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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Joe Horn has agreed to terms with the Atlanta Falcons. The Ravens are interested in Willis McGahee, and Corey Dillon will be visiting the Bills this week. Jamal Lewis signed with the Browns. I am not sure how that will work out for Lewis. At least Cleveland doesn't have to worry about him rushing for 500 yards per season against them anymore. I thought that Dillon was contemplating retirement, but I guess not.
  2. It will, if you swing it like a baseball bat. Otherwise, you can make very controlled motions with the stick, and use the length to your advantage to keep your butter-knife weilding counterpart at bay.
  3. Sure, you can throw it, but it is just a butter-knife....I don't think it will do much damage. Plus, if you miss, you are weaponless, while the other has the stick.
  4. Nice post. Thanks! I have been known to get a little angry at times. It is just a part of my nature, so instead of fighting it, I use it.
  5. 3-7-07 Today was a decent day of working out, I felt. Conditioning: Sledgehammers: 3x1:30, 1 min rests. Steppers: 3x30 sec, 1 min rests. Jump rope: 3x1 min. Technique work (along with Kicking Class: 6:00 - 7:00): Reverse cable punches in front stance: 50x10, 60x10, 70x10 If anyone has access to a cable pulley weight machine, like the kind you can do cable crossovers with and such, then I highly recommend trying this out. I do a controlled punch forward, at solar plexus level, and then control the motion back to the ribs. I twist my hips into the completion of the technique, and un-twist them as the punch goes back. Really a great feeling. Scissor kick on the floor: 25 each way. 2 steps, then jump and chamber only for scissor kick: 3x5 each side. Jump and chamber only for scissor kick, with no steps: 3x5 each side. Scissor kick, making contact, running between 2 standing bags: 5 each way. Stretch kick: 3x5 each leg. Back leg inside crescent kick: 3x5 each leg. Back leg outside crescent kick: 3x5 each leg. Jumping back leg front kick, followed by round kick with other leg, all in air: 2x5 each way. Jump 360 degree side kick: 3x5 each way. Following all of this, I had a real good stretch. And, I was tired.
  6. Welcome to the Forums. Do you practice Taekwond?
  7. I watched Crank on DVD the other day. It was ok...a little different, though. Not what I expected.
  8. I don't think carrying a 6" stick would be a problem. I have seen articles on the small stick, and it can be of some use.
  9. I'd take the stick as well. Then kick sand in his face, and go to town.
  10. I agree. However, I kind of see this movie beginning and ending with fighting. However, I don't expect any of the 300 to survive.
  11. Very nice, NightOwl! I love your reviews! As for the note on the Bruce Lee film, The Big Boss, that was just a little tidbit that I added. Not that it made the movie good; it was just a tidbit. As for The Drunken Master, I think I own that video. I know that I have seen it, and it is pretty good, for an older movie. Have you seen The Fearless Hyena I and II?? They are ok, too.
  12. I think motor skills practice is what enhances motor skills, no matter your size. Losing weight will make you move a little easier, I imagine, but it shouldn't have much affect on your fine moter skills.
  13. Here is the answer to all 3 of your questions: Go ask a doctor. He will be able to see it, and mess around with it, and take MRIs, etc., to give you a proper answer, as opposed to an educated guess.
  14. For me, it was a sense of accomplishment. Starting out with a goal in mind, and seeing it through. It felt great to achieve that goal, and I still take pride in it. Now, it is different. Although I still cherish the memories, I continue my training, knowing that the black belt is not really the goal, but just another objective to accomplish on the continuous journey that is the Martial Arts.
  15. The ITF was started before the WTF was. The ITF is General Choi's original organization, which might have been called the KTA, the Korean Taekwondo Association. From the reading I have been doing, it looks like the two organizations are in the process of merging in some aspects. It will be a long process, and we will see if it takes or not.
  16. You didn't really list mine, so I went with the closest variation, the spinning hook kick. What I really like is the spinning heel kick.
  17. Actually, the kwons were unified in the '60s when General Choi created Taekwondo, which became the ITF. The WTF came along later, as you mentioned, in the '70s. From what I understand, Kwang Kee did not like the structure of the new "Official Martial Art of Korea" as TKD, and kept his kwon, Tang Soo Do, the way it was. Not all schools of TKD are run like the WTF does it. The ITF and some of the other, smaller organizations of TKD will run things similar to the way TSD schools run. The forms may be different, but the mannerisms of the classes will be similar.
  18. I worked on this kick again tonight. It is getting better. It is just taking some time!
  19. Cross makes a good point. Power is based off of speed and size, techinque, and other factors. You may not be hitting hard because you are not properly following through with your techniques into the targets. When you punch the bag, focus on hitting the spot that is 3 or 4 inches deep into the bag, not the surface of the bag itself.
  20. I think that anger can be a useful factor in a fight. You just have to know how to control yourself when you use it. Sometimes, if you are on the ropes, and in pain, or something of the like, getting angry can push you enough to throw yourself back in there, and give you a little extra. It can also be used as an intimidation factor. I feed off of my anger from time to time.
  21. It may be useless for self-defense, but if it is something that someone likes to do, and enjoys expressing themselves by doing it, then why does it become a bad thing? I know that I cannot do any of the flashy techniques that she can do. However, I can still appreciate that she has the talent and ability to do them. I know that there are a lot of techniques in other arts that could be considered useless, like jump kicks, spinning kicks, and some others. However, they don't receive the scrutiny of the XMA stylists that wish to express themselves in this way.
  22. Just because these methods may be "old" or "traditional", doesn't mean that they are the best methods. Neither does it mean that it is good training.
  23. It is a Taekwondo tournament, fought under the WTF rules. It looked like they were using electronic scoring systems. The rules are points are (supposed) to be given for blows that create body displacement. Kicks to the body and head are allowed, and punches to the body, but not the face. No contact below the belt, or to the back. They do not break for points, and fight 3 2:00 or 3:00 minute rounds. This fight was by some low ranks, from what I could tell technique wise. More experienced fighters will use offensive or defensive strategies, counter fight, etc. At the Olympic level, it is very impressive to watch, and they are very good athletes.
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