who was like that. He trains in Aikido and i could never get a word in edgeways! His was always better! I have never thought this the case because i feel if the MA in question is suitable for that person then thats just fab! And i totally agree that any training in such a privilaged art is brilliant!
  23. Hello all! I am terrified. I am going into hospital on Friday for two teeth out. They are my upper left wisdom tooth and the tooth next to it. I am absolutely ashamed of myself for being so scared and i know for a fact that i will give the doctors a hard time. My dentist has already attempted to remove the wisdom but i wouldn't let him. So i have been sent to the hospital to have local anasthetic and IV sedation. I have palpatations just thinking about it. I think because i am having two removed it's heightening my anxiety. Does anyone here suffer with dental phobia? Any GOOD experience of tooth extractions? How long will recovery take. I am having this done on friday but on the sunday i am supposed to be judging a kids comp! Please all i don't want any horror stories i just need reassurance, i am so scared! Kez x
  24. This is a good question. We can all say "we know this one, we know that one" and like another poster said you can learn a kata in a few days. I have just "learnt" kanku-sho, i picked it up in only two classes, but pactised loads at home, but it will take me a VERY long time to be confident enough with it to perform it at events or anything like that. I will probably work on this kata now every class and at home constantly, but then i have to not forget all the kata's below me. I don't think i could ever give a time scale on it, as long as i continue to love kata and learning kata i don't mind.
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